Agricultural Economics Research Papers/Topics

Effect Of East African Community-Common External Tariff For Selected Agro-Food Sensitive Products On Burundi’s Trade, Welfare And Tariff Revenue

ABSTRACT The effects of the customs union are ambiguous and depend on different factors. The theoretical ambiguities raise a need for empirical studies to generate information for a particular case. This study looks on the effect of EAC-CET for selected agro-food sensitive products of Burundi’s trade, welfare and tariff revenue using the partial equilibrium model; specifically, the SMART model at HS-6 level. The analysis makes use of trade data of 2010-2016 from WITS database, and the EAC-C...

Farmers’ Adaptations To Rainfall Related Climate Variability Risks And Their Implications On Food Security In The Semi-Arid Sikonge District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing farmers’ adaptations to rainfall related climate variability risks and their implications on food security in the semi-arid Sikonge District, Tanzania. Specifically the study aimed at characterizing the climate related rainfall and maize production risks; assessing the efficacy of adaptation strategies used by farmers; and assessing the adequacy of off-farm strategies used by farming households to sustain their food security in a changing climate. The s...

Options For Developing Bee Honey Marketing For Lushoto District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study aimed at developing bees’ honey marketing options in Lushoto district, Tanzania in order to guide beekeepers on bees honey marketing opportunities. The specific objectives were to: (i) identify and map bees honey production zones and marketing centres (ii) establish marketing options and market requirements for bees honey, (iii) match market requirements for bees honey production and marketing options, and (iv) to determine the best bees honey marketing options in t...

Adoption Of Sustainable Land Management Technologies: Revisiting Impact To Community Livelihood In West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study attempts to revisit and to assess the adoption impact of sustainable land management technology practices on community livelihood in West Usambara Mountains. Primary data were collected through household questionnaires, focus group discussions, key informants interviews and personal observations while secondary data were collected from relevant local authority reports and records. A total of 160 households were interviewed. Descriptive statistics, binary logistic regressio...

Determinants For Local Pearl Millet Consumption In Singida Rural And Kishapu Districts

ABSTRACT Pearl millet is among the crops which are performing well in Central and Lake Zone of Tanzania and due to its adaptation to semi-arid climate. The crop has a very high potential for improving livelihoods of farmers residing in those areas. Unfortunately, farmers are not getting maximum benefits from the crop due to some limiting factors. One of the key factors is low demand for the crop within and outside the semi-arid areas. Small quantity of pearl millet traded is an indication of ...

Perception Of Farmers On Cassava As A Potential Crop For Climate Change Adaptation In Kigoma Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Perceptions guides decision making and eventually determines the actions to be made by farmers on climate change adaptation. This study analyzed how farmers perceive cassava as climate change crop, determinants of farmer’s perception and also estimated the share of cassava to total household income in Kigoma Region. A multistage random sampling procedure was used to select a total of 140 household heads for analysis. Data were collected using structured questionnaire and key inform...

Economic Impacts Of Climate Change On Teff Production In Lume And Gimbichu Districts Of Central Ethiopia.

ABSTRACT This study was carried out with the main objective of analyzing the economic impacts of climate change on teff production in central Ethiopia. Specific objectives of the study were: i) To analyze the relationship of income from teff (Eragrostis tef) production with biophysical and socioeconomic variables, ii) To determine the marginal impact of temperature and rainfall on income from teff production, iii) To predict a range of potential future impacts on teff production under a mid-r...

Consumer Acceptability And Willingness To Pay For Selected Processed Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato Products In Morogoro Municipality

ABSTRACT Sweet potato with a negligible amount of vitamin A has been consumed for a long time in Sub-Saharan African (SSA)countries including Tanzania. The production and consumption of improved sweet potato varieties including orange fleshed sweet potato (OFSP) with high Vitamin A content has been promoted due to its potential to combat Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD). Adding value to OFSP will increase both its shelf-life and market demand. This study was conducted toassess consumer acceptabilit...

Assessment Of Constraints In The Adoption Of Organic Cotton Production Practices In Meatu District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Despite 19 years of its existence, organic cotton production (OCP) system has not been adopted as envisioned. This study therefore sought to identify and assess constraints to its adoption and consequent diffusion, both in temporal and spatial dimensions. A survey study was conducted using almost equal number of both organic and conventional farmers. The key methodological features involved interviewing 59 organic and 60 conventional cotton farmers using structured questionnaire. Oth...

Analysis Of Honey Value Chain And Honey Value Adding Activities For Traditional Beekeeping: The Case Of Kongwa District, Dodoma

ABSTRACT This study aimed at analyzing the value chain for traditionally produced honey and identifying the most profitable value-adding activity practiced by traditional beekeepers. Specifically, the study intended (i) to analyze the value chain for traditionally produced honey in Kongwa district, (ii) to determine the contribution of honey to traditional beekeeper’s household income, (iii) to analyse costs and returns from honey value-adding activities in order to identify the most profit...

Effects Of Indigenous Land Tenure Titling On Agricultural Investment Among Smallholder Farmers In Mbozi District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess the effect of land titling on tenure security and subsequent investment on land improvement among smallholder farmers in Mbozi District, Tanzania. Specific objectives were; to determine the proportion of farmers who have formal land titles as well as the proportion of formalized land in Mbozi District, to identify how land tenure security is defined according to local criteria among farmers and determine indicators that express tenure security by la...

Economic Viability And Economic Impact Of Mkindo Irrigation Scheme In Mvomero District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT This study was about economics of small scale irrigation schemes funded by TASAF. The study was conducted at the Mkindo irrigation scheme in Mvomero District, Morogoro. The main objective of the study was to analyze the economic viability and determine the impact of the irrigation scheme on household income and food security. Specifically study: (i) analyzed the economic viability of the irrigation scheme; (ii) determined the impact of the irrigation scheme on household income and in...

Economic Coordination Of Poultry Value Chain: Comparative Analysis Of Local And Exotic Chicken Breeds In Kibaha District

ABSTRACT The study of economic coordination in chicken production targets to a wide continuum of coordination activities in poultry subsector in Kibaha District. It also aims to delineate similarities and differences between the two chicken breeds (local and exotic). The specific objectives include mapping of the two value chains, identifying governance structures in the value chains, assessing of potentials of different actors categories and also determining factors influencing participation...

Determinants Of Adoption Of Early Maturing Maize Varieties In Nzega District, Tabora Region

ABSTRACT Nzega is among the district located in semi-arid areas of Tanzania where drought is a limiting factor for agriculture. In the district farmers are advised to use early maturing maize varieties (EMMV). In contrary the adoption of EMMV in Nzega District is still low. Increase in use of EMMV is possible if factors which influence adoption are addressed. The present study aimed at identifying factors which influence adoption of EMMV. The main objective was to analyze challenges facing ef...

Transaction Costs In Production And Marketing Of Sugarcane Under Outgrowers’ Schemes In Morogoro Region Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyse the production and marketing transaction costs of sugarcane outgrowers in Mvomero and Kilosa districts of Morogoro region in Tanzania. The specific objectives were to determine the level of transaction costs in different categories of outgrowers, to examine the influence of institutional arrangement on sugarcane transaction costs, and to examine the impact of transaction cost on the quality of sugarcane in terms of sucrose content (Rendement)....

571 - 585 Of 859 Results