
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Utilization And Growth Response Of C. Gariepinusfingerlings To Varying Inclusion Levels Of Livestock Vitamin Grower's Premix

Abstract A 70 day experiment was conducted to determine the correctlevel of inclusion of livestock vitamin premix in the diet of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings and to monitor the utilization efficiency and growth performance of the test fish. One hundred and eighty fingerlings of C. gariepinus were randomly distributed to six treatments, each weighing 0.76 ± 0.05g. Thirty fingerlings per treatment were used. Each treatment had varying levels of livestock vitamin premix except the control tha...

Characterization And Identification of Contemporary Diagnostic (B) Horizons of Soils in Ideato North Local Government Area of Imo State, South Eastern Nigeria NIGERIA

Abstract 14 There is a dearth of scientific information on the soils of Ideato North Local Government Area of Imo State in Southeastern Nigeria. This study was carried out to characterize and classify these soils with special emphasis on the identification of diagnostic B- horizons present in them. Free survey method was employed to locate the representative profiles. Ten profile pits were dug, properly studied macromorphologically, georeferenced using handheld Global Positioning System (GPS...

Prospect Of Conflict Resolution Between Farmers And Nomadic Fulanis In Kain.Ti Lake National Park

ABSTRACT The study analysed the activities of Nomadic Fulanis in four villages; Banibafu, Mazakuka, Faje and Kere located within the buffer zone of the Kainji Lake National Park. The data was obtained by the administration of questionnaires and personal interviews with farmers, nomadic Fulanis and Park guards. The study clearly identified the routes of nomadic herdsmen from Kebbi to Ovo States and the need for a pasture corridor in other to ensure harmony between all the stakeholders. The nat...

Partial Budgeting Analysis Of Different Strategies For Management Of Insect Pests In Cashew And Mango Orchards In Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Before changing from one production method to another, farmers need to consider costs and incomes resulting from the change. This study estimated the effects on net benefit of switching from conventional Tanzanian growing practices (spraying of chemical pesticides and non-pest control) to the use of African weaver ants (Oecophylla longinoda) to control pests in cashew and mango. Yield data from one cashew and one mango plantation covering two cropping seasons was used in an economi...

Assessment Of The Impacts Of Chemical De-Bushing On Herbaceous Vegetation And Ground- Dwelling Invertebrate Communities At Neudamm Farm

ABSTRACT This study aimed at assessing the impacts of chemical de-bushing on herbaceous plants and ground-dwelling invertebrates at Neudamm farm. Three experimental sites (camp’s 5, 6 and 7) treated in 2015, 2016 and 2017 respectively with a general purpose arboricide were selected alongside one (camp 4) untreated site. Pitfall traps were placed under 15 Senegalia mellifera trees which were strategically selected in each site. Three quadrates, two placed contiguous under the canopy and one...

Isolation And Characterization Of Starch, Starch Biosynthetic Genes And Protease Inhibitors From Marama Bean (Tylosema Esculentum)

ABSTRACT Marama bean (Tylosema esculentum) is a highly nutritious plant and is currently regarded as a prospective crop for the future in arid zone agri-ecologies of the world. Starch is a major storage component in higher plants and in marama bean it’s mostly found stored in the tuber. Starch is used in both food and non-food industries. Starch biosynthesis involves groups of committed enzymes. Aims of the present study were to determine the physicochemical and pasting properties of nativ...

Effect Of Pawpaw (Carica Papaya) Seed Meal On Growth Performance, Feed Utilization, Survival And Masculinization Of Sexually Undifferentiated Three Spotted Tilapia (Oreochromis Andersonii) Fr

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to determine the effects of dietary Carica papaya seed meal supplementation at different levels on growth performance, feed utilization, survival rate and sex ratio of sexually undifferentiated three spotted tilapia (Oreochromis andersonii) fry. Six treatments (replicated thrice) were designed based on the control (basal diet), 17 α-methyltestosterone (MT) (60 mg) and C. papaya seed meal incorporated into tilapia feed at 5, 15, 25 and 35 g / kg diet ...

Effects Of Pelleting Pearl Millet-Based Diets On The Performance Of Broiler Chickens

ABSTRACT This study evaluated the effects of pelleting and replacing maize with pearl millet (PM) cultivar (Okashana 2) on the production performance and cost efficiency of broilers. The experimental design used in this study was a Completely Randomized Design with a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement of treatments (i.e. two processing methods (grinding and pelleting) and three replacement levels (50%, 75% and 100%). A commercial finisher pelleted diet was used as a positive control. The first expe...

Quantification And Characterization Of Nutrients In Senegalia Mellifera Milled Biomass, Feed Intake And Nitrogen Balance In Female Boer Goats Fed With Senegalia Mellifera Bush-Based Feeds.

ABSTRACT The objectives of this study were to quantify and characterize the nutritional content of milled Senegalia mellifera milled biomass obtained from nine blocks at Neudamm farm and to determine the dry matter intake (DMI), apparent digestibility and nitrogen retention in female Boer goats fed with Senegalia mellifera bush based feeds. Wood ash (WA), Polyethylene glycol (PEG, 6 000) and Biochar were evaluated as tannin deactivation methods. The milled biomass of S. mellifera was mixed u...

Performance, Nutrient Digestibility And Carcass Characteristics Of Rabbit Fed Sweet Potato Based Diets

ABSTRACT ■3 W The performance, nutrient digestibility and carcass characteristics of rabbits fed dehydrated sweet potato tops and sweet potato root meal in proportions of 100 : 0. 90 : 10, 80 : 20. 70 : 30, 60 : *40 and 50 : 50 were investigated. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in daily feed intake. However, rabbits fed diets in proportion of 80 : 20 (T.) recorded the highest daily weight gain and was significantly different (P0.05) was reported for the apparent digestibility o...

Screening Of Indigenous Forage Legumes As Potential Fodder Crops And Protein Source For Livestock In Central Namibia

ABSTRACT The objective of the study was to screen indigenous forage legumes found in central Namibia and evaluate their potential as fodder and protein source for livestock. The growth rate, biomass yield and nutritional value of four indigenous legumes (Otoptera burchellii, Vigna lobatifolia, Crotalaria argyraea and Cullen tomentosum) and four improved legumes (Lablab purpureus, Medicago sativa, Canavalia ensiformis and Vigna unguiculata) were evaluated in a split-plot design with Single su...

The Potential Of Goat Manure As A Hydroponic Nutrient Alternative For Tomato Production In Namibia

ABSTRACT Hydroponics is a cultivation method of growing plants in water. It is a technology suitable for farming that is under artificially controlled environments but can be adapted to situations where land is a constraint. In Namibia this is a potential method for vegetable cultivation. Hydroponics vegetable production has been demonstrated successfully using a balanced conventional nutrient solution, globally, and therefore, an evaluation of its suitability in Namibia using goat manure so...

Analysis Of Trends In Forest Charges And Government Expenditure On Forestry In Africa A Thematic Study

ABSTRACT This work is one of the studies commissioned by the EC-FAO Partnership programme on sustainable forest management in African ACP countries to investigate the impacts of fiscal policies on sustainable forest management in Africa. Its main purpose is to evaluate in quantitative terms the forestry fiscal policies in Africa, by examining the factors that might explain the different levels of charge collection and expenditure on forestry in different countries in Africa. Seventeen countri...

Determinants Of Unwillingness To Practice Farm Forestry Among Households In The Humid Zone Of Nigeria

Abstract Public sector dominance of forestry practices across the globe impedes realization of local and international forestry development targets despite huge local and international investments in the subsector. The need for private forestry practice as compliment to public initiatives on forestry development therefore becomes imperative. This paper reports the bottlenecks for private farm forestry practices among households in the humid zone of Nigeria where environmental hazards necessit...

Phosphate Mobilization by Addition of Organic Acids in Two Soils of The Southern Guinea Savannah of Nigeria

ABSTRACT One mechanism by which plants can mobilize organic and inorganic forms of phosphorus (P) in soils is by exudation of low molecular weight organic acids. Laboratory and field trial were carried out during 2011 and 2012 cropping seasons to study the effects of additions of organic acids ( citric, oxalic and tartaric acids) on the mobilization of phosphate of soils from Minna and Mokwa, both in Southern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. For initial laboratory studies and prior to field cultiv...

3061 - 3075 Of 4613 Results