Effects Of Spatial Organisation On Enviromi~Nt In Homa Bay District Ny Anza Pro Vice Kenya

The research finding concludes that spatial organization has brought far more negative impact on environment due to inadequate rainfall. increased population. and increased need for raw materials hy 1he i11tl11s1ri,·s '""I poli,·y 1•.11ickli11es 011 hm,· ihc·sc· el'li:els e;in he· clT,·c·tiwl,• lacklccl. It then recornrncncls that the government should pro'ide more incen11,·cs like i'unds to tackle the different forms or pollution. The a,·erage population also needs to be educated on the basic environmental management technique's. Stakeholders should also draft new policy guidelines while implementing the existing ones to control the effects or spatial organi1,ation on cn·ironmcnt.