Sociology Study Materials


The Scientific Nature of Sociology The Relevance of Studying Sociology


Sociology and Anthropology Sociology and Psychology Sociology and Economics Sociology and Political Science History and Development Sociology as a Science The Founding Fathers of Sociology Sociology in Nigeria


1. What year was the 'sociology' coined ________________ 2. Emile Durkheim's primary goal was to get sociology recognized as a ________________ 3. Socius means ________________


Sociology as a Profession Scope of Sociology Nature of Sociology The Significance of Studying Sociology Field and Vocations in Sociology Process in the Sociological Profession Definition of Society Basic Features of Society Conceptualizing Society Evolution of Societies: Classification and Types The Concept of Culture Basic Characteristics of Culture Elements of Culture Socialization and Resocialization Major Types of Socialization Process of Socialization Agents of Socialization Social Insti...


Components of Culture Socialization Theory of Socialization Agents of Socialization Functions of Socialization

SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology

The Origins of Sociology Sociological Perspective Theoretical Paradigms Sociology as Science Steps in Sociological Investigation Social Interaction Social Groups Formal Organizations Culture Socialization: Human Development Understanding the Socialization Process Agents of Socialization Socialization and the Life Course  Social Control and Deviance  The Social Foundations of Deviance Explanations of Crime Social Distribution of Crime: Explanations Social Stratification: Introduction and Sig...

A Sociological Analysis Of Factors Influencing The Use Of Educational Technology In Selected Universities In Ogun State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The integration of technology into the learning process has become critical in contemporary times; this is because virtually every segment of society has been influenced by technology. A comprehension of the factors of the use of technology ought to assist in ensuring the effective utilisation of the facilities in organizations. This usage is a necessary condition for ensuring output efficiency from investments in technology. Technology usage and acceptance is a dynamic area of...

Newer Contributions of Robert K

Robert King Merton (1910-2003) is a self-styled “Durkheimian,” writing very much in the functional tradition. In conceiving of society as a system it becomes natural to see it, like other systems, as composed of parts that are interrelated and whose operations have consequences on the whole. For example, when examining a simple system like the human body it becomes readily apparent that the various organs are interrelated and impact the overall health of the body. So is it with sociocultu...

Critical review of Bronisław Malinowski functionalism

From 1910, Malinowski studied exchange and economics at the London School of Economics (LSE) under Seligman and Westermarck, analysing patterns of exchange in Aboriginal Australia through ethnographic documents. In 1914, he was given a chance to travel to New Guinea accompanying anthropologist R.R. Marett, but as World War I broke out and Malinowski was an Austrian subject, and thereby an enemy of the British commonwealth, he was unable to travel back to England. The Australian government non...

Alfred Reginald Radcliffe

Like nearly all sociologists, anthropologists, philosophers, and social theorists in the twentieth century, Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown (born 17 January 1881 in Birmingham – died 24 October 1955 in London)  spent much of his career describing what his anthropology was not.  Adam Kuper similarly attempts to disentangle the misunderstood Radcliffe-Brown from the true theorist. While the misappropriations of Radcliffe-Brown’s theories are not interesting from the standpoint of the ant...

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