
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Effect of Farmer Based Organizations on Maize Farm Productivity in Ohvn Zone in Mali

ABSTRACT  In Mali, the agricultural sector occupies about 80% of the population and contributes to around 33% of the country’s GDP. The rural population represents about 60% of the Malian population and 33 % of the population live under the poverty threshold. The agricultural sector which employs the largest population is dominated by smallholder farmers who have limited access to production resources such as agricultural inputs and agricultural information and marketing activities. Conseq...

Phenotypic Characterization Of Domestic Pigeon (Columba Livia Domestica) Resourses In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This study aimed at characterizing the phenotypic, morphology and production performance of the domestic pigeon resources of the Northern region and also, looking at the socio-economic characteristics of pigeon production systems in Northern region of Ghana. Ninety (90) pigeon farmers were sampled from nine (9) districts, ten (10) farmers from each of the districts using snowball sampling method. Pigeon farmers were interviewed using a semi-structured interview and questionnaire on ...

Characterization of Biochar Prepared From Three Different Feed Stock

ABSTRACT Biochar-based soil management strategies in Ghana are new and are now being evaluated in the context of the country’s agricultural system. Biochar produced from organic materials such as saw dust, rice husk and saw dust are being used in Ghana. These different feedstocks may have different physico-chemical properties which will influence the quality of the biochar produced when the feedstocks are carbonized and in turn govern their suitability for use in agriculture. A detailed ch...

The Welfare Impact Of Usaid-Advance Intervention Programme: Evidence From Acdep Facilitation In Northern Ghana

ABSTRACT In response to the challenges of using traditional farming practices and in order to boost smallholder productivity on sustainable basis, many civil society organizations, NGOs and international donor agencies including USAID, under the auspices of its Agriculture Development and Value-Chain Enhancement (ADVANCE) project, has initiated many intervention programmes geared towards the development and dissemination of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs). The study aimed at identifying t...

Evaluation Of Botanicals For The Control Of Anthracnose (Colletotrichum Gloeosporioides Penz) Of Yam (Dioscorea Rotundata Poir)

ABSTRACT Anthracnose is the most serious leaf and vine epiphytotic disease of yam that causes yield loss. Severe infection results in vine dieback, defoliation, and tuber rot. Aqueous extracts of Azadirachta indica A Jus seed (Neem tree seed), Jatropha curcas ( L) seed (Jatropha plant seed) and Nicotiana tabacum (L) leaf (Tobacco plant leaf) extracts were evaluated for the control of anthracnose disease of yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir). The pathogen was isolated, identified and its growth w...

Effects Of Citrullus Vulgaris (“Niri”) As An Extender In Beef Sausage

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine the nutritional composition of “niri” (Citrullus vulgaris) seeds and its effect as an extender in beef sausages. The nutritional composition of whole “niri” seed, its purees (raw and roasted) and Chaffs (raw and chaffs) were determined using standard procedures. The purees and chaffs were used as extenders at 0, 5, 15 and 25 % inclusion levels in beef sausages. Sensory analyses were conducted using the British Standard procedures on days...

A etiology And Importance of Foliage Diseases Affecting Citrus in The Nursery at The Agricultural Research Station (A.R.S.). Kade.

ABSTRACT Research work was carried out at the Agricultural Research Station to determine the disease status of the seedlings and budlings in the nursery. Field surveys were carried out on three separate occasions between October and December 2003 during the dry season and repeated in March to May 2004 in the rainy season. Four diseases were detected. These were citrus scab, citrus canker, greasy spot-like disease and brown leaf spot of rough lemon. The causal agent for brown leaf spot was co...

Pedological Differences in A Cambisol in The Lower Volta Floodplain of Ghana

ABSTRACT This study evaluated pedological differences in three soil profiles of the Amo series following cessation of seasonal flooding due to the construction of the Volta Dam. Three Pedons were used in this study. Pedon 1 is a modal profile; Pedon 2 is sited about 500m downslope from an oyster shell deposit site while Pedon 3 is on the oyster shell site. Soil properties determined include particle size distribution, hydraulic conductivity, pH, organic carbon, available and total phosphorus...

Nodulation And Nitrogen Fixation Of Indigenous Rhizobia In Soils Cultivated And Uncultivated With African Yam Bean (Sphenostylis Stenocarpa)

ABSTRACT The association between leguminous plants and rhizobia helps to meet the limiting nitrogen in the soil by producing about 40 to 60 million metric tons (Mt) per hectare per year of nitrogen. However, the focus of legume-Rhizobium symbiosis has been on biomass productivity, nodulation and nitrogen fixation of the major and domesticated food legumes whereas little research has been conducted on the indigenous legumes which hold promise in retaining agricultural diversity and achieving f...

PSN Africa 170 PAGES (37230 WORDS) Soil Science Thesis
Social Networks And Integrated Soil Fertility Management Adoption: Effects On Maize Yields And Food Security Of Farmers In Northern Region

ABSTRACT Land degradation, unreliable rainfall, population growth and chronic poverty in subSaharan Africa challenge the sustainability of soil fertility, crop yields and general livelihoods (food security) for smallholder farmers. Several soil fertility management interventions have been introduced to farmers in groups over the years, but different levels of uptake, determinants and socio-economic effects have been reported in separate studies. However, the determining role of social networ...

Value Chain Intervention Strategies And Gender Outcomes: A Study Of Shea Actors In Northern Region

ABSTRACT This study investigated the impact of value chain intervention strategies on gender outcomes. The study was conducted in the Sagnarigu District, Tolon District, and Tamale Metropolitan. Simple random sampling, and Purposive sampling methods were used to identify and collect data from 150 shea actors. The research revealed that 68.7 per cent of shea actors had no formal education, and 18 per cent had non-formal education. The research also revealed that shea actors benefitted from bo...

Socio-Economic Determinants Of ICT Usage Among Rural Crop Farmers In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT This purpose of this study was to investigate the usage of ICTs, which ones are popular among the farmers and whether certain socio-economic characteristics influenced usage. It was to fill a gap on ICT usage among crop farmers in rural communities in Northern Ghana. The study involved a multi stage sampling of 210 crop farmers with equal numbers for males and females from seven (7) districts in the Northern Region of Ghana. It involved the use of structured interview questionnaires...

Etiology Of Storage Rot Of Sweet Potato ( Ipomoea Batatas (L.) Lam.) And Its Control By Curing

ABSTRACT A survey was carried out to assess the extent of rot, and susceptibility of different types of sweet potato, and methods of storage in Ghana. Pathogens were isolated, identified and their pathogenicity established. The effectiveness of curing in extending the shelf-life of sweet potatoes was also studied. The market survey revealed that there are four types of sweet potato tubers (based on external colour). The local names of three of the sweet potato types are “Fante” (yellow sk...

PSN Africa 134 PAGES (20462 WORDS) Crop Science Thesis
Inorganic Fertilizer Adoption And Technical Efficiency Of Cocoa Farmers In The Western Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT Low output of cocoa has resulted in Ghana losing out to Cote d‟Ivoire as the leading producer. The aim of this study was to explore farm households‟ adoption of inorganic fertilizer and technical efficiency, using cross-sectional data collected from 305 cocoa producing households in the Western Region of Ghana. The Heckman two-stage model was used for both the discrete decision to adopt fertilizer and intensity of fertilizer use while the stochastic frontier framework was used t...

Sensory And Nutritional Qualities Of Beef And Frankfurter Sausages Using Sweet Potato Puree As Extender

ABSTRACT The high cost of sausage production coupled with the need to impede rancidity without the use of artificial ingredients is a major concern. Of all the various processed meats, sausage is the most appetizing and widely consumed. This study investigated the effects of three varieties of sweet potatoe: orange, purple and white-fleshed sweet potato purees on the sensory, nutritional and oxidation rate of beef and frankfurter sausages. A complete randomized design was used for the experi...

3196 - 3210 Of 4613 Results