
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Farmers’ Training And Its Influence On Adoption Of Improved Dairy Husbandry Practices In Arumeru District

ABSTRACT Farmers’ training is intended at promoting uptake of knowledge and skills, changing of attitudes and making farmers achieve their aspirations. When improved husbandry practices are systematically and effectively delivered, farmers’ training is known to enhance adoption of improved husbandry practices and finally social and economic development. This study was conducted to assess the influence of farmers’ training on enhancing adoption of the improved dairy husbandry practices ...

Fish Nutrition and the Economic Way to Feed Fish

BACKGROUND The aim of most farmers has always been to 1 maximize their gains and break even within the shortest possible period. However, no healthy animal can develop optimally without being adequately well fed. Fish are normally fed collectively without special monitoring of individual fish feeding behaviour or agility. Thus, it must be ensured that an adequate quantity of feed is served periodically without (much) wastage. Feed may be served based on an estimated fish biomass (total body w...

Contribution Of Tourism In Improving The Livelihoods Of The Communities In The Uluguru And Udzungwa Mountains, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Tourism is the fastest growing industry and the largest in the world in terms of contribution to the Gross Domestic Product, and second after agriculture for providing employment. However, there is a paucity of information on how tourism improves the livelihood of the communities living in the Uluguru and Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania. This study therefore sought to contribute some information to fill the existing knowledge gap. The study was conducted in four villages, namely Nugu...

Genetic variability, heritability and interrelationships among yield components of rice (oryza sativa l.) Exotic genotypes in zanzibar.

ABSTRACT  The experiments were conducted using 13 rice genotypes from International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and commonly grown variety (SARO 5) as a check during April-June 2012 growing season at three rice irrigation schemes of Zanzibar. The aim was to estimate genetic variability, heritability and interrelationships among yield components of genotypes so as to identify potential lines for improvement and production. RCBD with three replications at each site was used. ANOVA showed si...

Gendered Yield Gap Analysis In Groundnut Production In Tanzania: Social And Economic Implications

ABSTRACT  The study explored the groundnut gendered yield gap and socio-economic factors for groundnut production in Tanzania. The study was based on ICRISAT survey data collected from 938 farmers randomly selected in 9 producing regions namely; Shinyanga, Mwanza, Geita, Dodoma, Tabora, Mbeya, Songwe, Rukwa and Mtwara representing different socio-cultural and agro-ecological zones. Data were analyzed using the stochastic frontier production function to establish the groundnut yield gap and f...

Socio-Economic And Cultural Factors Influencing Gender Roles In Joint Forest Management Around Mount Meru Catchment Forest Reserve, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The contribution of women and men in Joint Forest Management (JFM) is highly needed for effective forest management and its consequent boost of economic levels in villages surrounding Mt. Meru Catchment FR, Arumeru district. This study assessed gender roles and determined the extent of participation of men and women in JFM activities around Mt. Meru Catchtchment FR. The study also intended to identify socio-economic and cultural factors influencing gender roles in JFM in Ilkiding’...

Economics Of Grain Storage Techniques For Smallholder Farmers In Kilosa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Smallholder farmers lack knowledge on the amount of income lost from improper grain management after harvest thus they make uninformed decisions on the storage technique to use. This study aimed at assessing the economics of grain storage techniques in Kilosa district in Tanzania. Specifically, the study aimed at performing a cost benefit analysis of grain storage techniques, to determine farmers’ perceptions on the effectiveness of grain storage techniques and to establish determ...

Socio-Economic Determinants Of Household Participation In Large-Scale Agricultural Investments And Its Influence On Livelihood Outcomes In Kilombero Valley, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Large-scale agricultural investments have the potential of improving household livelihood outcomes among households participating in the out-grower schemes and in the investor farm wage employment. However, there is no consensus whether large-scale agricultural investments generate better livelihood outcomes for participating households. This study was conducted in Kilombero Valley in Tanzania to examine socio-economic determinants of household participation in large-scale ...

Community’s Perception And Attitude On Implementation Of Poverty Reduction Programme (MKUZA) In Zanzibar

ABSTRACT The study was undertaken to assess awareness, perception and attitude of rural dwellers in North ‘A’ District at Unguja Island – Zanzibar. Zanzibar Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (ZSGRP) known as Mkakati wa Kukuza Uchumi na Umaskini Zanzibar (MKUZA). MKUZA started in 2002, has faced numerous problems including poor community participation. The programme has become popular in government sectors and NGOs only. People do not seem to understand its goals. Four villag...

Role Of Non-Timber Forest Products In Climate Change Adaptation By Forest Dependent Communities In Kilolo District, Iringa, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study to assess the role of Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) was conducted to forest dependent communities around New Dabaga -Ulongambi Forest Reserve (NDUFR) in Kilolo District as a strategy to cope with the impacts of climate change. Data were collected through household questionnaires, PRA techniques, transect walk and direct field observations. Climatic data mainly rainfall and temperature for the last 30 years were obtained from Nduli Airport weather station. Data collected...

Propagation And Evaluation Of Effectiveness Of Commiphora Swynnertonii (Burtt.) And Synadenium Glaucescens (Pax.) Against Tomato Fusarium Wilt

Introduction Over-exploitation and habitat destruction have become a major limitation to production, marketing and usage of botanical pesticides. In Tanzania, Commiphora swynnertonii and Synadenium glaucescens have been reported to be disappearing very fast. There is a need ii to develop a technique that will ensure sustainable availability of these plants. The current study, therefore aimed at enhancing mass propagation and fungicidal effectiveness of C. swynnertonii and S. glaucescens agai...

Characterization of Sudanese Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) Germplasm for Some Morphological and Yield Traits

This study was carried out to assess the variation in morphological and yield traits for 13 sorghum germplasm. A field experiment was executed during winter season of 2015 at the demonstration farm of the faculty of Agriculture, University of Khartoum, Shambat. Sorghum accessions were morpho-agronomically characterized by using the sorghum descriptors lists from the International Board of Plant Genetic Resources, IBPGR/ICRISAT (1993) as reference for the observations. The agronomic perf...

Evaluation Of Current Performance Of Dairy Cattle In Asas And Kitulo Farms In The Southern Highlands Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to evaluate the current performance of dairy cattle at ASAS and Kitulo farms in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. The objective was to assess the effects of genetic and non-genetic factors on lactation and reproductive performance, calf mortality rate, longevity traits and constraints affecting performance of dairy animals. Ayrshire and Friesian cows were involved in the study. Data were analysed using General Linear Models procedure of Statistical Analy...

Influence Of Village Community Banks On Livelihood Outcomes In Rorya District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A number of Micro-Financial Institutions (MFIs) and Village Community Banks (VICOBA) have been working in Rorya District in providing financial services to support people’s efforts to improve their livelihoods. However, the level of livelihood outcomes in terms of income, food security and housing is still low. Therefore, the study on which this dissertation is based was done with the main objective to determine the influence of Village Community Banks (VICOBA) on livelihood outco...

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