Animal Science Research Papers/Topics

Determination of the True Metabolizable Energy of Some Non-Conventional Agro-Industrial By-Products

ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted to determine the metabolizable energy of maize pap waste (MPW) and rice milling waste (RMW) using adult male broiler birds. Eighteen male adult broiler birds were used in the experiment. Eight birds were assigned to each of the feedstuff with two birds left unfed which served as the negative control. Each of the samples was ground, made into slurry and force-fed to sixteen 10-week old finisher broiler birds that had been starved for 30 hours. The droppings...

Effect of Probiotics (Lactobacillus Acidophillus) in Drinking Water on the Performance and Carcass Yield of Broilers.

ABSTRACT This study was to determine the effect of probiotics (L. acidophilus) on growth performance, carcass yield, and serum cholesterol level of broiler birds. A total of 128 day – old Anak broiler chicks were used for the study. The birds were randomly divided into four treatment groups T1, T2, T3, and T4 which contained 0.0g/ml, 0.4g/ml, 0.6g/ml and 0.8g/ml L. acidophilus respectively. Thirty-two birds were assigned to each treatment group which was replicated four times with 8 birds p...

Influence of Nutrition and Body Condition at First Mating on the Reproductive Performance of Gilts in the Humid Tropics

ABSTRACT Two experiments were conducted at the piggery unit of the Department of Animal Science Farm, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, from July 2007 to March 2009, to determine the effect of nutrition and body condition at first mating on the reproductive performance of gilts. The first experiment evaluated the effects of feeding different combinations of protein and energy diets on age at onset of first observed oestrus, growth rate, backfat reserve and body condition score of the gilts from ...

Effect of Different Dietary Levels of Palm Oil Sludge on the Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Local Turkeys.

Abstract A 56 day experiment was conducted to determine the effect of different dietary levels of palm oil sludge on the growth performance, carcass trait, and economic cost of feeding local turkeys. Forty local poults (mixed sexes) were randomly assigned to five treatment groups with eight poults per treatment. Each treatment was replicated twice with four poults per replicate in a completely randomized design. The poults were fed commercial broiler starter ration containing 24% crude protei...

Performance of Weaner and Grower Pigs Fed Diets Containing Graded Levels of Soybean Hull

ABSTRACT Twenty-four weaner pigs were used in a study to evaluate the response of weaner and grower pigs to diets containing graded levels of toasted soybean hull (SBH).In experiment 1(growing phase), twenty-four male hybrid (large white x landrace) weaner pigs, about 6 weeks old, weighing 5.92-6.85kg were randomly divided into four groups of six pigs each using a completely randomized design (CRD). Each group was randomly assigned to one of the four diets (1, 2, 3 and 4) containing 0% (contr...

Protein and Energy Requirements of African Giant Land Snail (Achatina Achatina)

ABSTRACT A 16-week study was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary protein and energy levels on the growth performance of African giant land snail (Achatina achatina). Two hundred and forty eight weeks old African giant land snails were used for the study. The snails were randomly divided into 16 groups of 15 snails each. The groups were randomly assigned to 16 diets in a 4 x 4 factorial arrangement involving four levels ((18%, 20%, 22%, and 24%) of protein and four energy levels (2....

The Biology and Ecology of Macrchischoides Aculeatus (Hymekqptsra 8 Formic Idas) In Cocoa Farms in (Siana

ABSTRACT The ecology and biology of ijacromigcholdes aculeatus have been studied# The ant vas found to be widely distributed in southern (Sham and its distribution overlapped that of the forest zone. In cocoa farms it occurred sore casaonly and more abundantly in areas vdth dense shade than in &reas of +Mn shade. Light, predators, haaoptera and food availability were found to influence its distribution. It was found to be largely crepusacular and nocturnal. M. aculeatus has bean found to be ...

Feed Intake and Utilization of Sodium Hydroxide-Treated Rice Straw as Affected by Supplements of Cassava Peels and Treated Water Hyacinth

ABSTRACT Several strategies such as chemical treatment and supplementation have been used in an attempt to improve the quality of rice straw as a feed for livestock. Protein and energy supplementation has been shown to improve the nutritive value of straw. Three experiments were conducted on the hypothesis that ensiled water hyacinth, with or without cassava peels, will enhance the utilization of the basal diet of NaOH-treated rice straw and addition of dried cassava peels to ensiled water h...

On Farm Introduction of Some Dry Season Feeding Strategies to Cattle Farmers On the Accra Plains of Ghana and The Response of Cattle to These Strategies.

ABSTRACT A baseline survey and three (3) experiments (one (1) on-farm and two (2) on-station) were conducted in a study to introduce some dry season feeding strategies to cattle farmers in the Accra Plains. The baseline survey was carried out in the Dangbe East and West Districts of the Accra Plains for two main reasons: (i) to ascertain the reasons why cattle farmers had not adopted dry season feeding strategies which had been known in Ghana for some time and, (ii) to find out the types of ...

Studies On The Utilization Of Urea- Ammoniated Straw And Urea-Molasses Block Supplement As Dry Season Feed Stuffs By Siieep In Ghana

ABSTRACT Three experiments were undertaken to evaluate the nutritive value of urea ammoniated rice straw and urea-molasses block supplement for dry season feeding to sheep. Experiment One compared the feeding value of untreated straw (US), ammoniated straw (AS) and urea-molasses block supplemented straw (UMBS). Three fistulated and three "intact" sheep were assigned to a two 3 x 3 Latin Square designed. Parameters investigated include dry matter intake, lightweight changes and nutrient digest...

Assessment Of Water Quality And Fish Producivity In Three Undrainable Reservoirs Of Naromoru, Nyeri County, Kenya

Abstract Naromoru is a semi-arid area located on the leeward side of Mt. Kenya, and has more than 15 small sized reservoirs constructed to provide water for livestock, irrigation and domestic use. To increase their usefulness, some reservoirs have been stocked with fish, even though no studies have been carried out to establish their suitability and potential for fish culture. This study therefore aimed at assessing the water quality, fish food availability and fisheries productivity of three...

Distribution And Vegetation Association Of Grevy’s Zebra (Equus Grevyi) In Tsavo East National Park And The Surrounding Ranchlands

ABSTRACT Grevy’s zebra (Equus grevyi), the world’s largest wild equine, is endemic to the arid Horn of Africa. Originally, its range extended throughout the Horn of Africa but currently it is found only in Kenya and Ethiopia. The population has declined from 15,000 in the late 1970s to between 1,964 and 2,445 animals by the year 2008. The population declines as report by William and Low (2004) is probably as a result of being killed for meat, medicinal purposes, loss of access to critical...

A Genetic Approach To The Management And Conservation Of The Hartebeest (Alcelaphus Buselaphus) In Kenya

ABSTRACT A lot of effort is put on 'proximate' threats to conservation, overlooking the 'ultimate' conservation goals in the process. Ultimately, attempts need to be made to conserve not just individuals or populations, but processes that have been on-going over vast geographical space and long evolutionary time, such as gene flow and natural selection. So far, little is known about these historical processes that decisions affecting the management of species in fragmented landscapes are alw...

Effects Of Land Use And Seasonality On The Distribution Of Mayflies And Water Quality Along Thika River, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Mayfly order (Ephemeroptera) is a widely distributed taxon that is used commonly in the biological assessment of water quality due to its sensitivity to changes in water quality. Despite its values in water quality assessment, studies on the taxa are still very scanty in most tropical countries, including Kenya. Water quality deterioration remains a vital threat in most rivers. The primary objective of this study, was therefore to investigate the spatial and temporal changes in commu...

Amino Acid Reference Values For Selected Feedstuffs Used In The Nigerian Poultry Industry

ABSTRACT The main objective of this study was to establish reference protein composition values for selected local feedstuffs such as dry brewers spent grain (DBSG), cassava meal (CAM), palm kernel cake (PKC) and groundnut cake (GNC) for the Nigerian feed industry by determining amino acids profiles and amino acids compositional quality scores. The selected local feedstuffs were each sourced from five locations from northern and southern parts of Nigeria such that there were five samples for...

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