Comorbidity of Autism and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (Draft Informative Essay)

4 PAGES (1363 WORDS) Psychology Article/Essay

The purpose of this paper is to inform others of how DMDD can go hand in hand with ASD, and what signs to look for, as DMDD is as I said a fairly new diagnosis. It is an important subject to me as my son is diagnosed on the spectrum and until recently with DMDD as well as PTSD. According to Haruvi-Lamdan, Horesh, Zohar, Kraus, and Golan (2020) although PTSD has not been widely studied as a co-occurrence with autism a study was done with 25 adults with ASD and 25 adults without in regards to social and non-social events. Adults with ASD ranked 32% and adults without was 4% with PTSD in social and non-social settings. Children and adults with ASD are more vulnerable to trauma than those without ASD, which shows that PTSD should be more closely looked at as a co-occurrence with ASD (Haruvi-Lamdan et al., 2020). Since PTSD has not been researched enough as a co-occurrence in ASD I will not talk about the two as co-occurring diseases.