
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Agro-morphological characterization of horned melon (Cucumis metuliferus) accessions from selected agro-ecological zones in Kenya

Abstract Morphological characterization of genotypes is fundamental in providing information on their genetic status to guide on their conservation and improvement. The objective of this study was to determine agro-morphological diversity within horned melon in Kenya. The study was carried out in two seasons at the University of Embu in Kenya. The study characterized 19 horned melon accessions collected from different agro-ecological zones in Eastern, Central and Western regions in Kenya. Th...

Impact of low-cost management techniques on population dynamics of plant-parasitic nematodes in sweet potato

Abstract Sweet potato is an important food security crop but its production is limited by various biotic constraints including plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN). In Kenya, current PPN management practices in sweet potato have several limitations hence the need for alternative low-cost management strategies. This study evaluated the impact of intercropping maize and sweet potato (MS) and application of Tithonia diversifolia (MG), cow (CM) and goat manure (GM) on population dynamics of PPN and t...

Effect of Institutional and Farmer Based Climate Change Adaptation Measures on Crop Production in Mavuria Ward, Mbeere South Sub-county, Embu County, Kenya

Abstract Africa is under pressure from climate stresses and is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. In Kenya, agriculture is the backbone of the economy making it an important contributor to food security of rural households. Currently crop productivity is being affected by continued climate variations and decline in soil fertility. Adaptation to climate change requires to be given high and urgent priority for sustainable crop production. A study was conducted in Mavuria ward,...

Root and soil health management approaches for control of plant-parasitic nematodes in sub-Saharan Africa

Abstract Smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) face several challenges that include pests and diseases. Plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) reduce crop yields and affect their quality. They are an emerging threat to smallholder agriculture with several species attacking economically important crops. In SSA, most PPN control strategies are therapeutic and therefore unsustainable. Cost-effective nematode management strategies that promote soil health and enhance soil suppressiveness agai...

From Policy to Practice: An Assessment of Biosecurity Practices in Cattle, Sheep and Goats Production, Marketing and Slaughter in Baringo County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Globally, biosecurity is instrumental in prevention, control and management of livestock dis- eases and protection of human health. It is defined, prescribed, adopted and enforced through global, regional and national frameworks, laws, policies and strategies. There is more biosecurity practice research conducted in developed countries than developing ones. Consequently, the gap between the ideals recommended in biosecurity frameworks and what is practical in under-resou...

Presence of Metals in Farmland Edible Termites in Mazabuka District, Zambia

Abstract/Overview Edible termites have played an important role in the history of human nutrition due to their nutritional value. Despite their nutritional body content, it is known that during their termitarium construction, termites accumulate metals in their bodies. This study examined the heavy metal content in selected edible termites for food safety. The household survey was carried out in 8 camps of Magoye and Stateland farming blocks in Mazabuka district. The study was done to det...

Growth Performance of The Huntsman Spider (Spariolenus Aratta) Based on Different Feed Sources

Abstract/Overview Spiders, though not heavily researched, hold the possible key to new and innovative development, by not only being a source of biological control for farmers aiding in the reduction in the use of pesticides and insecticides on farms. But also, by playing a role in food security. However, in spite of this potential, arachnids (spiders) have not been traditionally included into the formal scientific education as a feed source despite their abundance, familiarity and ease o...

Integrating Temperature-Dependent Life Table Data into Insect Life Cycle Model for Predicting the Potential Distribution of Scapsipedus Icipe Hugel & Tanga

Abstract/Overview Scapsipedus icipe Hugel and Tanga (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) is a newly described edible cricket species. Although, there is substantial interest in mass production of S. icipe for human food and animal feed, no information exists on the impact of temperature on their bionomics. Temperature-dependent development, survival, reproductive and life table parameters of S. icipe was generated and integrated into advanced Insect Life Cycle Modeling software to describe relative S....

Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Selected Soil Fertility Management Practices in Humic Nitisols of Upper Eastern Kenya

Abstract/Overview We quantified the soil carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) fluxes of five soil fertility management practices (inorganic fertilizer (Mf), maize residue + inorganic fertilizer (RMf), maize residue + inorganic fertilizer + goat manure (RMfM), maize residue + tithonia diversifolia + goat manure (RTiM), and a control (CtC)) in Kenya’s central highlands using a static chamber method from March 2019 to March 2020. The cumulative annual soil CH4 uptak...

Application of Artificial Intelligence and Time Series Analysis On Structure and Trends Of Ex-Vessel Fish Value of Selected Species in Lake Victoria (Kenya)

Abstract/Overview A number of logistic, financial and administrative challenges make it difficult collect adequate and suitable data in order to apply classical fisheries management strategies. Consequently, the more data intensive classical fisheries biological and economic (bio-economic) models do not provide adequate and reliable analytical results for fisheries management. Alternative models are required to deal with the data poor situations in Lake Victoria but also to provide a robu...

Determinants of Credit Access among Smallholder Dairy Farmers in Kinangop Sub-County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Dairy farming plays a major role in the Kenyan agricultural sector as it is dominated by smallholder farmers who contribute approximately 80 per cent of the total milk production. In Kinangop Sub County, there are many credit service providers however, not all smallholder dairy farmers have benefited from such services, instead smallholder dairy farmers have continued to experience challenges such as limited access to financial services. This study therefore analyzed the...

Influence of Farmer Characteristics on the Production of Groundnuts, a Case of Ndhiwa Sub County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.) is a major annual oilseed crop and its economic and nutritive quality makes the crop a beneficial enterprise for rural farmers in Ndhiwa Sub-County. Researchers have recommended adoption of technology and increased contact with extension agents as one way of increasing production but productivity remains low. Crop productivity or yield is a function of environment, plant, management and socio economic factors that interact at optimum levels...

Assessment of tree species distribution and diversity in the major urban green spaces of Nairobi city, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Plant composition of urban green spaces is an important component of urban ecosystem as it influences the provision of many environmental and social services that contribute to the quality life. In Nairobi, a few remnants of continuous highland forest exist but they are under increasing pressure from the rapidly changing surrounding landscape. The plant composition is being altered by human encroachment and other related activities. The status of the current plant compos...

Analysis of Agricultural Extension Service Agents Information Sources and Sorghum Production in Bondo Sub County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Developing countries are facing major challenges today with regard to food security because of changes in land use, coupled with population pressure and adverse weather conditions. Kenya government has responded to this by ensuring that farmers are given relevant information on farming through various sources such as availing information from research institutions, formal training, agricultural extension service agents, and media services through television and radio and...

Trophic state indices and Phytoplankton quotients for the Kisumu bay, Lake Victoria

Abstract/Overview This study aimed at estimating the Phytoplankton quotients; Bay, and to determine eutrophic levels of the bay. The study was conducted from April 2009 to April 2010. Nutrients and phytoplankton analyses were determined by spectrophotometric and microscopic techniques, respectively. Significantly higher (p

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