Agricultural Economics Research Papers/Topics

Economic Impact Of Contract Farming On Income Of Smallholder Farmers: Case Study Of Paprika Contract Farming In Mbozi District-Tanzania

ABSTRACT  This study provides empirical evidence on economic impact of contract farming on the income of smallholder farmers of non traditional crops. Specifically it analyses the requirements for farmers’ participation, factors that determine income and effect of paprika contract farming on household income and identifies constraints and prospects of contract farming. A cross section research design was adopted and a purposeful sampling procedure was used to select villages and wards and ...

Social Networks, Governance And Transaction Costs Effects On Organic Tomato And Sweet Pepper Tourist Hotels Market In Arusha And Unguja

EXTENDED ABSTRACT The objectives of this study were to (i) determine the social networks of the main actors in the organic food value chain in the tourism sector (ii) determine governance in the value chain of organic tomatoes and sweet peppers for the tourism sector in Arusha and Unguja and (iii) to evaluate production and transaction costs of actors in the organic tomatoes and sweet peppers value chain in Arusha and Unguja. The study was conducted in Arusha and Unguja. A preliminary survey...

Rural- Urban Complementarities (Ruc) In Tanzania: Analysis Of Savings And Credit Services At Kibaigwa In Kongwa District

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Kibaigwa Township and immediate hinterlands at Kongwa district. The specific objective of the study were to: identify and characterize savings and credit services in the study area; assess rural-urban linkages between Kibaigwa emerging urban centre and immediate rural areas and to determine the role of savings and credit on development of Kibaigwa urban centre. Primary data were collected using structured questionnaire administered to 120 respondents. Mi...

Analysis Of Production And Marketing Of Irish Potato In Mbulu And Babati Districts In Tanzania

ABSTRACT Mbulu and Babati are among the districts that produce Irish potatoes in Tanzania. The crop is important in the two districts for household food security and income because it takes a short period to mature compared to other crops like maize. The present study intended to fill the information gap related to the reason behind the low production of Irish potatoes in Mbulu and Babati districts. The specific objectives of the study were: to determine factors affecting production of Irish...

Land Lease Market And Its Effects On Crop Production In Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study empirically assessed the effects of land lease market on crop production in Enugu State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to: describe the socio-economic characteristics of crop farmers; identify the land tenure systems available in the study area; identify and describe the structure and conducts of land lease market; ascertain factors influencing land lease market; determine the influence of land lease forms and practices adopted by farmers on their net farm income;...

Structure And Operation Of Rural Interest Rates In Savings Mobilization And Extension Of Credit In The Cross River State

ABSTRACT This study has provided information on the structure and operation of rural interest rates in savings mobilisation and extension of credit in the Cross River State. A historical survey of interest rate in the Christian religion showed that the Church prohibited interest rates and established laws to discourage the giving and taking of interest, In the 11th Century however, there was a change in attitude towards charging interest when commerce began finding new channels and the proble...

Economic Analysis Of Cassava Processing And Marketing Kogi State, Nigeria.

ABSTRACT This research work examined the economics of processed cassava products and marketing in Kogi East of Kogi State, Nigeria. Among other objectives the study sorts to: identify and describe different processing/marketing channels of selected the value added chain in cassava processing, and describe the constraints’ seriousness in cassava processing/marketing in the study area. A multistage purposive and random sampling technique was used to select 120 cassava processors/marketers wh...

Impact of credit on the development of micro enterprise. A comparative study of pride and finca

ABSTRACT Demand for credit to finance micro enterprises is increasing throughout the world especially in least developed countries including Tanzania. Many entrepreneurs are emerging nowadays in different areas of the country especially Dar es Salaam, Kilimanjaro, Arusha, Mbeya, and Mwanza. So far, small enterprises have become the main source of income to many peoples in the country. Apart from the efforts made to the financial institutions, there is little empirical evidence to show that, ...

Analysis Of Cocoyam (Xanthosoma Sagittifolium And Colocasia Esculenta) Marketing In Rivers State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study examined cocoyam marketing in Rivers State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to describe the systems of cocoyam marketing in the area; identify the market structure and conduct for cocoyam; determine marketing margin along with the profit efficiencies of cocoyam middlemen; determine the influence of socio-economic attributes of cocoyam marketers on their profit efficiencies; assess the effects of marketing costs and other factors on price of cocoyam at the wholesale a...

Consumption In Urban And Rural Areas Of Enugu State, Nigeria.

PATTERNS AND DETERMINANTS OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLE ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to evaluate the patterns and determinants of fruit and vegetable consumption in urban and rural areas of Enugu State, Nigeria. The study was articulated based on the fact that despite the relatively cheap and abundant sources of micro nutrients found in fruits and vegetables, there abound wide spread cases of micro nutrient deficiencies. The data was collected from primary sources through a set of...

Comparative Analysis Of Resource Use Efficiency In Rice Production Among Fadama Iii And Non-Fadama Iii Beneficiary Rice Farmers In Niger State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study investigated resource use efficiency of Fadama III and non-Fadama III beneficiary rice farmers in Niger State, Nigeria. Primary data were collected using questionnaire/interview schedule administered to a sample of one hundred and twenty rice farmers, selected using multistage sampling technique. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, stochastic frontier production function, return to scale analysis, gross margin analysis, net farm income analysis and likert sca...

Diversity And Local Uses Of Woody Vegetation In Mined Arid And Semi Arid Lands Of Kimwarer, Kerio Valley, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Despite Ethiopia possessing the highest number of livestock in Africa, its benefit to the country and smallholder farmers is small. This is to a large extent attributed to the dominance of low producing local cattle breeds. Though the government introduced Artificial Insemination (AI) technology to improve this condition, the adoption rate by smallholder farmers is still low. The main objective of this study was, therefore, to examine the adoption of AI technology by smallholder dair...

Determinants Of Artificial Insemination Use By Smallholder Dairy Farmers In Lemu-Bilbilo District, Ethiopia

ABSTRACT Despite Ethiopia possessing the highest number of livestock in Africa, its benefit to the country and smallholder farmers is small. This is to a large extent attributed to the dominance of low producing local cattle breeds. Though the government introduced Artificial Insemination (AI) technology to improve this condition, the adoption rate by smallholder farmers is still low. The main objective of this study was, therefore, to examine the adoption of AI technology by smallholder dair...

Determinants Of Pesticide Use And Uptake Of Alternative Pest Control Methods Among Small Scale Tomato Farmers In Nakuru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Increasing demand for food and the diminishing agricultural land has resulted in farmers putting great efforts to increase crop yields by using more fertilizer and pesticides. Pesticide use in agricultural production has, however, produced undesirable effects on human health and the environment. Thus, the study aimed at contributing to sustainable agricultural intensification through safe pesticide use and uptake of alternative pest control methods among small-scale tomato farmers in...

Effects Of Credit Subsidy On Smallholders Maize Productivity And Farm Income In Chókwè District, Mozambique

ABSTRACT Credit constraints hinder development of agriculture in developing countries, yet access is mainly associated with increased farm productivity and crop incomes. For over a decade, Mozambican smallholders have accessed a decoupled credit subsidy under the seven million program for agricultural development. However, little is known about the influence of the program on crop productivity and farm incomes in rural areas. This study therefore, examined whether there are productivity and i...

466 - 480 Of 859 Results