Agricultural Science Research Papers/Topics

Inter-seasonal Effects on Selected Maturity Parameters of DK8031 Maize Grown under Varying Irrigation and Nitrogen Levels in Embu County, Kenya

Abstract Maize is a staple food and a source of carbohydrates to a large proportion of people in Kenya. The performance of crop plants such as maize depends on a number of factors such as climate, soil characteristics and plant species. The maturity parameters such time to tassel, milk stage, physiological maturity and biological maturity are consequently affected which in turn has an influence on crop performance. A study was carried out at University of Embu Demonstration Farm that lies at...

Long-term effects of tillage, sub-soiling, and profile strata on properties of a Vitric Andosol in the Kenyan highlands

Abstract Tillage alters the structure and composition of soil aggregates affecting infiltration rate (IR) and hydraulic conductivity (K). This study investigated the long-term effects of conventional, minimum, and no-tillage with or without subsoiling on aggregate stability, soil organic carbon (SOC), bulk density, IR, and K of a stratified Vitric Andosol in Kenyan highlands. The experiment was laid out in a spilt-split plot design with three replicates. Stepwise profiles were dug in order t...

Hyphaene compressa, an important palm in the arid and semi-arid regions of Kenya

Abstract Background: Peasant agroecosystems in Kenya are considered to be a continuum of integrated traditional farming systems and natural ecosystem conservancy programs. Hyphaene compressa (doum palm) exists in arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) of Kenya. While research in these areas is focusing on new plants to be brought to the areas, there is no focus on doum palm, which is already adapted to these areas. Scanty ethnobotanical knowledge exists in the form of unpublished material. The stud...

On the Computationally Efficient Numerical Solution to the Helmholtz Equation

Abstract Named after Hermann L. F. von Helmholtz (1821-1894), Helmholtz equation has obtained application in many elds: investigation of acaustic phenomena in aeronautics, electromagnetic application, migration in 3-D geophysical application, among many other areas. As shown in [2], Helmholtz equation is used in weather prediction at the Met O ce in UK. Ine ciency, that is the bottleneck in Numerical Weather Prediction, arise partly from solving of the Helmholtz equation. This study investig...

Effect of Different Watering Regimes on Agromorphology of Selected Coffee Genotypes

Abstract Aims: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different watering regimes on selected coffee genotypes and to evaluate drought tolerance among selected coffee genotypes. The study also aimed at determining the optimum watering interval for these genotypes under high temperature conditions. Study Design: Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 replications. Place and Duration of Study: The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at Coffee Research Station in Ruiru, Ken...

Morphological Characterization of African Nightshade (Solanum Nigrum L) Accessions in Western Kenya

Abstract African nightshade, Solanum nigrum L .is one of the most important leafy vegetable rich in nutritional and medicinal value, can be used to feed people with human immune deficiency virus, HIV/AIDS in Kenya. This study was conducted to morphologically characterize thirty African nightshade accessions in order to establish the level of genetic variation amongst them. The limited information available on this species hinders their sustainable conservation and development. Existing knowl...

Determination of Irrigation Water Requirement of Tomato Crop In Rachuonyo North Sub Catchment of Western Kenya Using CROPWAT Model

Abstract Irrigation water management is necessary for a successful irrigation system. Knowledge and tools on irrigation management is thus a requisite for profitable and sustainable use of the scarce water resources in Kenya. The study determined the irrigation water requirement of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) crop in Rachuonyo catchment using CropWat model and the area climate, soils and tomato crop data. The study findings indicated that crop evapotranspiration (ETc) and net irrigation...

Susceptibility Evaluation of Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) Infesting Maize in Kenya against a Range of Insecticides

Abstract The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), is a worldwide pest of gramineous crops and a major pest of corn. Kenya has, in the recent years, reported massive outbreaks of this pest causing huge economic losses in maize fields. The indiscriminate use of insecticides has led to the evolution of insecticide resistance. This presents serious challenges to the control of pests including fall armyworm. The fall armyworm infestation has greatly threatened food security in Keny...

Candidate genes for field resistance to cassava brown streak disease revealed through the analysis of multiple data sources

Abstract Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a food and industrial storage root crop with substantial potential to contribute to managing risk associated with climate change due to its inherent resilience and in providing a biodegradable option in manufacturing. In Africa, cassava production is challenged by two viral diseases, cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) and cassava mosaic disease. Here we detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with CBSD in a biparental mapping population...

Precision agriculture research in sub‑Saharan Africa countries a systematic map

Abstract Precision agriculture (PA) has a huge potential for growth in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), but it faces a number of social-economic and technological challenges. This study sought to map existing PA research and application in SSA countries following the methodology for systematic mapping in environmental sciences. After screening for relevance, the initial about 7715 articles was reduced to 128. Results show that most of the studies were conducted in countries with socio-economic and ...

Agro-Morphological Characterization of Kenyan Slender Leaf (Crotalaria brevidens and C. ochroleuca) Accessions

Abstract Slender leaf (Crotalaria spp) is among the indigenous and underutilized vegetables in Kenya whose production is limited to the Western and Coastal regions of the country. For a long time, this crop has been neglected in terms of research and genetic improvement. *ere is therefore scanty information on its morphological diversity and agronomic performance, hence the need for this study. Field experiments were carried out for two seasons in October to December 2018 and March to May 20...

Variation and Association of Cup Quality Attributes and Resistance to Coffee Berry Disease in Coffea Arabica L. Composite Cultivar, Ruiru 11

Abstract Majority of reported work on coffee breeding primarily concerns agronomic improvement that directly impinges on coffee quality. However, it is crucial that coffee breeding programmes for disease resistance also include coffee quality improvement since consumer awareness about the quality of different coffees has increased. The aim of this study was to determine the variation and associations of cup quality parameters and resistance against Coffee Berry Disease (CBD) in Coffea arabic...

Field Screening of Selected Coffea arabica L. Genotypes Against Coffee Leaf Rust

Abstract Coffee Leaf Rust (CLR) is a fungal disease caused by Hemileia vastatrix Berk et Br. and is one of the major diseases of coffee. It causes premature leaf fall, yield loss and even death of the tree in severe cases. Coffee genotypes respond differently to biotic factors. This study was aimed at identifying potential sources of resistance genes to the disease. Forty five Coffea arabica L accessions were evaluated for their response to CLR under field conditions. CLR infection was asses...

Evaluation of beverage quality and green bean physical characteristics of selected Arabica coffee genotypes in Kenya

Abstract Physical characteristics of green coffee bean have been reported to affect beverage quality to some extent. The objective of this study was to assess the beverage quality and green bean physical characteristics of forty two arabica coffee genotypes and to determine the relationship between the two attributes. Green bean physical characteristics were assesed through actual measurements, grading and weighing while beverage quality was determined by a panel of seven judges using the pr...

Drought and heat tolerance in coffee: a review

Abstract Climatic variability is the main factor responsible for the fluctuations in the coffee yield in the world. The relationships between the climatic parameters and the agricultural production are quite complex, because environmental factors affect the growth and the development of plants under different forms during the phenological phases of the coffee crop. Such environmental factors include reduced rainfall and high temperatures both of which majorly contribute to drought. This pape...

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