
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Influence Of Nutritional Metabolites And Hormonal Profiles On Reproductive Performance Of Lactating Cows

ABSTRACT Nutrition influences postpartum ovarian activity but the effects of pre and postpartum feeding on metabolte and hormonal changes and their subsequent influence on reproductive performance remains unclear. This study attempted to explain effects of nutrition on these changes and their ultimate impact on reproductive performance of lactating cows. Forty in-calf cows comprising 20 Friesians and 20 Sahiwals were randomly assigned to 5 dietary groups of 4 cows per breed. Upon calving, cow...

Effects Of Soil Moisture Regimes, Planting Density And Intercropping On Growth And Yield Of Selected Soybean Cultivars In Kenya

Soybean [Glycine max (L) Merrill] yields in Kenya range from 445-1200 kg ha -1 against potential yields of 3500 kg ha -1 . The low yields are attributed to soil moisture stress and use of poor agronomic practices. The objectives of the study were to determine effect of soil moisture regimes on CO2 assimilation, growth and yield of selected soybean cultivars; to determine effect of planting density on yield and yield components of soybean and to determine effect of soybean and maize i...

Selected Factors Influencing Sustainability Of Cereal Banks Among Maize Farmer Groups In Kimilili Sub-county, Kenya

Cereal banks in Kenya were started by Government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other civil society with the aim of enhancing local food security, improving incomes and livelihoods for maize farmers through collective marketing. Despite efforts of establishing them, majority have collapsed once outside support is withdrawn. Generally it is known that farmer organizations including cereal banks tend to collapse if there is no participation in group activities, poor group manag...

Economic Analysis Of Spatial Integration Of Pulses Market: A Case Of Selected Pulse Markets In Ethiopia

Small import-dependent countries in the world, especially in Africa, are deeply affected by the food insecurity and economic crises. To solve this problem, the Government of Ethiopia has adopted a different strategy in agricultural sector by focusing on how to increase the volume of production. However, marketing aspect has been given less attention. In order to improve the market efficiency, significant numbers of empirical studies have been conducted on market integration but they focus...

Management Of Genetic Diversity In Sahiwal Cattle Breed In Kenya

ABSTRACT The Sahiwal population in Kenya, which is bred under a closed nucleus, is faced with declining effective population size over the years and rate of inbreeding per generation >1% beyond which it should not exceed for a population to maintain its long-term fitness and viability. This study estimated gene origin statistics, Wright’s F-statistics, current and future rates of inbreeding, coancestry and effective population size and genetic gain in lactation milk yield at predetermined r...

Selected Socio-economic Factors Influencing Access To Agricultural Extension Services Among Pastoralists In Wajir County, Kenya

Agricultural extension services play an important role in boosting agricultural productivity worldwide. Despite concerted efforts by pastoralists in Wajir County to access agriculturalextension services delivered by agricultural public service providers, Non-Governmental  Organizations (NGOs) and private extension agents, the access to these services is inadequate. This has led to low levels of agricultural productivity, ultimately leading to high levels of poverty and food insecurity in...

Genetic Analysis Of Longevity And Performance Traits Of Sahiwal Cattle In Kenya

Genetic and phenotypic parameters for longevity, genetic relationship between longevity and growth, milk yield and fertility traits and rate of inbreeding were estimated for Sahiwal cattle in Kenya. The aim was to assess the genetic diversity and inbreeding depression for performance traits. Data utilized were for cows born between 1972 and 2004 and with milk production records between 1976 and 2008. Measures of longevity related to productive life were: time between birth (Long_1) or fi...

Ex-Ante Evaluation Of Economic And Environmental Effects Of Using Precooked Bean Products By Schools In Rwanda

ABSTRACT Food security is a major concern of the world, especially among the poor in developing countries. Pulses, including dry beans, play a crucial role in ensuring food security, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa where over 200 million people depend on beans as part of their main diet. In Rwanda, dry beans are an important staple food and constitute the primary source of protein for about 90% of Rwandan households. Unfortunately, dry beans are a slow-cooking food, requiring a lot of time...


The potential of sorghum to meet food, feed and farm income needs of smallholder farmers in arid areas of Kenya relies on the identification and cultivation of appropriate varieties. Sorghum cultivation for food grain and quality fodder from the same crop is not well established among varieties in Kenya. The fodder– cum–grain yield potential of important varieties required to be identified to enable farmers in semi-arid areas to select appropriate varieties and crop management progra...

Evaluation Of The Impact Of Backyard Gardens On Household Incomes In Southern District, Botswana

ABSTRACT Botswana is classified as an upper middle income country and despite having attained such economic growth, the country still faces socio-economic challenges such as poverty. The current poverty rate is 20.7% while rural poverty is 24.7% which is relatively higher for an upper middle income country. In order to address this problem, the government introduced the Poverty Eradication Programme. This study therefore, sought to assess the income, expenditure and consumption dimensions of ...

Contribution Of On-farm Diversification To Incomes Of Smallholder Farmers In Konoin District, Bomet County

Farm diversification is considered an optimal farm plan decision for mitigatingvarying degrees of risks and uncertainties which surround agricultural production, and also has a benefit of stabilizing or increasing income. Diversified agriculture is widely practicedin Konoin district but smallholder farmers earn low incomes asevidenced by poor living standards amongst the smallholders. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the role of on-farm diversification in poverty alleviation amon...

An Analysis Of Determinants Of Market Participation Among Smallholder Common Bean Farmers In Rwanda, A Gendered Approach

ABSTRACT The agriculture sector supports the livelihoods of the majority of the population in Rwanda. Currently, the sector is dominated by smallholder farmers most of whom are women. In order to modernize and transform agriculture to market orientation, the government has put in place agriculture sector development programs for instance the Crop Intensification Program. One of the targeted crops in the program is the common bean. Nearly all households in Rwanda produce the common bean. Thoug...

Effect Of Integrating Chicken Manure And Nitrogen Fertilizer On Nutrient Uptake, Growth And Yield Of Hybrid Maize (Zea Mays L.) In Malawi

The use of mineral and organic fertilizer to produce maize in Malawi is essential to ensure high yields, due to a decline in soil fertility. Smallholder farmers however, apply sub-optimalamounts of inorganic fertilizers to produce maize due to high prices. The objective of the  study was to evaluate effect of integrating chicken manure and mineral fertilizer on nitrogen uptake, growth and yield of hybrid maize in Malawi as a low cost measure. Field experiments were done in Lilongwe and Z...

Evaluation Of The Nutritive Value Of Selected Indigenous Tree Browses As Feed For Ruminant Livestock In South Sudan

ABSTRACT In South Sudan livestock is an important source of livelihood however, animal productivity is very low due to lack of adequate feed particularly in dry season. In this study five objectives were carried out. In objective 1, a questionnaire survey was conducted amongst livestock keepers and generally 25 most commonly browsed species were identified. The study indicate that, there is a wide range and diversity of browse species that could serve as important livestock feed. The study ev...

The Relationship Between Choice Of Farm Enterprises And Food Security Among Households Living Along Kerio Valley, Tambach Ward, Elgeyo-Marakwet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Arid and Semi-Arid Lands are faced with environmental challenges which affect the productivity of their agricultural enterprises and consequently the level of food security and livelihoods of people. Tambach Ward in Kerio Valley of Elgeyo-Marakwet County is an ASAL area and Households living face similar challenges. The major farm enterprises practiced are maize, Drought-tolerant crops and livestock. Despite the support provided to households by Government and Non-Governmental Organi...

2116 - 2130 Of 4653 Results