Crop Science Research Papers/Topics

To Evaluate The Lethal Effect Of Hexane Extracts Of The Leaves Of Rehan (Ocimum Basilicum) And Lupine Seeds (Lupinus Termis) Against The 3rd Larval Instars Of Spiny Bollworm (Earias Insulana

Abstract This study was carried out in the laboratory of Entomology, Plant Protection Department , College of Agricultural Studies , Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST) to evaluate the lethal effect of hexane extracts of the leaves of Rehan (Ocimum basilicum) and Lupine seeds (Lupinus termis) against the 3rd larval instars of spiny bollworm (Earias insulana Boisduval, 1833). Also further experiments were conducted to investigate the efficacy of sesame oil as a synergist. Four co...

Planting Time, Spray Regime, Disease Expression And Their Impacts On Six Cucumber Lines In A Derived Savanna Agroecology Of Nsukka, Southeastern Nigeria.

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. It is a major vegetable crop worldwide and develops rapidly, with a shorter time from planting to harvest than most crops. It is a monoecious annual climber or creeper that has been cultivated for over 3,000 years and is still widely cultivated today. The fruit is soft, succulent with high water content, roughly cylindrical and elongated with tapered ends. The plant shades one another, being allowed to creep on the ground ther...

Partial Nutrient Balance In Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) And Soybean (Glycine Max (L) Merril) Intercrop For Sustainable Agriculture In A Derived Savannah Location

ABSTRACT Three field experiments to investigate the partial nutrient balance (N and K) in cassava/soybean intercrop system were conducted at University of Nigeria, Nsukka in a derived Savannah location of South Eastern Nigeria. Effect of fertilizer rate, residual fertilizer and soybean residue management on growth and yield of soybean and cassava and soil nutrient reserve were studied. Soybean growth and yield were significantly affected by their varieties, fertilizer rate and cropping syste...

Evaluation Of Cassava Cultivars And Intercropping With Legumes As An Integrated Nematode Pest Control Strategy In Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Production

ABSTRACT These studies on evaluation of cassava cultivars and intercropping with legumes as an integrated nematode control strategy in cassava production were carried out as 15 greenhouse/microplot and field experiments. Of the 200 cultivars screened for resistance to Meloidogyne spp., only 76 survived and from this lot only 3 lines 77/227, TMS30572 and 73/222, showed any resistance while 7 others namely NR8082, 75.668, 73/238 (Egbenegbe), 73/295, 73/118, 75740(Panya), 82/00661 and 73295B we...

Evaluation Of 31 Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Breeding Lines And Genetic Analysis Of Eight Selected Lines Using Diallel Methods

ABSTRACT A diallel set consisting of p 2 combinations (p parents ½ P(p-1) F2 hybrids, and the backcrosses among eight rice breeding lines were grown in replicated trails. The eight rice breeding lines were selected from an initial thirty one rice breeding lines comprising eighteen medium maturing rice lines and thirteen early maturing rice lines on the basis of their maturity (early to medium ), plant height (semi – dwarf to intermediate ), tillerring ability (low to high) and spikelet fe...

Fluvial Facies, Vertebrate Taphonomy And Palaeosols Of The Teekloof Formation (Permian) Near Beaufort West, Cape Province, South Africa

ABSTRACT The main Karoo Basin of South Africa contains a relatively continuous sequence of continental deposits that accumulated over a 100 million year period from Permo-Carboniferous (280 Ma) to early Jurassic (180 Ma). In the southwestern region of the basin the Karoo succession is approximately 4 000 m thick, the upper half of which consists of vertebrate fossil-bearing fluvial rocks of the Beaufort Group. This study deals with Lower Beaufort (Adelaide Subgroup) strata belonging to the Te...

Optimising techniques for improving post-harvest quality of orange (citrus sinensis (l.) Osbeck) and mango (mangifera indica, l.) Fruits in eastern zone of tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  The preliminary experiment was done by using Jaffa orange variety to assess the effects of different concentrations of hexanal, calcium chloride and smoke treatment on physicochemical quality. Jaffa orange fruits were separately (i) dipped in hexanal at 0.01%, 0.02% and 0.04% volume/voume for five minutes (ii) dipped in calcium chloride 1%, 2% and 4% weight/volume for five minutes (iii) fruits were smoked by burning 0.5 kg, 1.0 kg and 1.5 kg of dry banana leaves (iv) Untre...

Effectiveness Of Reduced Rates Of N On Productivity And Economic Returns Of Sorghum In Striga Infested Semi-Arid Areas Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT Performances of three sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) genotypes (Wahi, Hakika and Pato) and inorganic soil amendments were studied under naturally Striga asiatica [L.] Kuntze infestation for one cropping season (2015/16) in two locations, using a split plot design laid out in a randomized complete block design with four replications. A susceptible sorghum (Pato cultivar) was used as a bioassay to evaluate the effectiveness of reduced rates of N under Striga infestation. At Hombo...

Identification of quantitative trait loci for salinity tolerance in rice (oryza sativa l.) Using ir29/hasawi mapping population

ABSTRACT Thirty days old rice seedlings of 300 F5:6 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between a salt sensitive, IR29 (indica), and a salt tolerant, Hasawi (indica), were evaluated for salinity tolerance and thereafter QTLs linked to salinity tolerance were identified. Large variation in salinity tolerance among the RILs was detected. Final salinity injury scores ranged from highly tolerant to highly sensitive with a transgressive segregation towards sensitive parent. Howev...

Effectiveness Of Cultural Practices And Sweet Potato Varieties (Ipomoea Batatas Lam) In Managing Sweet Potato Weevil (Cylas Spp) In Zanzibar

ABSTRACT Field experiments were conducted simultaneously from April to July 2012 at agroecologies; Bambi (Latitude 06o 09’S, Longitude 039o 16’E; and Altitude 20m above sea level) Central District and Kizimbani (Latitude 05o 54’S, Longitude 039o 16’E; and Altitude 20 m above sea level) Western Unguja district. The aim was to investigate the effectiveness of selected cultural practices (weeding and hilling-up once, twice and thrice), vine portions (apical, middle and basal) and variet...

Screening of farmer preferred tomato lines (solanum lycopersicon l.) For resistance against begomoviruses along the coastal belt of tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT A study was done to enhance the understanding of the diversity of begomoviruses and to identify tomato varieties resistant to Tomato yellow leaf curl disease (TYLCD) that can be used by farmers in the coastal belt of Tanzania. Twenty four out of 225 diseased leaf samples collected tested positive for DNA-A component for primer pairs VD360/CD1266 and VD360/AC1048. No DNA-B or satellites were detected. Their phylogenetic tree constructed with other closely related sequences f...

Phenotypic And Moleculer Characterization Of Recombinant Inbred Groundnut Lines For Resistance To Groundnut Rosette Disease

ABSTRACT Groundnut rosette disease is the most constraint to the production of groundnut causing annual economic loss of US $156 millions in sub-Saharan African countries. The present study evaluated 220 (F5) Recombinant inbred lines (RIL) derived from 12991 X ICGV 86124 resistant and susceptible parents respectively, for resistance to groundnut rosette disease so as to identify resistant Recombinant Inbred Lines (RIL) and markers linked to Groundnut Rosette Disease resistance. The RIL were ...

Effect Of Sequential Planting On Occurrence And Population Dynamics Of Sweet Potato Weevils On Selected Varieties In Central Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT  The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is one of the most important food crops in Africa and the world that is in Tanzania produced in largest quantities in the central Regions where, however, yields are very low due to abiotic and biotic constraints. One of the most serious biotic constraints is the sweet potato weevil, an insect whose cryptic feeding nature of the very destructive larval stages makes chemical control often not effective. A survey was conducted in two Dist...

Upland Rice Growth And Yield Response To Weed Management Practices Under Rainfed Conditions

ABSTRACT Field experiments were conducted in two seasons at Sokoine University of Agriculture farm in Morogoro, Tanzania (6.850 S; 37.640 E and 568 m.a.s.l.) during the short rain (November 2014 to January 2015) and the long rain (March to June 2015). The experiment was a split plot in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 4 replications. Weed management practices (pre-emergence (ULTRA 2, 4-D), postemergence (Hansunil), hoe weeding (3x) and weedy) were the main plot treatments and f...

Practices In Using Pesticides In Urban Agriculture: A Case Of Vegetable Sector In Dar Es Salaam

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Urban Agriculture is crucial to the supply of food especially fresh vegetables in many urban areas including Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. In addition to the supply of food, it serves as a source of employment and income for many urban dwellers. However, the intensive and continued growing of vegetable on same piece of the land tend to trigger enormous pests pressure of diverse species which calls for the most effective and robust pest management practices. As such, most urban...

106 - 120 Of 371 Results