Brief history of libraries; Library and education

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Course Requirements, Grading, & ASSESSMENT: Students will earn a passing grade upon successful completion of the following 1. Weekly lectures 5 points. To earn full points for this learning activity you need to attend weekly classes 2. Weekly readings and summary of the readings 5 points. Submission deadline for this learning activity is every Monday by 06:00am 3. Weekly reflective journal entry 7 points. Submission deadline for this learning activity is every Sunday by 10:000pm 4. Weekly discussion 5 points. Submission deadline for this learning activity is every Friday by 03:00 pm 5. Individual project 1 (5 points). Submission deadline for this learning activity is December 5, 2022 not later than 04:00pm 6. Individual project 2 (guidelines to be provided later) 3 points. Submission deadline for this project is November 2, 2022 not later than 04:00pm 7. Summary on Complete Use of Library, Study Skill, ICT course (guidelines to be provided later) 5 points 8. Mid- semester exam 10 points (Test) 9. Final exam 50 points (over 70) 10. Attendance 5 points

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