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ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to assess the customer service practices in United Bank of Africa (UBA) using Tanoso Branch as a case study. A survey was used to gather information from a sample of 100 individuals analysed into 20 staff and 80 customers of UBA bank. The researcher used convenience sampling strategy to select members to be included in the sample frame. And collected primary data for the study through questionnaires and interviews. From the study, a link between satisfaction level and service quality can be established that, customers’ satisfaction is influenced by the level of total service quality thereby influencing their loyalty to the business. The higher the service quality, the higher the satisfaction level and hence the more customers become loyal to the business. The researcher hence concluded that, was important that critical attention is given to customer service as an important strategy at ensuring growth. Banks were urged to provide loyalty programs in order to attract and retain more customers. Management should show much concern about the complaints made by customers about the technological system failure. Since quality is not stable and is always changing according to the different needs of customers, management should make conscious effort to improve and enhance the quality of products and services to meet the satisfaction of customers by engaging in more research work. Further, it was recommended that banks should use more customer satisfaction measurement tools such e- mail , telephone, oneon-one interviews and suggestion boxes, among others, to solicit the opinions, views and comments of customers on their products and services delivery effectively and efficient. 

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