A Web Solution For Entebbe Municipal Council


The purpose ofthe project is to provide a web solution for Entebbe Municipal Council.

The specific objectives were to gather inlbrnmtion required ofthe new system providing

the solution, to analyze the requirements ofthe new proposed system, to design and test a

Website for Entebbe Municipal Council. The tools employed in the methodology of the

study were questionnaires, observation, internet and a camera Content analysis is the

method which was used for analyzing the data gathered. Results were presented in the

form of tablea It was found that the deparunents in the municipal council were Finance

and Planning Department Works and TechnicaL Services Section, Physical Planning

Department, Education Section, Health and Environment Section, Production Section,

Trade Tourism and Industry, Gender and Community Services Section. The municipal

council works towards contributing to poverty reduction tough the provision of

sustainable resources and quality services to the people. The municipal council usually

advertises its jobs in the news papers and some times internally. The major requirement

of the new system is that it should be able to advertise the company name and services

offered. In conclusion the website was designed and it is meant to address the communication problems in the municipal counciL The website was tested using internet explorer web browsers- It was recommended that the municipal council should acquire resources to implement the website.