Employee Work Empowerment as Predictor of Role Innovation and Organizational Trust


The study investigated the role of Employee empowerment on organizational

trust and role innovation among 272 employees drawn from the University of

Nigeria, Nsukka. Organization trust was assessed with 32-item scale that

addresses five dimensions of trust built from Mishra’s (1996) model for

organizational trust, while employee work empowerment was assessed with

12-item empowerment scale developed and validated by Spreitizer (1995).

Role innovation was measured with 6-item scale originally developed by west

(1987). Results showed that employee work empowerment positively predicted

organizational trust (B=.27,P .01)., while it negatively predicted role

innovation (B=-. 15,P .05). The findings and implications were discussed

based on the theoretical and empirical background and in relation to Nigeria

socio- economic realities. Limitations of the study were highlighted andsuggestions made for further research