
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Potentials of Spices Diet-Derived Polyphenols in Modulating the Self- Renewal of Stem Cells

Abstract Over many centuries, spices have been and are globally utilized in foods and drinks, as well as in pharmaceuticals industries. Spices are rich in health-beneficial chemical constituents that include diet- derived polyphenols, terpenes, polysaccharides, lipids, organic acids, and raw fibres. Stem cells can self- renew and differentiate into major cell types. However, malignant stem cells can invade and kill nearby tissue as well as spread to other body parts through the blood and ...

Morphological Characterization and Yield of Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) Types Grown in Morogoro District, Tanzania

Abstract Background: Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is among key spice crops grown in Morogoro district of Tanzania. Most of the pepper types grown in the district are only known by their local names as Babu kubwa, Babu ndogo, Babu kati and Ismailia. This may limit information on germplasm collection or genetic resource for plant improvement and trade in markets with variety specifications. The aim of this study was to generate preliminary information of the pepper types based on their morpholo...

Establishment of the Causal Agent(s) of Spike Shedding and Stem Wilting of Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) in Morogoro District, Tanzania

Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) serves as a source of income to smallholder spice farmers in Morogoro district of Tanzania. Recently, spike shedding and stem wilting of pepper plants were reported to cause about 30% yield loss of the crop. 'is study was undertaken to identify the causal agent(s) of the problems. 'ree pepper gardens in each of the four hamlets (Nyange, Doga, Tandai, and Lukenge) in Tandai village (Kinole ward) were surveyed, and plant tissue and soil samples were collected for la...

Extent of Spike Shedding and Stem Wilting of Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) in Morogoro District, Tanzania

Abstract Background: Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is an important spice produced by small-scale farmers in Morogoro district of Tanzania for both local and export markets. Recently, farmers have reported a decline in crop productivity due to spike shedding and stem wilting of pepper plants. The study was conducted to obtain baseline information on the extent of the disorders. Methods: An altitudinal transect survey was conducted in Morogoro district from October to November 2018. Data were co...

A Review Of Opportunities And Challenges In Conservation And Use Of Medicinal And Aromatic Plants in Nigeria.

Nature deposited in Nigeria several beneficial plant materials especially medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) for the treatment of ailments through herbal preparations, and for other culinary, traditional, medical and pharmaceutical uses. Preparation of natural medicine and production of herbal remedies by use of MAPs have proved to be a great alternative to the substandard production, cost and inaccessibility of synthetic orthodox medicines to rural dwellers. Despite the opportunities, ther...

Malikwu Integrated Agro Services Business Plan for 150 Fattened Pigs

Here is a Business Plan on Pig Fattening. The aim of the project is to raise 150 weaned piglets from 8 to 10 weeks of age to 16 to 18 weeks. The animals will be raised on one type of house and be sold after attaining a live weight of 25kg, with an average carcass weight of 20kg. Table of Contents  Introduction   Product Market Management Team  Financial Plan  Objective  Keys to Success  Chart: Highlights   2.0 COMPANY SUMMARY  2.1 Company Ownership  2.2 Set-up Summary  3.0 PRODUCTS...

Hamda Dynamic Solution Business Plan for 6,000 broilers

Here is a Business plan/proposal for 6,000 broilers. It was a prepared for HAMDA DYNAMIC SOLUTION, an Agribusiness centered on production of 6 weeks broiler chickens to be distributed to Off-takers who would later process this to frozen chicken to be sold to the end users.  TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction Product Market Management Team1 Financial Plan Objective Keys to Success Chart: Highlights 2.0 COMPANY SUMMARY 2.1 Company Ownership 2.2 Set-up Summary 3.0 PRODUCTS 4.0 MARKET SUMMARY 4.1 Ma...

Hepzagon Farm Business Plan for Maize Production

Here is a Project on Maize production. The project was centered on two aspects, Dry Maize Production and Wet Maize Production.  Table of Contents  Introduction  Product  Market   Management Team   Financial Plan Objectives Keys to Success Chart: Highlights 2.0 COMPANY SUMMARY   2.1 Company Ownership   2.2 Start-up Summary 3.0 PRODUCTS   4.0 MARKET SUMMARY  4.1 Market Segmentation   4.2 Target Market Segment Strategy  4.4 Competition and Buying Patterns  5.0 STRATEGY AND IMPLE...

Design and Implementation of a Supply Chain Management Software for Poultry Farming

Abstract Supply chains have become a key player to any business activity that revolves around serving of goods to customers. The poultry sector is no stranger to the applications of supply chains and its impact in delivering value when done right. Technology has been a major driving force in the advancement of supply chains in relation to the building of supply chain management software for private companies looking to enhance their supply chains. The objective of this project is to develop a...

Comparative Study of the Biochemical Properties of the Fruits of Wild (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium Jusl. (Mill.)) and the Cultivated (L. esculentum Mill.) Tomato Cultivars in Nigeria

Abstract Thefruitsofthreecultivarsofthecultivatedtomato (Lycopersiconesculentum)andthewildspecies (L.pimpinellifolium)wereanalysed andcompared fortheirbiochemicalproperties. Ripefruitsat theorange-redstagewereusedforall theanalyses.Both thecultivated andthewildtomatospeciesshowedhighmoisturecontents. Thewildtomatocultivarhadahighercrudeproteincontentandquantitatively represents thebettersourceofproteinintakewhencomparedwith thecultivatedcultivars. Thecrude fibrecontent washighestin L. es...


Abstract Over the years, expenditures of public and private sectors are regulated by the activities in the oil and gas industry. The budget of Nigeria is hinged on the international price of crude oil and any shock on oil price affects the general activities in the country. With quarterly data from the period of 1981Q1 to 2020Q2, the study uses an exponential generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity approach to examine oil price volatility and inflation level in Nigeria. An ...

Economic Analysis of Pig Production in Biase Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria

Introduction Agriculture is a crucial sector that provides employment opportunities for majority of Nigerian, and is responsible for more than one-third of the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP), FAO (2012); Adetunji and Adeyemo, (2012) and Finlutell, 2013). The livestock sector is also crucial to the national economics development as it is the main supplier of the highly essential animal protein (Timidayo 2017, Ogbu, 2010). The livestock sector is also crucial to the national economics dev...

Analysis Of The Impact Of Physical And Social Capital Asset Holdings On Poverty Among Farm Households In Nigeria

ABSTRACTThe study was conducted to analyze the impact of physical and social capital asset holdings on poverty among farm households in Nigeria as a contribution towards finding a panacea to the poverty plague in the agricultural sector. The study used secondary data obtained from the Nigeria living Standard Survey data conducted in 2003/2004. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Forster-Greer- Thorbeck poverty measures and Propensity score matching. Results showed that 90% of the...

Have Actions Taken to Control Fall ArmyWorm Reduced the Economic Cost Experienced in Ghana?

Summary The rapid spread of the invasive crop pest, the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), across Africa in recent years has attracted considerable interest, especially the effect on maize farmers. The purpose of this study is to understandandassess the economic costs of the fall armyworm invasionin Ghana under different control scenarios.  Three different scenarios are modelled: one with no farmer applied control measures, one with limited control measures and one with proactive control...

The Effects of Soil Degradation to Sustainable Agriculture in Chongwe District, Zambia

The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of land degradation on agricultural land use, planning and management in chongwe, Zambia and specifically determined farmers’ considerations of land suitability for selected types of agricultural land uses in varying cropping zones, investigated farmers’ local environmental knowledge of land degradation indicators and finally documented farmers’ land management strategies and practices for soil and sustainable Agricultural conservatio...

1606 - 1620 Of 4613 Results