An Inquiry into the Relationship Between Family Poverty and Poor Academic Performance of Children in Upe Schools a Case Study: Ho Ima District Central Ward.

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ABSTRACT This study was carried out central ward UPI: school lo mquire into the relationship between f'amily poverty and children's poor academic pcrf'ormancc. The problems were lack oi' participation of' parents in children's work, single parents llunily related !'actors, absenteeism, poor nutrition, inadequate text books, and lack ol·community participation. The objective ol' this study was lo determine the extent to which social economic !actors affect the performance 01· pupils in UPI( schools and identify if there is a relationship between family poverty and pcrl'ormancc of' pupils in national exams. The researcher used questionnaire method to obtain in l'ormation, interviews rrom written materials and discussions with the respondents. The key informants were Lhe children, teachers. I lead teachers and inspectors of' schools. It was discovered that Lhe basic problem was as a 1·csull or low social economic status or Lhe l'amilics which involved other 1·clatcd lacto1·s that affected children negatively. The relationship between levels ol' l~tmily poverty, low per capita income and low academic performance in lJPF schools were sti II prominent and 75% ol'thc parents agreed that poverty within families was still high. Recommendations go to all slakcholde1·s in education to work together and implement govcrnmcnl policies Lo improve the education standards .


Table of contents .................. . . .. I 

List of tables ........................ . . ........... IV 

List of figures ................. . ···································! 

Declaration .................... . . ............................... VI 

Approval. ..................................................................................................... vu 

Acknowledgement ....................................................................................... viii 

Dedication............................................. . ............................. 1x 

List of abbreviations........................... . .......................... x 

Abstract...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................................................ x1 

CHAPTER ONE: ................................................................................................ 1 

INTRODUCTION............................................ . ...... ...... . ............... 1 

1.0 Background of the study .............. . . ............ 1 

I. I. Statement of the problem .. . . ....................... 3 

1.2 Hypothesis ................. . . ................. 4 

1.3 Objectives of the study .. . . .... 5 

l .3. l Genera] objectives .. . . ....... 5 

1.3 .2 Specific objectives ........ . . ..... .5 

1.4 The scope of the study .......................... . ····································5 

1.5 Significance of the study ..................... . . .................. 6 

1.6 Conceptual frame work........................... . ......................... 7 

CHAPTER TWO............... . ................................................ 8 

LITERATURE REVIEW... . ..................... 8 

2.0 Concepts ofpoverty... ... ... .. . ... . .. ... ... ... . .. . ............... 8 

2.1 The effects oflow socio economic status on academic performance ...................... 9 

2.2 Communications between school and families ... 

2.3 Teachers' expectation ..... 

2.4 Teacher-pupil interaction ... 

2.5 Other factors affecting child performance ..... . 

2.5.1 Class size ................................... . 

2.5 .2 Treatment of girl child in education ............................................................... 15 

2.5.3 Sleep deprivation .............................................................................. 16 

2.5.4 Affiliation of teachers ............................................................................... 16 

2.5.5 Lack of relevant knowledge and experience ....................................................... 17 

2.2.6 Education background of the parents ...................................................... 17 

2.5.7 Intelligent quotient ............................................................................. 18 

2.6 Strategies to help low income pupils over come their barriers............. . ... I 8 

2. 7 Theories that explain academic gaps...... . . . . ........................ I 9 

2. 7.1 Deficit theory ............... . 

2.7.2 Expectation theory ........... . 

2.7.3 Cultural difference theory .. 

CHAPTER THREE ................. . 



3.1 Study area and population ............................................................................. 21 

3.2 Study design................................. . ................................................... 21 

3.3 Procedure ......................................................................................... 22 

3.4 Research instruments (interviews, questionnaires and observations) ...................... 22 

3 .4.1 Observation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 22 

3.4.2 Unstructured and structured interview ... . ............................ 22 

3.4.3 Library and internet ........ . . ....... 22 

3.4.4 Questionnaires .............. . . ....... 23 

3 .5 Data processing .................... . . ...... 23 

3.6 Data analysis .......................... . . ................ 23 

CHAPTER FOUR. .......... . . .. 24 

PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF FINDfNGS .... . ...... ·····• ............... 24 

4.0 Introduction ...................................... . . ........................... 24 

4.1 Factors hindering academic performance of children in UPE schools ...................... 24 

4.1. lLow household income .......................................................................................... 24 

4.1.2 Absenteeism...................... . ..................... 25 

4.1.3 Lack of health foods in the diet ...... . . .......................... 25 

4.1.4 Lack of parents' involvement in children's work .................................................. 27 

4.1.5 Parents' education background .................. 28 

4.1.6 Pupil's misbehavior.................... . ..................................................... 29 

4.2 Other performance factors ....................................................................................... 29 

4.2.1 Gender and achievement.. ..................................................................................... 29 

4.3 Factors affecting UPE child performance other than family poverty ........................ 31 

4 .3. 1 Lack of trained teachers ........................................................................................ 31 

4.3.3 Children from one parent family ........................................................................... 37 

4.3.4 Big numbers /big class size ................................................................................... 39 

CHAPTER FIVE ......................................................................................................... 41 


5.0 Introduction .................................. . 

5.1 Summary of findings and their relevancy ....... . 

5.2 Recommendations ................................ . 

5 .3 Conclusions ...................... . 

GLOSSARY .............................. . 

Definition of selected concepts ........ . 

BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................... 50 

APPENDIX l: Questionnaire for children ...................................................................... 52 

Appendix II: Questionnaire II for teachers ..................................................................... 54 

Appendix III: Questionnaire for head teachers ............................................................... 57 

Appendix IV: Questionnaire for inspectors .................................................................... 59 

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