A Study Of Indigenous Medical Knowledge On The Treatment Of Stroke In Chipinge District 1980-2015.


The study analyzed the contribution of IMK in treating stroke since 1980 to 2015 in Chipinge District . The objectives of the study were to locate the importance of IMK in providing primary health care to the rural people . Factors that encourage people to continue using IMK were also uncovered in the study . Different causes of ailments were also discussed in depth in the study and these causes include witchcraft , bad spirits and diseases that are natural those that are caused by natural agents . The study also revealed that people seek the services of traditional healers due to some ailments such as stroke which are believed to be caused by witchcraft and can-not be easily healed , while others in the area IMK it is their only source of seeking medicine as they cannot afford western medicine . An investigation on the challenges that face IMK were also revealed in the study . The researcher used both primary sources and secondary sources to gather information for the study . IMK is relied on in Chipinge District for treatment of stroke and other ailments .