
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Growth And Productivity Of Some Selected Indigenous Tree Species In Monoculture Plots In Morogoro – Tanzania

ABSTRACT Growth and productivity of four indigenous tree species (Miliciaexcelsa, Afzeliaquanzensis, DarbegiamelanoxylonandKhayaanthotheca) was evaluated in 23 year old rectangular 400 m2 (20 x 20 m) plots planted at Tanzania Tree Seed Agency (TTSA) Arboretum in Morogoro, Tanzania. Data was collected on survival, diameter at breast height (Dbh), total height, stem form and wood basic density. A t-test of the collected data (dbh, total height and wood basic density) have shown that there were ...

Participation Of Farmers In Irrigation Schemes In Tanzania: A Case Of Kwamadebe Irrigation Scheme In Kondoa District

ABSTRACT The Agricultural and Livestock Policy of Tanzania gives high priority to the promotion of food sufficiency and security through irrigated agriculture. The aim of this study was to investigate factors affecting participation of farmers in irrigation schemes in Tanzania. The data were collected by interviewing farmers using semi structured questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were done using SPSS version 12 as a tool of analysis. The findings reveal that the ...

Isolation And Identification Of Plastics-Degrading Microorganisms From Soils Of Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Plastics, though widely used, have low biodegradability and hence are persistent in the environment, becoming a major source of pollution. The study herein was conducted to isolate, from soils, isolates of microorganisms capable of biodegradation of plastics. The soils were sampled from Morogoro Municipality in Tanzania. The pH of the soils ranged between 6.46 and 8.91. Organic carbon ranged from 0.20 and 1.23%, which was very low to low. Total nitrogen ranged from 0.01 and 0.09%, wh...

Consumer Acceptability And Willingness To Pay For Selected Processed Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato Products In Morogoro Municipality

ABSTRACT Sweet potato with a negligible amount of vitamin A has been consumed for a long time in Sub-Saharan African (SSA)countries including Tanzania. The production and consumption of improved sweet potato varieties including orange fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) with high Vitamin A content has been promoted due to its potential to combat Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD). Adding value to OFSP will increase both its shelf-life and market demand. This study was conducted toassess consumer acceptabilit...

Assessment Of Constraints In The Adoption Of Organic Cotton Production Practices In Meatu District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Despite 19 years of its existence, organic cotton production (OCP) system has not been adopted as envisioned. This study therefore sought to identify and assess constraints to its adoption and consequent diffusion, both in temporal and spatial dimensions. A survey study was conducted using almost equal number of both organic and conventional farmers. The key methodological features involved interviewing 59 organic and 60 conventional cotton farmers using structured questionnaire. Oth...

Land Evaluation And Suitability Assessment For Crops Produced In Butuguri Area, Butiama District In Mara Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Land evaluation was conducted in Butuguri area, Butiama District, Mara Region to assess land’s suitability for cassava, maize and sorghum production. After reviewing literature and discussing with farmers and extension officers, five criteria for growing crops were selected which are: soil physical properties, soil chemical fertility, rainfall, temperature and topography. The Analytical Hierarchical Process was used to assign relative importance weights to the chosen criteria. Spat...

Analysis Of Honey Value Chain And Honey Value Adding Activities For Traditional Beekeeping: The Case Of Kongwa District, Dodoma

ABSTRACT This study aimed at analyzing the value chain for traditionally produced honey and identifying the most profitable value-adding activity practiced by traditional beekeepers. Specifically, the study intended (i) to analyze the value chain for traditionally produced honey in Kongwa district, (ii) to determine the contribution of honey to traditional beekeeper’s household income, (iii) to analyse costs and returns from honey value-adding activities in order to identify the most profit...

Economic And Social Factors Associated With Malaria Prevalence In Mtwara District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The government of Tanzania and some NGOs have been making a lot of efforts to control malaria, but its prevalence is still high in Mtwara Region. Therefore, the research for this dissertation was conducted in Mtwara District in November and December 2010 with the main objective to determine the association between prevalence of malaria, some economic and social factors in rural and urban areas of the district. The specific objectives of the study were to: assess levels of economic an...

On – Farm Evaluation Of Performance Of Sukuma And Malya Goats And Their Crosses In Maswa District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Goat production is an integral component of small holder agriculture in Tanzania but farmers have been keeping indigenous goats which have poor genetic potential for growth and have small mature body size. Goat keepers can improve mature body size by crossing with improved breeds. However, in Tanzania there is paucity of information on performance of crossbreds in comparison to their parents. The effects of breed, sex, birth type, season of birth, year of birth and dam weight class o...

Prevalence Of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase Producing Escherichia Coli In Integrated Agro-Aquaculture In Morogoro, Tanzania

TRACT Integrated aquaculture and other agricultural activities involve use of animal manure directly or indirectly into the pond. This farming practice increase production and minimize the production cost. Despite the benefits, this may impose diseases to fish and consumers. Use of antibiotics in poultry integrated with aquaculture may impose antimicrobial resistance to fish. Extended spectrum beta lactomase (ESBL) producing Escherichia coli is resistant genes that inhibit the function of thi...

Effects Of Indigenous Land Tenure Titling On Agricultural Investment Among Smallholder Farmers In Mbozi District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess the effect of land titling on tenure security and subsequent investment on land improvement among smallholder farmers in Mbozi District, Tanzania. Specific objectives were; to determine the proportion of farmers who have formal land titles as well as the proportion of formalized land in Mbozi District, to identify how land tenure security is defined according to local criteria among farmers and determine indicators that express tenure security by la...

Sustainability Of Ngo Supported Water Supply Projects: The Case Of Elct Konde Diocese Shallow Wells Project In Mbozi District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Many large water projects that were established and managed by community and central governments in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA) failed mainly due to inadequate community participation in planning and implementation of such rural domestic water supply projects. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania - Konde Diocese (ELCT-KOD) in collaboration with Marion Medical Mission (MMM) introduced shallow wells project in Mbozi District in 2002. Out of 1061 shallow wells constructed by ELCT-Ko...

Comparative Evaluation Of Green Shanked Indigenous Chicken For Production And Egg Quality Traits

ABSTRACT A study was undertaken at Sokoine University of Agriculture to investigate the influence of shank colour on egg quality traits and production performance. The study involved green shanked Indigenous (GSI) chickens, yellow shanked Indigenous (YSI) chickens and Rhode Island Red (RIR) genetic groups. The genetic groups were reared under the same environment and management. A total of 240 blood plasma samples were used in assessment of plasma cholesterol content while, 120 egg samples we...

Economic Viability And Economic Impact Of Mkindo Irrigation Scheme In Mvomero District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was about economics of small scale irrigation schemes funded by TASAF. The study was conducted at the Mkindo irrigation scheme in Mvomero District, Morogoro. The main objective of the study was to analyze the economic viability and determine the impact of the irrigation scheme on household income and food security. Specifically study: (i) analyzed the economic viability of the irrigation scheme; (ii) determined the impact of the irrigation scheme on household income and in...

The Contribution Of Vocational Education To Youth Employment: A Case Study Of Veta And Non Veta Graduates In Morogoro Region

ABSTRACT The overall objective of this study was to assess the contribution of vocational education to youth employment in Morogoro Region. The specific objectives were to identifying factors that influence vocational education graduates in getting employment; determine the attitudes of employers; assess the vocational skills practiced by graduates of vocational education centres and employed vocational youth graduates; compare youth incomes between VETA and non VETA graduates; and determine ...

2791 - 2805 Of 4653 Results