Agricultural Entomology Research Papers/Topics

Fungal endophytes: Beyond herbivore management.

Abstract: The incorporation of entomopathogenic fungi as biocontrol agents into Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs without doubt, has been highly effective. The ability of these fungal pathogens such as Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae to exist as endophytes in plants and protect their colonized host plants against the primary herbivore pests has widely been reported. Aside this sole role of pest management that has been traditionally ascribed to fungal endophytes, recent...

Maize–legume intercropping and push–pull for management of fall armyworm, stemborers, and striga in Uganda

Abstract: Maize (Zea mays L.) production in Africa is constrained by several biotic and abiotic factors. The recent occurrence of fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (JE Smith) a new invasive pest in Africa, has escalated the problem. Push–pull technology (PPT), proven to be effective for stemborers (Chilo partellus Swinhoe and Busseola fusca Fuller) and the parasitic weed striga (Striga hermontica Delile) management in Africa has been shown to provide good control of FAW. This stud...

Testing the capability of spectral resolution of the new multispectral sensors on detecting the severity of grey leaf spot disease in maize crop

Abstract: In this study, we tested whether GLS field symptoms on maize can be detected using hyperspectral data re-sampled to WorldView-2, Quickbird, RapidEye and Sentinel-2 resolutions. To achieve this objective, Random Forest algorithm was used to classify the 2013 re-sampled spectra to represent the three identified disease severity categories. Results showed that Sentinel-2, with 13 spectral bands, achieved the highest overall accuracy and kappa value of 84% and 0.76, respectively, while...

Effect of sealing method and lighting candle in metal silos on survival of the larger grain borer, Prostephanus truncatus, in stored maize

Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of sealing methods, grain volume and lighting candle in metal silo for the control of Prostephanus truncatus in stored maize. Metal silos with 100 kilograms holding capacity were loaded with 90 kilograms of grain, in-let and out-let were covered with lids and sealed either with rubber band, grease, rubber band combined with grease and lid without sealing (control). The control suffered highest grain damage of 6.6% and weight loss of...

Local and regional drivers of the African coffee white stem borer (Monochamus leuconotus) in Uganda. Agricultural and Forest Entomology

Abstract: The African coffee white stem borer (CWSB) Monochamus leuconotusis a destructive pest of Arabica coffee in Africa. Documentation on outbreaks, spatiotemporal development and the relationship with different environmental conditions and coffee production system is limited. To underpin effective control measures, we studied aspects of local and regional pest drivers in Eastern Uganda. At the local scale, we (i) characterized the temporal development of CWSB and explored associations w...

Farmers’ perceptions of rice production constraints and stem borers management practices in Tanzania.

Abstract: Rice farmers in Tanzania continue to experience losses due to stem borers. However, the information on farmers’ knowledge and perceptions of rice stem borers is limited and farmers’ efforts on managing this insect have been ineffective. The aim of this study was to investigate constraints affecting rice production and farmers’ approaches of stem borer management in irrigated low land rice ecosystems in Tanzania. Research method: A focus group discussion with farmers using a s...

Diapause disruption in Cirina butyrospermi Vuillet (Lepidoptera, Attacidae), the shea caterpillar, in Burkina Faso

Abstract: The shea caterpillar Cirina butyrospermi is an important insect, highly valued as a human food item in Burkina Faso.However, its appearance is seasonal due to its univoltine cycle. This study therefore investigated the possibilities of breaking the nymphal diapause by changing the environmental factors and through the hormonal treatment of prepupae and pupae using bovine insulin and 20-hydroxyecdysone. Changes in humidity and temperature did not result in emergence, suggesting a ma...

The value chain of the edible caterpillar Elaphrodes lactea Gaede (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) in the Miombo forest of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Abstract: Background: Elaphrodes lactea Gaede is a highly praised edible lepidopteran insect in the Miombo forest in the DRC. Both caterpillars and pupae of this species are consumed. Following recent declines in the Miombo forest, it is crucial to investigate the rate of consumption, biological, and exploitation cycles, as well as the trade and profitability of E. lactea to develop a sustainable program for its use. Methods: We, therefore, embarked on a survey in 10 sites located in Lubumba...

Detection of Asian citrus psyllid (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in Ethiopia: A new haplotype and its implication to the proliferation of huanglongbing

Abstract: Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, also known as the Asian citrus psyllid, is a pest of citrus known for its transmission of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Ca. L. asiaticus), the causal bacterium of Huanglongbing. The African citrus triozid Trioza erytreae (Del Guercio) (Hemiptera: Triozidae) has been the putative vector of Candidatus Liberibacter africanus (Ca. L. africanus) which causes the African citrus greening disease, until the recent detection of D. citri on the continent. Foll...

The African citrus triozid Trioza erytreae Del Guercio (Hemiptera: Triozidae): temporal dynamics and susceptibility to entomopathogenic fungi in East Africa.

Abstract: The African citrus triozid Trioza erytreae Del Guercio (Hemiptera: Triozidae) is the most destructive citrus pest. Presently, biological data on T. erytreae are insufficient for important parameters like distribution, seasonal dynamics and ntomopathogens. Therefore, we determined the temporal dynamics of T. erytreae along three different altitudinal gradients in Kenya. In low altitudes, females of T. erytreae reactivated and started laying eggs between late February and early March...

Effect of the push–pull cropping system on maize yield, stem borer infestation and farmers’ perception

Abstract: The productivity of maize in Ethiopia has remained lower than the world average because of several biotic and abiotic factors. Stemborers and poor soil fertility are among the main factors that contribute to this poor maize productivity. A novel cropping strategy, such as the use of push-pull technology, is one of the methods known to solve both challenges at once. A push-pull technology targeting the management of maize stemborers was implemented in the Hawassa district of Ethiopi...

Spread and impact of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith) in maize production areas of Kenya.

Abstract: Fall armyworm (FAW), one of the most important pests of maize in Latin America, suddenly appeared in Africa in 2016 and spread rapidly. Estimates of crop losses due to FAW are essential in order to compare the impact of these losses with the cost of controlling FAW and advise appropriate technology dissemination and policy. In this study, therefore, crop losses due to FAW in 2017 and 2018 were estimated in all the maize production areas of Kenya. Data were collected during June and...

Impact of push–pull cropping system on pest management and occurrence of ear rots and mycotoxin contamination of maize in western Kenya.

Abstract: Push–pull involves intercropping of cereals with Desmodium as a “push” crop and planting Napier grass/Brachiaria as the “pull” crop at the border. The technology has been reported to effectively control stemborers, striga weed, and fall armyworm (FAW), and to improve soil nutrition, resulting in increased grain yield. This study evaluated the impact of stemborer and FAW management using this technology on incidence of maize ear rots and preharvest contamination of grains ...

Local management and landscape structure determine the assemblage patterns of spiders in vegetable fields

Abstract: Both field- and landscape-scale factors can influence the predator communities of agricultural pests, but the relative importance and interactions between these scales are poorly understood. Focusing on spiders, an important taxon for providing biological control, we tested the influence of field- and landscape-scale factors on structuring the spider communities in a highly dynamic brassica agroecosystem. We found that local factors (pesticide-use and crop type) and forested landsc...

Landscape vegetation productivity influences population dynamics of key pests in small avocado farms in Kenya.

Abstract: Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) production contributes to the economic growth of East Africa. However, poor fruit quality caused by infestations of tephritid fruit flies (Tephritidae) and the false codling moth, Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Meyrick), hampers access to lucrative export markets. Remote sensing and spatial analysis are increasingly applied to crop pest studies to develop sustainable and cost-effective control strategies. In this study, we assessed pest abundance in Mura...

16 - 30 Of 73 Results