
Research Papers/Topics Agriculture

Assessment of the effects of climate change on the occurrence of tomato invasive insect pests in Uganda

Abstract: The shift in the geographical spread of invasive pests in Africa has rarely been linked directly to climate change. However, it is predicted that environmental changes play a significant role in spreading and expanding pests. The occurrence of new tomato invasive insect pests has been increasing in Uganda during the past century. Assessing the impact of temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, and windspeed on the occurrence of invasive tomato insect pests, gives a better understa...

High risk for human exposure to Rift Valley fever virus in communities living along livestock movement routes:

Abstract: Introduction Multiple outbreaks of Rift Valley Fever (RVF) with devastating effects have occurred in East Africa. These outbreaks cause disease in both livestock and humans and affect poor households most severely. Communities living in areas practicing nomadic livestock movement may be at higher risk of infection. This study sought to i) determine the human exposure to Rift Valley fever virus (RVFV) in populations living within nomadic animal movement routes in Kenya; and ii) iden...

Behavioural responses ofPhlebotomus duboscqito plant-derived volatile organic compounds

Abstract: Phlebotomine sand flies are vectors ofLeishmaniaparasites that causeleishmaniases. Both sexes of sand flies feed on plants primarily for sugars, althoughthe chemical cues that mediate attraction to host plants remain largely unknown.Previously, using coupled gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, the authors identifiedseveral volatile organic compounds (VOCs) common to preferred host plants forselected Afrotropical sand flies from the Fabaceae family. Of the identified volatiles,the...

Grass-like plants release general volatile cues attractive for gravid Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto mosquitoes

Abstract: Background: Understanding the ecology and behaviour of disease vectors, including the olfactory cues used to orient and select hosts and egg-laying sites, are essential for the development of novel, insecticide-free control tools. Selected graminoid plants have been shown to release volatile chemicals attracting malaria vectors; however,whether the attraction is selective to individual plants or more general across genera and families is still unclear.Methods: To contribute to the ...

Global overview of locusts as food, feed and other uses

Abstract: The term 'locusts' refers to insect species which can aggregate into migratory swarms that cause wide-scale destruction of crops and pasture, causing significant effect to food security. This review assesses the potential of harnessing locust swarms for beneficial uses. Among 21 known locusts, ~10 species have been traditionally consumed by humans or fed to animals for millennia in 65 countries. Their nutritional composition is comparable or superior to that of conventional meat. H...

Role of multilateral development organizations, public and private investments in aquaculture subsector in Kenya

Abstract: Rapid population and economic growth, increased health benefits of aquatic food, and changes in lifestyles and preferences as a result of rapid urbanization and globalization are all contributing to the rapid growth of aquaculture production in Kenya. Despite significant investment efforts from the national and devolved governments as well as donors and international organizations, smallholder aquaculture production is yet to result in a significant increase in incomes and improved...

Biocontrol-based strategies for improving soil health and managing plant-parasitic nematodes in coffee production

Abstract: Coffee is an important commodity for Kenya, where production is steadily declining, despite a global rise in demand. Of the various constraints affecting production, plant-parasitic nematodes are a significant, but often overlooked, threat. As a perennial crop, treating plantations once infected with nematodes becomes difficult. The current study evaluated the drenching application of two biocontrol agents, Trichoderma asperellum and Purpureocillium lilacinum, for their nematode co...

Unlocking the Potential of Substrate Quality for the Enhanced Antibacterial Activityof Black SoldierFly against Pathogens

Abstract: Globally,antibiotics are facing fierce resistance from multidrug-resistant bacterials trains.There is an urgentneedfor eco friendly alternatives.Though insects are important targets for antimicrobial peptides,it has received limited research attention.This study investigated the impact of waste substrates on the production of antibacterial agents in black soldierfly (HermetiaillucensL.) larvae(HIL)andtheirimplicationsin the suppressionofpathogens[Bacillussubtilis(ATCC6051),Staphylo...

Smallholder farmers’ willingness to pay for commercial insect-based chicken feed in Kenya

Abstract: The cost of chicken production in developing countries is 300% higher than in developed nations. Overreliance on the key protein feed ingredients especially soybean and fishmeal (SFM) that are characterized by rising food-feed competition and supply chain impediments exacerbate the situation. The use of insect protein as a sustainable alternative protein source has attracted global attention recently. However, there is a dearth of empirical insights on farmers’ preferences for co...

The economic impacts of house screening against malaria transmission: Experimental evidence from eastern Zambia

Abstract: Malaria imposes an economic burden for human populations in many African countries, and this burden may be reduced through house screening initiatives. We use a randomized controlled trial to measure the economic impacts of house screening against malaria infection. We use a sample of 800 households from 89 villages in rural and peri-urban Zambia to collect baseline data in August 2019 and endline data in August 2020. The main outcome variables are (self-reported) malaria prevalenc...

Climate change and maize productivity in Uganda: Simulating the impacts and alleviation with climate smart agriculture practices

Abstract: Climate change continues to affect maize production, food security and livelihoods of smallholder farmers in most of the developing countries. Climate smart agriculture (CSA) practices can enhance agricultural production by alleviating adverse climate effects on maize productivity through improved soil moisture storage, water use efficiency, increased soil carbon (C) and nutrient supply with long-term resilience to climate change.

Spodoptera frugiperda population structure and influence of farmers’ practices on gut biodiversity for sustainable management of the pest in Kenya

Abstract: Fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda, is a highly polyphagous pest that recently invaded Kenya, among other African countries. Information on the pest’s genetic diversity and mechanisms conferring insecticide resistance, in addition to farmers’ knowledge and perceptions on the applicable mitigation measures, inform the development of sustainable management strategies. Therefore, this study collected cross-sectional data from 800 farmers in Kenya and documented their knowl...

Gendered barriers and opportunities for scaling integrated pest management practices along the mango value chain in Kenya

Abstract: Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is an important source of food and income in Kenya, but production is hampered by the proliferation of invasive fruit flies (Bactrocera dorsalis). The International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) and its partners have over the past 2 decades developed and disseminated an integrated pest management (IPM) package of interventions that effectively reduce fruit fly populations, but adoption is relatively low. In response to this low adoption...

Old and new association of Cotesia icipe (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) with alien invasive and native Spodoptera species and key stemborer species: implication for their management

Abstract: BACKGROUND Maize production in Africa is hindered by a myriad of biotic challenges, key among them being invasive and native lepidopteran stemborers. Recent invasion of the continent by fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, has further exacerbated the situation. Fortunately, Cotesia icipe was found to be very promising against S. frugiperda. However, the co-occurrence and interaction between S. frugiperda and the stemborers (Busseola fusca, Sesamia calamistis, and Chilo partellus) ...

Editorial: Novel approaches for sustainable crop yield and management of plant-parasitic nematodes

Abstract: Plant-parasitic nematodes (PPNs) are a major concern in agriculture as they cause significant crop damage resulting in yield losses and economic losses for farmers (FAO, 2019). For the past 50 years, the control of PPNs has relied heavily on the use of synthetic nematicides and soil fumigants, which have been effective in rapidly controlling nematode populations. However, due to environmental and health concerns, many traditional nematicides have been banned or withdrawn from the m...

1201 - 1215 Of 4613 Results