
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Contribution Of Rural Electrification To Household Income In Moshi District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Tanzania is among the countries with lower rural electrification rates. It is estimated that less than five percent of the rural population are using grid electricity services. This study assesses the contribution of rural electrification to household income in Moshi District, Tanzania. Specifically, the study aimed at identifying income generating activities undertaken using grid electricity, assessing the contribution of grid to household income as well as identifying the challenge...

Incidences And Spatial Distribution Of Stem Borers In Rice Crop In Kahama District

ABSTRACT Studies were carried out to establish the role and significance of rice stem borers as pests in rice crop in Kahama District from November, 2013 to May, 2014. Twenty rice fields in four wards of Kahama District were surveyed to assess the presence of larvae and adult moths. Each field was divided into four strata within which four quadrats were established in each. In each quadrat, the damaged rice tillers (dead heart), damaged panicles (white head) and total number of tillers and pa...

Social Influence On Continuation Of Adopted Agricultural Technologies: A Case Of Hima Project Kilolo District

ABSTRACT This study was set to investigate social influence on continuation of adopted agricultural technologies in Ukwega and Mtitu wards of Kilolo District, Iringa Region. Specifically the study aimed at identifying innovations currently used after HIMA project, determining whether social influence was responsible for continued use of agricultural technologies and assessing socio-economic characteristics of household influencing adoption and continued use of adopted agricultural technologie...

Estimation Of Carbon Stocks In Acacia-Commiphora Woodlands In Kiteto District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Carbon stocks of Acacia-Commiphora woodlands was estimated using site specific biomass allometric models developed in Kimana Village, Kiteto District, Tanzania. Fifty sample trees covering a range of diameter at breast height (DBH) from 5.9 cm to 79.2 cm from 12 different tree species were destructively sampled to develop biomass and volume models. The sample trees included three dominant species namely Commiphora africana, Balanites aegyptiaca, and Acacia tortilis. Candidate non-lin...

Economic Contribution Of Private Woodlots To The Economy Of Mufindi District – Tanzania

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to asses and quantify the contribution of private woodlots to the economy of Mufindi district in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania in year 2008. The specific objectives were, to examine and quantify the levels of woodlot ownership coupled with capital asset acquisition, to asses and quantify the rates of tree planting in relation to the utilization rate by value added activities, to asses and quantify the contribution of private woodlots to the c...

Attitude And Perception Of Tourists Towards Wildlife-Based Tourism In Tanzania: A Case Study Of The Northern Tourist Circuit

ABSTRACT The tourism industry has become a fast growing economic sector in Tanzania with high foreign earnings. This is a result of the vast natural resources that Tanzania is endowed with. The tourists arriving in Tanzania have different attitudes and perceptions of the destination. Understanding these attitudes and perceptions is essential to the development of the tourism industry. This study therefore, research on the attitude and perception of tourists on wildlife tourism as well as thei...

Parents’ Participation In Adolescents’ Home Based Hiv/Aids Prevention Education: A Case Study Of Musoma Municipality, Mara Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Whenever a discussion on AIDS comes up one cannot escape talking about sexuality issues. Education and communication are currently the only weapons we have against HIV/AIDS. Communication and information can help to fight HIV/AIDS by changing young people’s behaviour through protective education schemes. Communication between parents and their children about sex is often difficult. Although most adults want youth to know about how to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infec...

Diallel Analysis And Characterisation Of Verticillium Wilt Tolerance In Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.)

Abstract Cotton production is generally declining due to several limitations which include climate variations, poor crop management and biotic stress factors. Of the biotic stress, diseases are a major limiting factor of cotton production. Verticillium wilt is one of the most important disease and is an economically important fungal disease causing significant losses to seed cotton yield in Zimbabwe. Varietal development for resistance in cotton requires the understanding of the underlying ge...

SSA Research 71 PAGES (14905 WORDS) Agronomy Thesis
Assessment Of Students’ Academic Performance Under Secondary Education Development Plan (Sedp I) Implementation: The Case Of Nyamagana District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to assess students’ academic performance under Secondary Education Development Plan (SEDP I) implementation in Nyamagana District, Tanzania. Data were collected using both structured and non-structured interviews. Field observations and secondary data supplemented the data collected using questionnaires. Purposive sampling procedure was used to select 5 schools that were in place before and after SEDP 1 implementation. At the school level, 12 teachers and 8 ...

Land Tenure System And Income Poverty Reduction Among Female Headed Households In Morogoro District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was three-fold; to determine the land tenure system existing in Morogoro District, to assess the perception of female headed households (FHHs) on the existing land tenure system and to determine income poverty status among FHHs based on existing land tenure systems. The study used a cross-sectional research design; data was collected from 160 FHHs using a structured questionnaire in Matombo, Mkuyuni and Mikese divisions. This study only used primary data, ...

The Impact Of Human Activities On Wildlife In Kwakuchinja Migratory Corridor - Tarangire/Manyara Ecosystem (Tme), Northern Tanzania

BSTRACT Human population growth in areas bordering protected areas is high and has become a serious threat to the management of wildlife all over Africa. Local communities around the protected areas conduct illegal activities which are destructive to habitats and threatens wildlife migratory corridor. Furthermore, there is a local extinction of five species of large mammals in the Kwakuchinja. This study therefore focused on assessment of impacts of human activities on wildlife in the Kwakuch...

Evaluation Of Microbial Contamination Along The Milk Value Chain In Two Districts Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT Milk is important as a valuable diet, but due to its nutritional value and perishable product it serves as an ideal medium for growth of various microorganisms under suitable conditions, hence it is a staple food in epidemiology linked to zoonotic pathogens. This study was carried out in two districts in Tanga region (Northern Tanzania) to estimate microbial load, isolate selected pathogens and establish their possible sources or entry along the milk value chain. A total of 114 respo...

Economic Analysis Of Sesame Value Chain In Masasi District, Mtwara Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Sesame is among one of important economic crop for smallholder farmers and other actors involved in value chain. However, smallholder farmers have not fully benefited due to fragmented market and unimproved production. This study was conducted to assess the profitability of sesame actors along the value chain in Masasi District. The specific objectives were to identify the structure and functioning of the value chain; to determine the gross margin received by different actors along S...

Local Government Authority Support To Informal Sector And Performance Of The Sector In Tanzania: A Case Of Food Vending In Songea Rural And Urban Districts

ABSTRACT The study for this dissertation was done to assess Local Government Authority (LGA) support to food vendors in Songea Rural and Urban Districts. The sample comprised 120 food vendors both men and women. Data were collected using a questionnaire with open-ended and close-ended questions and analyzed using SPSS. The findings showed that the food types vended were those locally available like maize stiff porridge, and rice served together with beans, meat, fish and green vegetables. Loa...

Vegetation Composition, Yield, And Nutritive Value In Communal Grazing Areas Of Chalinze Division In Bagamoyo District

ABSTRACT This study was conducted in Chalinze division in Bagamoyo District to assess and evaluate the condition of pastoral communal grazing area in yield, botanical composition of herbaceous plant species as well as nutritive value. Yield forage samples were collected using 0.25m2 metal quadrat after which chemical composition, dry matter yield (DMY) and in vitro dry matter digestibility (INVDMD) were analyzed. Line Interception Method was used to estimate forage species distribution. Woody...

2881 - 2895 Of 4645 Results