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Hypertension is one of the leading causes of cardiovascular diseases and premature mortality in the world. It is also a leading cause of death and disability causing 13.5% of the world’s premature death and 6% disability. Hypertension is commonly seen amongst sedentary workers like bank employees. In Ghana, it is common knowledge that most people are not even aware of their blood pressure, hence their inability to monitor and control it. The purpose of this study was to assess work-related hypertension among Bank staff in Accra. A cross-sectional study was conducted that looked at the relationship between work schedule and hypertension, assessed the levels of physical activity among the bank employees and determined the level of knowledge on diet and its effects on health among the staff. The data for this study was collected using a questionnaire on demography, dietary knowledge, physical activities, work schedule and alcohol consumption. Respondents Body Mass Index (BMI) and Blood Cholesterol levels were also checked. One was considered Hypertensive if he or she has been so previously diagnosed and is on treatment or the blood pressure (BP) is greater than 140/90 mmHg on two different occasions. The BP readings were taken while seated or at rest with the use of a mercury sphygmomanometer. The study consisted of 150 participants (hypertension=57; non-hypertension=93) with 100 males and 50 females. The results of the study showed a 38% prevalence of hypertension among respondents. The study also found a significant difference in the level of knowledge of diet on health among respondents who were hypertensive. There was a significant association between education and hypertension prevalence at a significance level of p = 0.05. Out of the 57 respondents who are hypertensive, almost 95% of them have tertiary education. Similarly, a significant association was reported between the cholesterol levels and hypertension of respondents


(p = 0.001) and the BMI and hypertension (p = 0.001) respectively. However, the present study did not find any significant relationship between work schedule and hypertension. Also, no significant difference was found between hypertension respondents and non-hypertension respondents on physical activities. Hypertension is a real health hazard especially among professional workers. The study observed an association between poor diet (cholesterol and BMI) and hypertension among respondents. The prevalence of 38% found among respondents indicates that hypertension is a major health problem that requires not only medication but also regular education for its prevention and control.

Keywords: Body Mass Index, Blood Pressure, Work Related Hypertension

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