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African cities reveal aspects of the waste-management challenges such as uncontrolled garbage, roadsides littered with refuse and streams blocked with junk. Solid wastes pose significant threats to public health and the environment if they are not stored, collected and disposed of properly. The perception of solid waste as an unwanted material with no intrinsic value has dominated attitudes towards disposal. The study investigated the waste disposal practices and perceptions of people towards domestic waste management in Madina of the Ga East municipality. The study used the mix method approached that is, quantitative and qualitative methods. A total of 364 respondents were interviewed in the quantitative survey whereas six key informants were interview for the qualitative data. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS version 16. Descriptive statistics were run to generate frequencies, percentages and cross tabulations. For qualitative data, recorded interviews were transcribed, coded and analyzed manually.

Results from the study revealed from the multiple responses, food debris constituted 93.1%, whereas plastic waste constituted 77.8% as the highest solid waste generated by households. Most of these waste products were lumped together in uncovered plastic bin. It was deduced that 61% of the households disposed their waste at the community bins or the waste is pick at their homes by private contractors. The remaining 39% disposed their waste in gutters, streets, hole and in nearby bushes. Of those who are using the paid service of private contractors, 62.9% are not satisfied with the services because of cost and irregular collection. About 83% of the respondents are aware that improper waste management contributes to disease causation; furthermore they see the management of solid waste as the responsibility of children. With proper public education, provision of more communal dust bins couple with motivated staff who will monitor the functions of private contractors‟ in the municipality could help in protecting the public from diseases and minimized financial contained on the authorities.

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