Animal Science Research Papers/Topics


Spermatozoon apoptosis in extended semen is a challenge to artificial insemination in poultry production. Chicken spermatozoa undergo damages in vitro due to lipid peroxidation among other factors. Extender supplementation with exogenous antioxidants could mitigate lipid peroxidation and improve semen quality. However, inclusion of antioxidants such as selenium and α-tocopherol in semen extender to improve quality of sperm cells has not been adequately documented. Therefore, effects of ...


Conventional vegetable protein ingredients in poultry feed are costly and relatively scarce. Moringa oleifera Seed Meal (MSM) is an oil seed rich in protein, which can be exploited as an alternative vegetable protein source. However, the potential of MSM as a protein source for broiler production has not been adequately documented. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the utilisation of MSM as a protein source in the diets of broiler chickens. Moringa seeds were harvested a...

Nutritional Evaluation OF Three Browse Species Commonly Fed TO Small Ruminants by Farmers IN The Accra Plains OF Ghana

Abstract Quantitative survey was carried out in five purposely selected districts in the Accra Plains of Ghana using focused group discussions and individual interviews to evaluate and document the existing farming practices, opportunities and constraints among smallholder farmers with particular interest on the probable animal feed resources and cyclical gaps with respect to sheep and goat production in study 1. Also the effect of supplementary feed packages based on Samanea saman, Acacia au...

Effect Of Room Temperature Curing On Microbial Population Of Cured Pork Products

ABSTRACT A total of 64 fresh bacons of average weight 1.3kg and 64 fresh hams of average weight 4.6kg were used in the project. The bacons were randomly divided into 2 groups of 32. Sixteen 32 bacons were divided equally and dry cured under room temperature (DCRT) for 2,4,5 and 6 days respectively. There were 4 replicates in each treatment. The rest of the 16 bacons which were also dry cured for 2,4,5 and 6 days but under cold temperature (DCCT), served as control. The second group of 32 bac...

Evaluation of Seed Yield And Viability of Forage Crops in Ghana

ABSTRACT Three experiments were carried out at the university of Ghana Agricultural Research Station, Legon, from November, 1999 to November, 2000, to assess field establishment and seed yield of five forage crops at various harvest periods and how their germination can be enhanced to improve pasture production in the country. The studies also examined the influence of storage of the seeds at room temperature, fridge and cold room and duration of storage on seed viability. High seed yields w...

Studies Into The Nutritive Value And Use Of Energy And Protein Feedstuffs For Poultry In Ghana.

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to evaluate energy and protein feedstuffs for poultry. Proximate composition was estimated and metabolizable energy also investigated in experiments I and II respectively. Sorghum and Soybean oil meal were also evaluated as main energy and protein sources replacing maize and fish meal respectively for broilers in experiment III. Experiment III was conducted as a 3x3 factorial in a randomized complete block design with three replicates (blocks). There were thr...

Evaluation Of Selected Local Spices On Sensory And Microbial Characteristics Of Fresh Pork Sausage

ABSTRACT Xylopia aethiopica (African pepper) and Monodora myristica (African nutmeg) are used as spices in Ghanaian local dishes and as traditional medicine. The objective of this study was to substitute two spices in “normal” fresh pork sausage formulation with selected local spices and evaluate their effect on sensory and microbiological characteristics of the product. A 4x4 factorial design was used with 4 spice treatments (Control – Syzygium Gaertner (clove), Allium cepa (onion), Pi...

Amino Acid Reference Values For Selected Feedstuffs Used In The Nigerian Poultry Industry

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to establish reference protein composition values for selected local feedstuffs such as dry brewers spent grain (DBSG), cassava meal (CAM), palm kernel cake (PKC) and groundnut cake (GNC) for the Nigerian feed industry by determining amino acids profiles and amino acids compositional quality scores. The selected local feedstuffs were each sourced from five locations from northern and southern parts of Nigeria such that there were five samples for...

Effects Of Supplemental Methionine And Lysine On The Nutritional Value Of Housefly Larvae Meal (Musca Domestics) Fed To Rats

ABSTRACT The performance and blood composition of rats fed housefly larvae meal supplemented with, or without methionine and lysine or at high concentration were investigated.

Pathogenesis Of Endemic Burkitt's Lymphoma: The Role Of T-Cell Responses

Abstract  The mechanisms underlying the deficiency in cellular immunity to eBL and its development have not been conclusively investigated. This study sought to examine T cell phenotypes and responses in eBL. Participants recruited for this study included; 19 healthy controls, 21 eBL patients and 26 malaria patients, PBMCs were isolated from peripheral blood samples collected from participants and combinations of T-cell subset, activation marker (CD25, CD69, CD95, HLA-DR), IFN-γ-, IL-4- or ...

Recent Advances in The Application Of Biotechnology in Animal Nutrition

ABSTRACT  Biotechnology is the use of biological processes, organisms, or systems to manufacture products intended to improve plants and animals for human use. Recently, there are wide potential applications of biotechnology in the field of animal production to increase the productivity of animals through better plane of nutrition, better production and improved health conditions. Hence this long essay was undertaken to review current techniques used in animal biotechnology with emphasis on ...

Evaluation Of Tetrapleura Tetraptera (‘Prekese’) Extract On The Sensory Characteristics And Microbial Quality Of Fresh Pork Sausage.

ABSTRACT The effect of varying concentrations of essential oil (EO) extracts from T. tetraptera pods on the sensory characteristics and microbial quality of fresh pork sausages were evaluated. Gas chromatography-mass spectrophotometry (GC-MS) analysis of the extract revealed thirty-two (32) chemical compounds which included organic acids, phenols and alcohols, including eugenol. Sausages were prepared from de-boned ham, divided into four batches and mixed with black pepper and garlic (0.5% ea...

Palm Kernel Oil Residue (Pkor) As Livestock Feed In Ghana: A Case Study Of Four (4) Districts In The Central Region

ABSTRACT Feed costs amount to about 70 – 80% of the total production costs of meat production in intensively managed production systems. In Ghana, the major ingredients of such feeds are maize, wheat bran and protein based concentrates based on fishmeal. Agro Industrial By-Products especially Palm Kernel Oil Residue (PKOR) is potentially useful as an energy and/or protein source for feeding all species of livestock. The study was therefore designed to examine the extent of use of PKOR in ...

Rabbit Production In Nigeria: Some Aspects Of Current Status And Promotional Strategies

ABSTRACT : Some aspects of the current status and promotional strategies of rabbit production in Nigeria were appraised in this study. This was because such data are lacking and rabbit production offers a great potential towards attainment of food security in terms of animal protein intake. Data were obtained principally from field survey, questionnaires administration, personal observations and experiences of authors, structured personal interviews of identified rabbit farmers, personal inte...

Prevalence and Antibiotic Resistance of Salmonella SP., Shigella SP. and Escherichia Coli in Fresh Retail Chicken in the Accra Metropolis

ABSTRACT Prevalence and antibiotic resistance (ABR) profiles of selected food borne pathogens in retailed fresh chicken, sold in the Accra Metropolis, were investigated. Fifty (50) fresh whole chicken carcasses, purchased from commercial cold stores, open markets, meat shops and local poultry farms, in the Accra metropolis, were used. Samples for evaluation were swabs from the breast, wing and vent area of the chicken carcasses. Target pathogens, Salmonella sp., Shigella sp. and E. coli were...

181 - 195 Of 256 Results