
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Spatial Variability Of Selected Soil Properties At The University Of Cape Coast Teaching And Research Farm

ABSTRACT Knowledge of soil spatial variability and the relationships among soil properties are important for the evaluation of agricultural land management practices and soil research. The study was conducted to assess the spatial variability of selected soil properties on a 2.17 ha field at the School of Agriculture Teaching and Research farm from March to October, 2010. A stratified random sampling design was employed in the study. Samples were collected from two depths 0-10 cm and 10-20 c...

Palm Kernel Oil Residue (Pkor) As Livestock Feed In Ghana: A Case Study Of Four (4) Districts In The Central Region

ABSTRACT Feed costs amount to about 70 – 80% of the total production costs of meat production in intensively managed production systems. In Ghana, the major ingredients of such feeds are maize, wheat bran and protein based concentrates based on fishmeal. Agro Industrial By-Products especially Palm Kernel Oil Residue (PKOR) is potentially useful as an energy and/or protein source for feeding all species of livestock. The study was therefore designed to examine the extent of use of PKOR in ...

Farmer Associations’ Perceived Appropriateness And Practicability Of Role Playing Games For Maintenance Of Chókwè Irrigation Scheme In Mozambique

ABSTRACT Over the years, there has been a debate on the application of participatory tools in real life. Participatory tools such as role playing games have been developed and tested in different countries where, they have been discovered to influence people’s behaviour towards solving their problems. This study was a part of European Union and African Union cooperative research aimed to increase food production in irrigated farming systems in Africa (EAU4Food) project in Mozambique. The ...

Isolation, Identification and Pathogenicity of Fungal Pathogen(s) Causing Black Sigatoka Disease of Local Plantain and Banana in Ghana

Abstract A study was conducted at the Crop Science Department, University of Ghana, Legon, to isolate,identify and test pathogenecity of fungal isolates causing the reported black sigatoka disease of plantain in Ghana and compare the isolate with that isolated from local tall banana having leaf spots. Field symptoms of plantain and banana were compared and found to be similar. Initial specks indicating infection were minute, reddish-brown and were conspicuous only on the abaxial leaf surfaces...

Studies on Oil Palm Cropping Systems in Ghana

ABSTRACT  A survey was conducted in 1994 to gather information on the practice of intercropping food crops in oil palm on small-scale farms in the oil palm zones of southern Ghana. The objective was to identify and study intercropping systems used in oil palm production. Data was collected by interviewing a total of 72 oil palm farmers from the oil palm growingregions,(Eastern, Central,Western,Ashanti,Brong-Ahafo,and Volta) at their farm locations. The responses indicated that the small-scal...

Effect Of Temperature On Population Dynamics Of Meloidogyne Spp. And Fusarium Spp. Infesting Sweet Pepper In Niger

ABSTRACT Meloidogyne spp. and Fusarium spp. cause wilt disease in sweet pepper and result in decline of its production. Other limiting factors of sweet pepper production are inappropriate agronomic practices and lack of effective climate adaptation strategies. The aim of this study was to investigate on one hand, how farmers perceive climate change and their access to agricultural extension services and, on the other hand the distribution and identification of causal agents of wilt disease an...

Heavy Metal Concentration In Cassava Cultivated On Re-Vegetatively Restored Mined Spoils At An Anglogold Concession, Obuasi-Ghana

ABSTRACT Mining is one of the main causes of environmental pollution by heavy metals. Re-vegetation of mine spoils is an effective way of restoring the mined land to its pristine status. The study was conducted to assess the physicochemical soil properties, heavy metal concentrations in two re-vegetatively restored mined spoils at an AngloGold concession at Obuasi. Concentration of heavy metals in cassava were used as an indicator for comparism. A simple random sampling technique was used to...

C O M M U N Ic A T Io N Str A T Eg Y And A D O Pt Io N O F In T E G R A T E D Pe St M A N A G Em E N T (Ipm ) Prac Tic Es By V E G Et A B L E Fa R M E R S A T Th E W Eija Ir R Ig A Tio N Pr O

A BSTR A C T To enhance food security, crop losses due to disease and pest damage must be reduced. Improved technologies for pest control using appropriate and environmentally sound technologies to promote food security is a major priority for many developing nations. Integrated Pest Management, IPM (also referred to as Integrated Crop M anagement (ICM)) is one o f such approaches to promoting food security. Its adoption by farmers is therefore critical. In Ghana, few empirical evidence about...

Evaluation Of Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicon L.) For Morphological Attributes And Yield Under Envirodome Greenhouse Conditions

ABSTRACT Envirodome greenhouse technology has become a widely accepted and profitable system for vegetable production particularly in Ghana. However, plant varieties best suited for the Envirodome have not been fully exploited in Ghana. Thus, an experiment was carried out at the Forest and Horticultural Crops Research Centre (FOHCREC), Okumaing-Kade in Ghana from July 2018 to April 2019 to assess eight different types of tomato for some morphological and yield attributes under Envirodome gree...

The Effect Of Alachlor-Atrazine Mixture And Diuron On Weed Control, Growth And Yield Of Maize And Their Residual Effect On Growth, Nodulation And Yield Of Cowpea.

ABSTRACT Two field experiments were carried out from July 1993 to January 1994 at the University of Ghana farm, Legon. The first experiment investigated the effects of two preemergent herbicides alachlor-atrazine mixture and diuron at the manufacturers' recommended rates and at rates 50% above those recommended on weed control, growth and yield of maize variety 'Abeleehi'. The second experiment carried out on the same plots determined the residual effects of these herbicides on two varieties ...

Seed Production In Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus (L.) Moench)

ABSTRACT Fifteen genotypes of okra were evaluated in eight environments for stability of seed yield, and also to identify the most suitable environments for producing high quality seed at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria from 1984 to 1986. There was significant genotype x environment interactions for all characters examined except for percent seed germination. On the average, highest seed yield and best seed quality as measured by percent seed germination were associated with environments wi...

CDR Coalition 123 PAGES (19992 WORDS) Agronomy Thesis
Effects Of Shelling Ratios On The Sorption And Flexural Properties Of Cement Branded Paticleboard Prpduced From Mixed Nigerian

The mean Moduli of Rupture and Elastiuty (NOR and MOE) measured for each of the 12 treatment combinations used in this experlment are summarised in Table 1, MOR values ranged from 4.23 to 11.92 N/ mm2 while MOE values ranged from 1950 to 4140 N/mmz. These range values, conform favourably to the range values of 3.28 to 10.46 N/mm2 (MOR) and 2200 ta 4010 N/ mm2 (MOE) reported by Badejo et al(2011). Furthermore, the mean MOR range values of 6.62 to 11.92 N/mmz obtalned for some of the boards com...

CDR Coalition 11 PAGES (5571 WORDS) Forestry Paper
Consumer Perception Of Groundnut Quality, Aflatoxin Awareness And Willingness To Pay For Safe Groundnuts In The Northern Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT The major purpose of this thesis is to measure the consumer perception of groundnut quality, their level of aflatoxin and willingness to pay for safe groundnuts in the Northern Region of Ghana. The major contribution of the report is to help protect groundnut consumers in the region from the menace of aflatoxins and promote consumption of safer groundnuts. The following objectives were embarked upon by the researcher: (1). To determine the consumer perception of good quality groundn...

Competitiveness Of Cocoa Value Chain In Southern Nigeria

ABSTRACT Cocoa contributes immensely to Nigeria’s export earnings but it has low domestic value addition. In order to improve this, there is a need to ascertain the competitiveness along cocoa value chain. However, there’s a dearth of information on the competitiveness at each stage of cocoa value chain. The competitiveness of cocoa along the value chain in Southern Nigeria was therefore investigated. Using three-stage sampling procedure, six cocoa producing Local Government Areas (LGAs) ...

Response Of Kenaf (Hibiscus Cannabinus Linn.) To Fertilizers And Arbuscular Mycorrhiza In A Nutrient Degraded Alfisol In Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria

ABSTRACT High and sustainable kenaf production in a fragile tropical soil requires the use of soil amendments. Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (AM) are important for nutrition of plants in nutrient depleted soils of the tropics. Due to insufficient information on kenaf production using fertilizers and AM, the effects of fertilizers and AM on soil chemical properties, growth and fibre yield of kenaf were investigated. Screenhouse and field experiments were conducted at the Institute of Agricultural Res...

CDR Coalition 121 PAGES (33000 WORDS) Agronomy Thesis

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