
Engineering Research Papers/Topics

CPE 439: Assembly Language Programming -Lecture Three (x86 Assembly Language Programming)

Introduction to Assembly Language Programming Intel 8086 Microprocessor Assembly Language Programming Modular Programming and Applications to Engineering Problems. 

CPE 439: Assembly Language Programming -Lecture Two (Fundamentals of x86 Assembly Language Programming)

Introduction to Assembly Language Programming Intel 8086 Microprocessor Assembly Language Programming Modular Programming and Applications to Engineering Problems. Instruction format Assembler directives, Instruction set- arithmetic, logical, string, branching, program control, machine control, input/output Introduction to 8086 Microprocessor programming


Introduction to Assembly Language Programming Intel 8086 Microprocessor Assembly Language Programming Modular Programming and Applications to Engineering Problems. MODULE ONE Programming Languages Language level of abstraction and effect on machine Characteristics of machine code Advantages and Justifications of machine code programming Microprocessor Fundamentals Programming in Assembly Language

Computer Engineering 400L Past Questions FUTA

Federal University of Technology Minna FUTA Computer Engineering 400L Past Questions. This covers  CPE 439 Assemby Language Programming CME 412 Digital Signal Processing CPE 415 Computer Hardware System Design I CPE 417 Data Structures and Algorithms CPE 439 Study of Programming Language  CME 413 Communication Engineering Principle CPE 411 Computer Networks I CPE 416 Microcomputer and Microcontroller Systems II CPE 413 Software Engineering II

CME 321 (Data Communications and Networks I) [Lecture 3- Categories of Internetworks]

Categories of Internetworks LAN ( Local Area Network) - Ethernet - Token ring - Token bus - FDDI • MAN ( Metropolitan Area Network) • WAN (Wide Area Network)

CPE 322: Programming of the 8051

Programming of the 8051 Microcontroller-based C Program Pseudocoding with Program Design Language (PDL) PDL structures AT89C2051 Microcontroller based Systems LED BINARY COUNTING SYSTEM LED CHASING SYSTEM

CPE 322: Architecture of the 8051

Architecture of the 8051 Members of the MCS-51 and their features  Basic Features of the 8051 

CPE 322 : Microprocessor and Microcontroller systems I

Micro-Processor Micro-Controller Manufacturing Applications Transportation Applications Seat System/Module Smart Robotics Application Space Exploration Application Medical Applications Defense Applications Sanitation Applications Sports Applications Smart Home Applications Elements of digital computer design Micro-programming of the MicroP/micro C Interfacing the Micro C to analog system and peripherals System development boards Design, construction, programming and testing of microC-based sy...

MCE 316: Analogue Electronics Lecture Note on Operational Amplifier (Op-amp): Lesson 1

Overview of operational Amplifier Basic symbol of the op-amps Inverting and Noninverting Configurations   Ideal Characteristic of operational Amplifier Characteristic of operational Amplifier Application of operational Amplifier

MCE 316: Analogue Electronics lesson 3

Summing Amplifier Differential Amplifier Instrumentation Amplifier Bridge Amplifier

MCE 316: Analogue Electronics. Lesson 1: Overview of Operational Amplifier

Operational Amplifier as an IC op-amps Basic symbol and terminals Operational Amplifier Configurations Ideal Characteristic of operational Amplifier Characteristic of operational Amplifier AC Characteristics of op-amp Application of operational Amplifier

CPE 323: History and Overview of Software Engineering-1

History of Software Engineering An Introduction to SW Engineering What is software? What is software Engineering?  What is the difference between software engineering and computer science? What is the difference between software engineering and system engineering? What is a software process? What is a software process model? What are the costs of software engineering? What are the key challenges facing software engineering? Software Evolution Software Evolution Laws E-Type software evolution...

EMG 321

Complex Number Addition of Complex Numbers  Multiplication of Complex Numbers Subtraction of Complex Numbers Division of Complex Numbers Complex Plane Arithmetical Operation of Complex Numbers Complex Function Limit and Continuity Analyticity Cauchy-Riemann Equation Harmonic Functions Complex Integration Residues Conformal Mapping Partial Differential Equation One-Dimensional Wave Equation-Vibrating String Line and Multiple Integral Applications of Double Integrals Interpolation Linear Inter...


Requirement Specification - [SRS] Purpose of SRS document Need for SRS Requirements Process Problem Analysis Informal Approach to Analysis Data Flow Modeling Data flow diagrams Other Approaches to RA Characteristics of an SRS Components of an SRS Functional Requirements Non-Functional Requirements Performance Requirements Design Constraints External Interface Specification Language Structure of an SRS Types of reader for SRS

31 - 45 Of 62 Results