Crop Science Research Papers/Topics

Assessment Of The Physical, Chemical And Organoleptic Characteristics Of Watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus [Thunb]) Waxed With Different Plant Oils

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in two phases. Phase 1 was to assess the handling and management of watermelon along the value chain in the Ada-East district of Ghana. One hundred open and close ended questionnaires were administered to farmers and dealers of watermelon. From the study, it was observed that the value chain of watermelon starts from land preparation and ends at the point it gets to the final consumer. The key players along the chain were identified to be farmers, dealers (tra...

Effects Of Palm Bunch Ash And Mineral Fertilizer Application On Soil Chemical Properties And On The Growth, Yield And Nitrogen Fixation Of Three Pigeon Pea Varieties In The Semi–Deciduous For

ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted at the Forest and Horticultural Crops Research Centre, Kade to investigate the effect of palm bunch ash (PBA) application on soil chemical properties and the growth, nodulation, nitrogen fixation and yield of three early maturing varieties (ICPL 87091, ICPL 88034 and ICPL 88039) of pigeonpea. The experiment was conducted both in the field and in the pot. The three pigeonpea varieties were subjected to three fertilization treatments; 2 t ha–1 PBA, 20 kg h...

Growth, Yield And Consumer Acceptance of Sweet Pepper(Capsicum annuum L) as Influenced by Open Field And Greenhouse Production Systems

ABSTRACT The rapid population increase and land scarcity calls for an alternative means of production system for sustenance of the human race. This prompted an investigation into the growth, yield and consumer acceptance of sweet pepper (Capsicum anuum L) as influenced by open field and greenhouse production systems at the University of Ghana Forest and Horticultural Crops Research Centre, Okumaning – Kade in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The experiment was conducted in the minor season (dr...

Cold Chain Management of Fruits in Ghana(A Case Study of The Pineapple Sector)

ABSTRACT Ghana's Horticultural sector over recent years has seen tremendous growth and development with increasing demand for tropical fruits in Europe and the rest of the world. With the rise in competition among producing countries, it has become very important for the sector to be strengthened. Demand for quality produce by consumers in these developed countries has been a challenge to producers from developing countries like Ghana. For Ghana to compete favourably among its peers in the gl...

Agro–Input Use In Peri–Urban Okra Productionin The Greater Accra Region

ABSTRACT A series of studies were carried out in the Greater Accra region from October, 2012 to May, 2013 to ascertain agro-input usage in okra production and its effects on quality of production and the produce. Studies comprised a survey, two field studies (an on–farm trial and a field experiment) and one laboratory study. For the survey, data were collected through the administration of questionnaires and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software (version 18)...

Effect Of Planting Date And Variety Of Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.)Walp.] On Green Pod Production

ABSTRACT A study was carried out in 2012 in a Sudan savanna ecology in Ghana aimed at identifying the optimal planting dates and suitable cowpea varieties for green pod production. Six planting dates were considered starting from the onset of the rainy season (20th June, 30th June, 12th July, 25th July, 2nd August and 12th August), and four improved cowpea varieties released by Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (SARI) of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) as Baaw...

The Effect of Alachlor-ATRAZINE Mixture And Diuron on Weed Control, Growth And Yield And Their Residual Effect on Growth, Nodulation And Yield of Cowpea.

ABSTRACT Two field experiments were carried out from July 1993 to January 1994 at the University of Ghana farm, Legon. The first experiment investigated the effects of two preemergent herbicides alachlor-atrazine mixture and diuron at the manufacturers' recommended rates and at rates 50% above those recommended on weed control, growth and yield of maize variety 'Abeleehi'. The second experiment carried out on the same plots determined the residual effects of these herbicides on two varieties...

Studies on Oil Palm Based Cropping Systems in Ghana

ABSTRACT A survey was conducted in 1994 to gather information on the practice of intercropping food crops in oil palm on small-scale farms in the oil palm zones of southern Ghana. The objective was to identify and study intercropping systems used in oil palm production. Data was collected by interviewing a total of 72 oil palm farmers from the oil palm growingregions,(Eastern, Central,Western,Ashanti,Brong-Ahafo,and Volta) at their farm locations. The responses indicated that the small-scale...

The Effect of Some Growth Regulators on Sprouting And Field Performance of Three White Yam Varieties (Dioscorea rotundata) Poir.

ABSTRACT  A study was carried out at the University of Ghana from January 2001 to January 2002 to find out if Labreko and Pona yam varieties treated exogenously with some growth regulators will respond to yam minisett technique. Six experiments were set up consisting of three yam minisett sprouting studies and three field assessments of the sprouted mini setts The objective of the study was to use growth regulators to enhance sprouting of Labreko and Pona minisetts and to improve field perfo...

Genetic Studies In Some Cowpea (Vigna Pnguiculata (L) Walp.) Varieties In Ghana

ABSTRACT Variation in some growth and y ie ld characteristics were studied in 16 lo ca l and exotic cowpea varieties grown in the country. ELanting was done at three different times of the year representing three seasons. The characters studied were: days to 8C$S germination, days to 5 flowering, average dxy weight per plant at 5

Effects Of Maize Variety And Season On Population Dyamics Of Larger Grain Boder, Prostephanus Truncatus And Maize Weevil, And Grain Losses In The Traditional ‘EWE’ Storage Barn In Ghana

ABSTRACT The effects of three maize varieties and two storage seasons on the population dynamics of Prostephanus truncatus and Sitophilus zeamais were observed in the traditional4Ewe’ barn on the field. Two local varieties, Dzolokpuita and Abutia and an improved variety, Abeleehi, were stored with the husk on, during the long season, and Abutia only during the short season, of the 1994/1995 storage period. Destructive sampling techniques were applied to obtain data at monthly intervals for...

Effectiveness And Efficacy Of Different Waxing Materials On The Quality Of Cucumber Fruits Stored Under Different Storage Conditions

ABSTRACT Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is an edible crop produced in Ghana for both the local and export markets. The perishable nature of the fruit results in huge postharvest losses. The use of edible coatings to preserve commodities is inexpensive, easy to apply, requires less labour, technology and improves fruit qualities. However usage of this technology has raised some concerns with major stakeholders of the fruits and vegetables industry regarding health, safety, availability and cost...

Effect Of Different Moisture And Shade Regimes On Seedling Growth Of Three Oil Palm (Elaeis Guineensis) Progenies

Abstract The effect of three different moisture and shade regimes on the seedling growth of three Dura x Pisifera oil palm progenies was investigated at the Oil Palm Research Institute, Kusi between July 1998 and February 2000. A split plot design with four replications was used. Data were collected on leaf number per plant, plant height, butt circumference and leaf area as well as dry weight of plant parts and total plant dry weight. Growth analysis was performed and correlation among trait...

Effect OF Seed Pelleting And Biochar On Nodulation, Growth And Yield Of Soyabean (Glycine max L.)

ABSTRACT Pelleting materials and soil amendments have the ability to enhance nitrogen fixation through improved nodulation in leguminous species. Pot and field experiments were conducted in the Sinna Garden, Department of Crop Science, and University Farm, University of Ghana, Legon, during the 2018 minor and 2019 major rainy seasons respectively, to access the effect of seed pelleting with different materials and different soil amendments on nodulation, growth and yield of soybean (Glycine m...

Watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus) Value Chain And Smallholder Livelihood Improvement In The Upper East Region

ABSTRACT Demand for rice from developing countries is steadily increasing, replacing most of the coarse grains and root crops as the major source of dietary calories. Food insecurity in many Africa countries is inevitable if efficient procedures for boosting productivity, decreasing cost of production, and protecting the environment are not taken into account. The per capita consumption of rice in Ghana is currently about 24 kg per annum. Consumption of rice will continuing to go up due to ra...

136 - 150 Of 251 Results