Mass Communication Study Materials

GST 106- Use of English

The importance of communication to the human experience cannot be over-emphasized. We all need to communicate effectively if it must be understood. The thought of human existence without communication I'd better imagine. Communication is a prerequisite to a normal life. Every day human being is to be heard and understood. We strive to communicate about different aspects of our life of the world around us. The response we get back either verbal or non-verbal is a function of understanding the ...


Concisely, the term mass media simply translates to the modern means of giving news, opinion, education, entertainment and agenda-setting to large numbers of people, especially through radio, television, newspapers, magazines and films. According to Joseph Dominick (2009:36), a medium is the channel through which a message travels from the source to the receiver (medium” as singular, media” is plural). When we talk about mass communication, we also need channels to carry the message. Ther...

MAC 117 - Writing from the Mass Media

The mass media have emerged in contemporary society as one of the powerful institutions for societal change and development. Rationally, the mention of mass media invokes mental pictures of radio, television, newspaper, magazines, e.t.c. They constitute the channels through which information circulates for enlightenment and education of the public. Basically, it means that the mass media writers are in the primary business of information gathering, writing, and dissemination. Uyo (1987:11) po...

MAC 108- Basic Communication skill

The word communication is used to mean speaking or writing or sending a message to another person. Communication is really much more than that. It involves ensuring that your message reaches the target audience and that the receiver understands and responds to the message appropriately. Communication is an important aspect of behaviour; human communication is affected by all factors that influence human behaviour. Communication comes from the Latin word communicare, which means “to make com...

MAC 201- Introduction to Mass Communications and Research

Definitions of research  In the broadest sense of the word, research includes any gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge (Shuttleworth, 2008). Similarly, research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge on the investigation of a particular topic using a variety of reliable, scholarly resources. Some other people consider it as a movement from the known to the unknown; a voyage of discovery. Human beings possess the vital instinct of inquisit...

MAC 110- Introduction to Advertising

Advertising is a powerful communication force, highly visible, and one of the most important tools of marketing communications that helps to sell products, services, ideas and images, etc. Many believe that advertising reflects the needs of the times. One may like it or not but advertisements are everywhere. Advertisements are seen in newspapers, magazines, on television and internet and are heard on radio. The average consumer is exposed to a very large number of advertisements every day, pa...

MAC 201- Theory of Mass Communications

Different scholars have defined communication severally but relying seriously upon their different fields of study. Hence, in communication we have scholars of sociology, psychology, anthropology, linguistics, engineering, mathematics etc defining communication to suit their various purposes. Some of these scholars are: Stevens (1950), who defines communication as:"The discriminatory response of an organism to stimuli From the use of the words – ‘discriminatory’, ‘response’ and...

MAC 332- Advertising Copy and Layout

MAIN CONTENT 3.1 The Advertising Process Just like most other endeavours, advertising is a process that involves different players. Different units contribute its’ quota to achieve advertisements. These units or players as we may call them play individual but vital roles which are linked such that the absence of one affects the entire process or output. These players are the advertisers, the advertising agencies, the suppliers and the media. The Advertiser We can also call them clients; ad...

MAC 201- Principles of Advertising

INTRODUCTION Advertising and Sales Promotion (to be treated as one subject in this course material), is a very wide subject involving quite a number of useful concepts. All these concepts help to explain the concept in a much better way for beginners and practitioners alike. These concepts would be encountered occasionally throughout this course material. It is, therefore, very important that you take the time to study, understand and be able to apply them in your present and future studies....

MAC 212- Modern Means of Communication

Select The Medium The communicator chooses an appropriate channel to carefully and timely convey his information to the receiver. Soola, O (Op cit) explains the rationale for the choice of medium. According to him, “your choice of a medium must be based on your understanding of the audience. Of particular relevance in this regard is whether the receiver is educated or not; whether or not he can read and write, as well as his level of understanding of the language of communication. Other fac...

MAC 214- Introduction to Book Publishing

MAIN CONTENT 3.1 Definition of Book Publishing Though it must be difficult to cultivate a generally accepted definition for publishing, scholars have developed generic terms for the process of producing literary works. Nyeko (1999:1) opines that; it is “the process of producing for dissemination, books, films, computer programs, records, newspapers, periodicals, discs, bulletins, magazines, and other literacy materials.” Contextually, we can conclude that book publishing is a process tha...

MAC 318- Broadcast, Commentary and Critical Writing

Main Content 3.1 Definition of Critical Writing Criticism is an appraisal, evaluation or judgment offered on a piece of art, performance or production- which may be positive, negative or both. Criticism implies a deeper knowledge of the art, performance or production under consideration; it also implies an understanding of the standards of measurement. C. T. Winchester (Wolseley, 1973), one of the classic writers on the subject defines criticism as: “the intelligent appreciation of any work...

MAC 405- Newspaper and Magazine Management

UNIT 1 MEANING AND BRIEF HISTORY OF NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Objectives 3.0 Main Content 3.1 What is a Newspaper? 3.2 What is a Magazine? 3.3 Brief History of Newspapers and Magazines in Nigeria 4.0 Conclusion 5.0 Summary 6.0 Tutor-Marked Assignment 7.0 References /Further Reading MAC 421 ADVANCED NEWSPAPER/MAGAZINE PRODUCTION 76 1.0 INTRODUCTION The media of mass communication are divided into two broad categories - print and electronic media. Newspapers and ...

MAC 419- Media Management

When people hear the term “management” many of them quickly take their minds to the big establishments such as universities like the National Open University of Nigeria; huge multi-national companies like Shell and Chevron; large commercial banks such as First Bank of Nigeria Plc., or the United Bank for Africa, big media organisations like Nigeria Television Authority and Africa Independent Television, etc. Be that as it may, the fact remains that virtually everyone engages in management...

MAC 425- Public Relations in Mass Communications

INTRODUCTION Public Relation Practice is a fourth-year course designed to teach the students the strategic approaches to public relations practice. It is important to first understand public relations concepts before delving into the practice. This beginning unit therefore will expose the students to brief conceptual overview of the meaning and essence of public relations. The motive is to refresh your minds on public relations principles before commencing on in-depth discuss on public relati...