Deposits and Profitability in Kenya Commercial Bank, Rwanda

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Declaration A ii

Declaration B iii

Approval Sheet iv

Dedication v

Acknowledgments vi

Table of Contents vii

LIst of Tables x

Abstract xi



ONE The Problem and its Scope 1

Background of the study 1

Statement of the problem 2

Purpose of the study 3

Objectives of the Study 3

Specific objective 3

Research Questions 3

Null hypothesis 4

Scope of the study 4

GeographicalScope 4

Content Scope 4

Time scope 5

Significance of the study 5

Operational Definitions of key Terms 5

Two Review of Related Literature 7

Concepts, Opinions, Ideas from Authors/Experts

Deposit 7

Theoretical Perspectives 11


Related Studies 11

THREE Methodology 24

Research Design 24

Research Population 24

Sample Size 24

Sampling Procedures 25

Research Instrument 25

Validity and Reliability of the Instruments 25

Data Gathering Procedures 26

Data Analysis 27

Ethical Considerations 28

Limitations of the Study 28

Four Presentation, Analysis And Interpretation Of Results


Introduction 30

Level of Bank deposits 32

Level of Loan profitability 34

Significant relationship between Bank deposits and

Loan profitability in Kenya Commercial Bank of

Rwanda 37

Five Summary, Conclusion And Recommendations 39

Findings 39

Conclusions 40

Recommendations 40

Areas for Further Research 41

References 42

Appendix IA - Transmittal Letter 46 

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