The Business Facilitation (Miscellaneous Provision) Act, 2023 (BFA 2023)

26 PAGES (6866 WORDS) Laws / Statutes / Acts Law

The Business Facilitation (Miscellaneous Provision) Act, 2023 (the “Act” or the “BFA 2023”) is a legislative intervention by the Presidential Enabling Business Environment Council, PEBEC, which amends 21 business- related laws, removing bureaucratic constraints to doing business in Nigeria.

An  act to provide for the ease of doing business, ensure transparency, efficiency and productivity in nigeria ; and for related matters.

Section :

1. Objectives.

2. Application.

3. Transparency requirements.

4. Default approvals.

5. One government directive.

6. Service level agreements.

7. Port operations.

8. Registration of businesses.

9. Consequential amendments.

10. Interpretation.

11. Citation.

ENACTED by the National Assembly of the Federal Republic of  Nigeria— 1.—(1) The objectives of this Act are to —

(a)promote the ease of doing business in Nigeria and eliminatebottlenecks ; and

(b)amend relevant legislation to promote the ease of doing business inNigeria and institutionalise all the reforms to ease implementation.


2.  This Act applies throughout the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

3.—(1) Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) of the Federal Government which provides products and services shall publish a complete list of requirements to obtain the products and services.