Horticulture Research Papers/Topics

Extent of Spike Shedding and Stem Wilting of Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) in Morogoro District, Tanzania

Abstract Background: Pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is an important spice produced by small-scale farmers in Morogoro district of Tanzania for both local and export markets. Recently, farmers have reported a decline in crop productivity due to spike shedding and stem wilting of pepper plants. The study was conducted to obtain baseline information on the extent of the disorders. Methods: An altitudinal transect survey was conducted in Morogoro district from October to November 2018. Data were co...

Comparative Study of the Biochemical Properties of the Fruits of Wild (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium Jusl. (Mill.)) and the Cultivated (L. esculentum Mill.) Tomato Cultivars in Nigeria

Abstract Thefruitsofthreecultivarsofthecultivatedtomato (Lycopersiconesculentum)andthewildspecies (L.pimpinellifolium)wereanalysed andcompared fortheirbiochemicalproperties. Ripefruitsat theorange-redstagewereusedforall theanalyses.Both thecultivated andthewildtomatospeciesshowedhighmoisturecontents. Thewildtomatocultivarhadahighercrudeproteincontentandquantitatively represents thebettersourceofproteinintakewhencomparedwith thecultivatedcultivars. Thecrude fibrecontent washighestin L. es...

Effect Of Saline Water On Germination And Vegetative Growth Of Faba Bean (Vicia Faba L.)

Abstract This study was carried out to investigate the effect of different concentrations of sodium chloride (NaCl) solution on the germination and the vegetative growth of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) cv Agabat. The NaCl solution concentrations used were 0.00 ( distilled water as a control), 0.032, 0.063, 0.125, and 0.250 molar. The daily and final germination percentage was not significant affected by the 0.00, 0.032 and 0.063and 0.125 M. The final germination percentage for these NaCl ...

Effect of Some Fertilizer Types on Growth, Yield and Quality of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Unde r Cooled Plastic Tunnels Conditions

The study was carried out thru 7 July - 1 October of 2015 in a cooled plastic tunnel (29ºc Temperature and 85%, Relative humidity) at Al Bagair area, in the northern part of Al Gazera State, Sudan, to study the effect of organic (Elkhierat), bio-fertilizer (Elixir) and chemical (NPK) and some micronutrients ( Fe, Zn and B at 200, and 100 ppm, respectively) fertilizers and their combinations on growth, yield and quality of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) variety (Faten). The treatments we...

Evaluation Of Entomopathogens And Plant Extracts As Options For Integrated Pest Management Of Tuta Absoluta Meyrick (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) For Enhanced Tomato Productivity In Rwanda

ABSTRACT Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is an economically and nutritionally important crop in Rwanda. However, its production is threatened by the invasive tomato leaf miner (Tuta absoluta Meyrick) since 2015. Options for integrated pest management (IPM) for its control under Rwandan conditions have not been developed. The main objective of this study was to contribute to enhanced tomato productivity and fruit quality in Rwanda through evaluation of entomopathogens and plant extracts as o...

Bioefficacy Of Lion’s Ear (Leonotis Nepetifolia) And African Basil (Ocimum Gratissimum) Extracts Against Two-Spotted Spider Mite (Tetranychus Urticae) On French Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris L)

ABSTRACT French bean is a major export vegetable crop in Kenya that is currently facing a steady decline in production. Two-spotted spider mite, (Tetranychus urticae Koch) is one of the major pests that has contributed to the fluctuations in French beans production. The conventional management of this pest using miticides has caused serious environmental and safety concerns particulary in the export market. Plant-based products provide safe alternatives that can be included in integrated pes...

Effect Of Aloe (Aloe Vera) Leaf Extract Coating On Quality And Shelf Life Of Mango (Mangifera Indica L.) Fruits At Two Controlled Temperature Levels

ABSTRACT Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is a popular and economically important tropical fruit throughout the world due to its excellent visual and eating qualities and nutritional composition. But the fruit is highly perishable and utmost care is required in handling to reduce postharvest losses. Trade in mangoes has been limited because of its highly perishable nature and its susceptibility to low temperature injury, physical injury and post-harvest diseases. Approaches to extending fresh fru...

Effects Of Agronet Cover And Companion Planting With Basil (Ocimum Basilicum L.) On Whitefly (Bemisia Tabaci Gennadius) Infestation, Yield And Quality Of Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum L.)

ABSTRACT Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is a major vegetable crops, and is ranked second at 14% of total value of exotic vegetables produced in Kenya after potato with a value of 55%. It is predominantly grown by small to medium scale growers in open fields. However, open field tomato production faces many challenges including weather extremes, diseases and insect pests. The whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Gennadius), is one of the major pests of tomato capable of causing up to 80% loss in yield....

Optimizing Micropropagation Protocols For Wild Blackberry (Rubus Sp)

ABSTRACT Blackberry is a crop of great economic potential but it has not been exploited commercially in Kenya. Breeding and commercial production of blackberry requires rapid propagation which is not possible through the traditional seed and vegetative techniques. This study aimed at developing an efficient protocol for rapid multiplication of blackberry (Rubus sp). The study comprised of seven separate experiments to establish the best sterilization protocol, explant size, source of explant...

Evaluation Of Agronets On Microclimate Modification, Insect Pest Control And Cabbage (Brassica Oleraceae Var.Capitata) Crop Performance

ABSTRACT This study was done to evaluate the effects of agronets on insect pests and crop performance on cabbage production under Kenyan conditions. Two experiments were conducted over a span of two seasons at the Horticulture Research and Teaching Field, Egerton University. The objectives were to determine the effects of agronets on (1) microclimate modification, (2) insect pest population and damage, and (3) the subsequent effect on seedling performance, crop growth, yield and quality of ca...

Morphological Characterization And Response Of Spider Plant (Cleome Gynandra L.) To Npk Fertilizer Rates And Deflowering

ABSTRACT Spider plant (Cleome gynandra) is among traditional leafy vegetables whose consumption is increasing in Kenya. Characterization of spider plant ecotypes has not been exclusively done even though a collection exists at the national museums of Kenya. Production of spider plant as a vegetable is constrained by low leaf yields resulting from lack of improved planting materials and a short vegetative phase of the plant. The objective of this study was to morphologically characterize 36 sp...

Efficacy Of Biofumigation Using African Spider Plant (Cleome Gynandra) On Weed Control, Growth And Aesthetic Quality Of Paspalum Turfgrass (Paspalum Notatum) During Lawn Establishment

Weeds interfere with turfgrass growth lowering functional and aesthetic quality of lawns. Conventional weed control using synthetic pesticides is hazardous to lawn users and to the environment while cultivation alone is not sufficient. A study was conducted with the aim of exploring the potential of biofumigation with African spider plant (Cleome gynandra) as an environmentally friendly alternative to use of synthetic herbicides for establishment of weed-free Paspalum notatum turfgrass. ...

Influence Of Different Agronet Covers On Vegetative Growth, Yield And Quality Of African Nightshade (Solanum Scabrum Mill.) And Spiderplant (Cleome Gynandra L.)

ABSTRACT African indigenous leafy vegetables (AILVs) contribute significantly to improved nutrition and food security. However, the potential to meet the growing demand for AILVs has not been met. This study determined the effect of agronets on growth, yield and nutritive values of African nightshade and spiderplant. The experiment was laid on a RCBD, replicated thrice. Blue, gray, white, yellow agronets and uncovered plants (control) were used as the treatments. Spiderplant was direct seeded...

Effect Of Tagetes Minuta And Capsicum Frutescens Extracts On Pectobacterium Carotovorum, Growth, Yield And Quality Of Potatoes (Solanum Tuberosum)

ABSTRACT Potato production is hindered by pathogens like Pectobacterium carotovorum that cause blackleg in the field and soft rot after harvest. The purpose of this study was to determine the possibility of integrating Tagetes minuta and Capsicum frutescens extracts in the management of soft rot and blackleg in potatoes. The research was conducted at the horticulture research and teaching laboratory and field of Egerton University, Njoro. In vitro and in vivo experiments were set up in a Comp...

Effects Of Bioslurry And Plant Biostimulant Hicure® On Growth, Yield And Postharvest Quality Of Carnation (Dianthus Caryophyllus L.)

ABSTRACT Carnation growers heavily use mineral fertilizers and plant growth regulators to obtain desirable stem length, girth and flower head size against Global GAP. This dependency on inorganic fertilizers and synthetic chemicals adversely pollute the environment. While there are limited alternatives to inorganic fertilisers for meeting the nutritional requirements of crops, organic products for regulating plant growth and development are lacking in some crops. The main objective of this st...

46 - 60 Of 88 Results