Agricultural Science Research Papers/Topics


The purpose of this descriptive study was to assess pedagogical competency needs of agriculture teachers in Senior High Schools in Tamale aimed at determining their perceived level of importance, ability, and most suited training needs based on Borich’s Needs Assessment Model. To keep Senior High School agriculture teachers up-to-date of their pedagogical competency needs, the professional development needs of the agriculture teachers must be assessed regularly for efficiency. Based on the ...


The government of Ghana and Non-governmental Organizations have constructed a number of small scale irrigation dams and dug-outs in the Sissala West District of the Upper West Region. The purpose of the small scale irrigation dams is to give irrigation farmers access to enough water during the dry season. The variation of rainfall and high temperatures poses serious threat to dams, hence making it difficult for the reservoirs to have enough water for irrigation activities. The study investiga...

Inter-seasonal Effects on Selected Maturity Parameters of DK8031 Maize Grown under Varying Irrigation and Nitrogen Levels in Embu County, Kenya

Abstract Maize is a staple food and a source of carbohydrates to a large proportion of people in Kenya. The performance of crop plants such as maize depends on a number of factors such as climate, soil characteristics and plant species. The maturity parameters such time to tassel, milk stage, physiological maturity and biological maturity are consequently affected which in turn has an influence on crop performance. A study was carried out at University of Embu Demonstration Farm that lies at...

Long-term effects of tillage, sub-soiling, and profile strata on properties of a Vitric Andosol in the Kenyan highlands

Abstract Tillage alters the structure and composition of soil aggregates affecting infiltration rate (IR) and hydraulic conductivity (K). This study investigated the long-term effects of conventional, minimum, and no-tillage with or without subsoiling on aggregate stability, soil organic carbon (SOC), bulk density, IR, and K of a stratified Vitric Andosol in Kenyan highlands. The experiment was laid out in a spilt-split plot design with three replicates. Stepwise profiles were dug in order t...

Spatial distribution and habitat characterization of schistosomiasis host snails in lake and land habitats of western Kenya

Abstract/Overview Intermediate host snails of schistosomiasis were surveyed in this study to determine their abundance and distribution in the lake and land aquatic habitats of Lake Victoria basin of Kenya. Several sites were sampled at eight locations, both in the lake and on the land. The habitat and/or vegetation type (i.e. open water, hippo grass, hyacinth, ambatch trees, other vegetation, stream, swamp, pond, dam) of the sampled aquatic sites within the locations were also differenti...

Hyphaene compressa, an important palm in the arid and semi-arid regions of Kenya

Abstract Background: Peasant agroecosystems in Kenya are considered to be a continuum of integrated traditional farming systems and natural ecosystem conservancy programs. Hyphaene compressa (doum palm) exists in arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) of Kenya. While research in these areas is focusing on new plants to be brought to the areas, there is no focus on doum palm, which is already adapted to these areas. Scanty ethnobotanical knowledge exists in the form of unpublished material. The stud...

High-Density Linkage Map Construction and Mapping of Salt-Tolerant QTLs at Seedling Stage in Upland Cotton Using Genotyping by Sequencing (GBS)

Abstract/Overview Over 6% of agricultural land is affected by salinity. It is becoming obligatory to use saline soils, so growing salt-tolerant plants is a priority. To gain an understanding of the genetic basis of upland cotton tolerance to salinity at seedling stage, an intra-specific cross was developed from CCRI35, tolerant to salinity, as female with Nan Dan (NH), sensitive to salinity, as the male. A genetic map of 5178 SNP markers was developed from 277 F2:3 populations. The map sp...

On the Computationally Efficient Numerical Solution to the Helmholtz Equation

Abstract Named after Hermann L. F. von Helmholtz (1821-1894), Helmholtz equation has obtained application in many elds: investigation of acaustic phenomena in aeronautics, electromagnetic application, migration in 3-D geophysical application, among many other areas. As shown in [2], Helmholtz equation is used in weather prediction at the Met O ce in UK. Ine ciency, that is the bottleneck in Numerical Weather Prediction, arise partly from solving of the Helmholtz equation. This study investig...

Qtl Mapping for Salt Tolerance in an Intra-Specific Upland Cotton at Seedling Stage Using Ssr Markers

Abstract/Overview Cotton is a moderately salt-tolerant crop, but its salt tolerance threshold is not more than 7.7 ds•m−1. The seedling stage of cotton is the highly sensitive to salinity and the effects can be quantified by measuring morphological and physiological traits. The purpose of this study was to identify QTLs related with salinity tolerance at seedling stage. Meanwhile where they were localized in the genome, investigate the relationships between the traits at seedling stag...

Effect of Different Watering Regimes on Agromorphology of Selected Coffee Genotypes

Abstract Aims: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different watering regimes on selected coffee genotypes and to evaluate drought tolerance among selected coffee genotypes. The study also aimed at determining the optimum watering interval for these genotypes under high temperature conditions. Study Design: Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 replications. Place and Duration of Study: The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at Coffee Research Station in Ruiru, Ken...

Morphological Characterization of African Nightshade (Solanum Nigrum L) Accessions in Western Kenya

Abstract African nightshade, Solanum nigrum L .is one of the most important leafy vegetable rich in nutritional and medicinal value, can be used to feed people with human immune deficiency virus, HIV/AIDS in Kenya. This study was conducted to morphologically characterize thirty African nightshade accessions in order to establish the level of genetic variation amongst them. The limited information available on this species hinders their sustainable conservation and development. Existing knowl...

Granular and Powdered Lime Improves Soil Properties and Maize (Zea mays L.) Performance in Humic Nitisols of Central Highlands in Kenya

Abstract/Overview Soil acidity is a major constraint to crop production on highly weathered tropical soils characterized by high Aluminum (Al) toxicity, low cation exchange capacity, and low phosphorus (P) availability to plants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of two powdered limes (calcium oxide, calcium carbonate), granulated lime (CaO.MgO), and their combinations with mineral fertilizer on soil chemical properties (soil pH, organic carbon, exchangeable acidity,...

Socio-Cultural Practices on the Use of Beetle Grubs as Food and Feed in Western Kenya

Abstract/Overview We examined the socio-cultural practices on the use of beetle grubs as food and feed in western Kenya by interviewing 211 randomly selected households and conducting seven focus group discussions in Bungoma, Kakamega, Busia, and Trans Nzoia counties. The grubs were used as food and feed in ~ 39% and 78% of the households, respectively. The perceived benefits of the grubs for human consumption were nutritiousness and no linkage to allergies. The grubs were perceived t...

Mycotoxic Effects of Entomopathogenic Fungi of Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith) on Poultry Feed Safety

Abstract/Overview This study was carried out to analyze mycotoxins of entomopathogenic fungi of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith) and poultry feed safety. An experiment was set up to assess the types of mycotoxins produced by entomopathogenic fungal parasite of fall armyworm larvae and their subsequent efect on the safety of the larvae as a feed ingredient. Molecular characterization was done to estimate the diversity of entomopathogenic fungi on fall armyworm larvae specim...

Traditional knowledge, beliefs and practices on collection of lake flies (chaoborus and chironomus sp.) and their implications on food security

Abstract/Overview Lake Flies are edible insects with the potential of contributing to food security in that they are an alternative protein and micronutrient food source in freshwater lake regions. The main challenge in exploiting the lake flies is the difficulty in the collection. This study was conducted to identify sustainable traditional collection practices and forecasting techniques of lake flies and was implemented in Rusinga and Mfangano Island in Kenya. The ethnographic study emp...

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