Plant Breeding Research Papers/Topics

Genetic And Genomic Resources to Improve Resilence to Striga [Striga gesnerioides (Wild.) Vatke] And Drought in Cowpea

ABSTRACT Cowpea (Vigna unguiculatan (L.) Walp.) is a grain legume cultivated worldwide in over 14 million ha but its productivity in Senegal is seriously affected by the infestation of Striga gesnerioides (Wild.) Vatke, a parasitic weed. Striga resistance is an important trait that is missing to most cultivated varieties in Senegal. Its negative effect on cowpea is exacerbated by drought which is a threat to agriculture. The present dissertation describes various optionstaken on the improvem...

Genomic Study And Genetic Improvement Of Sorghum [Sorghum Bicolor (L) Moench] For High Protein Digestibility

ABSTRACT Sorghum is a staple crop and a major source of food and energy for the World’s developing countries. However, its utilization as human food is constrained by the low availability of its proteins after wet cooking which could lead to malnutrition, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. West Africa has a great diversity of sorghum yet, its study and use for improved protein digestibility remains unexplored. To provide knowledge on the characterization of West African sorghum germplasm for...

Genetic Studies of Rice (Oryza sativa) For Improvement of Yield And Aroma in Togo

ABSTRACT In Togo, the quantity of rice produced is very low compared to the needs of the country. Farmers and consumers prefer aromatic rice. The main objective of this research was to increase the local production and supply farmers with aromatic and higher yielding varieties. It was conducted to lay the foundation of a rice breeding programme in Togo. Therefore, the research investigated farmers’ preferences and production constraints, established a germplasm collection and studied its g...

Genetic Characterization, Association Mapping And Evaluation Of Heterotic Patterns Of Tropical Maize (Zea Mays L.) Inbred Lines Under Drought And Non-Drought Conditions

ABSTRACT Genetic diversity provides the capacity for plants to meet changing environments and farmers' preferences, and to establish heterotic patterns, essential for an efficient and sustainable hybrid breeding program. Group interviews and formal surveys were conducted in North and South-Sudan agro-ecological zones of Burkina Faso to assess farmers’ preferences and evaluate their perception of constraints to maize production. Fifty-nine INERA and forty one elite CIMMYT, IITA, U.S and Euro...

Genetic Studies And Qtl Mapping Of Drought Related Traits In A Sweetpotato (Ipomea Batatas(L.) Bi-Parental Mapping Population

ABSTRACT The study was carried out to understand the genetic basis for yield under drought environments, and to map quantitative trait loci associated with yield and yield related components under drought stress in sweetpotato. The sweetpotato BxT mapping population, generated from a cross between sweetpotato varieties Beauregard and Tanzania was used for this study. Genotypes were evaluated in irrigated and drought environments to evaluate the effect of drought on yield and yield related par...

Genetic Control Of Sugars, Dry Matter And Beta-Carotene In Sweetpotato (Ipomoea Batatas [L.] Lam)

ABSTRACT Sweetpotato has immense potential for food and nutrition security in Ghana. It is however, infrequently used in local cuisines. Breeders have attributed this low utilization to the fact that sweetpotato lacks quality characteristics that make it amenable to local food preparation. The present study was carried out to develop varieties that combine high dry matter, low sugar and high β-carotene traits, to meet the needs of Ghanaian consumers. A Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and...

GENETIC STUDIES OF PEARL MILLET [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] FOR RESISTANCE TO Striga hermonthica

ABSTRACT Pearl millet is a major food crop in the northern part of Nigeria. However, its production has been constrained due to several factors, among them is Striga hermonthica. To understand pearl millet farmers’ varietal preference traits, production constraints and knowledge of Striga infestation, a participatory rural appraisal was conducted across six districts in three local government areas of Jigawa State in Nigeria. Data were sourced using a semi-structured questionnaire among 143...

Genetic Studies Of Physiological And Morphological Traits Associated With Drought Tolerance In Cassava Genotypes

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to identify key traits that are closely related to cassava yield under drought stress and also identify stable high yielding cassava genotypes under varying environments. A survey was conducted using in semi-structured questionnaire in three districts in the Northern Region involving 120 farmers to identify farmers’ perception on drought in cassava cultivation, production constraints, mitigation strategies and preferences for improved cassava genotypes. To...

Genetic Analysis of Resistance to Rosette Disease of Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.)

ABSTRACT Groundnut rosette disease (GRD), transmitted naturally by aphids, Aphis craccivora, is the most destructive viral disease of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in Nigeria and causes serious yield losses to farmers. The narrow genetic base among groundnuts has impeded efficient utilization for development of host resistance to GRD. Studies were undertaken in Nigeria to: (i) ascertain farmers‘ knowledge of and preferences for rosette resistant genotypes; (ii) assess the genetic divers...

Genetic Analysis of Postharvest Physiological Deterioration in Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Storage Roots

ABSTRACT Postharvest physiological deterioration (PPD) is a serious abiotic stress in cassava that renders the roots unmarketable, thereby reducing the economic value of the crop. This study was undertaken to determine farmers‟ perception of PPD and identify cassava genotypes with delayed PPD that can be used for better shelf life improvement of cassava. A Participatory Rural Appraisal was conducted among 490 respondents that comprised farmers, processors, marketers and consumers in 12 com...

General Analysis of Tolerance to Low Soil Nitrogen in Immediate Maturing Maize Inbred Lines

ABSTRACT Low soil nitrogen (N) is one of the most important constraints to maize production in subSaharan Africa (SSA) in general and in particular the Bimodal Humid Forest Zone (BHFZ) of Cameroon. The development and adoption of maize varieties tolerant to low N soils could reduce the need for nitrogen inputs and significantly contribute to sustainable maize production. The objectives of this research were to: i) identify maize production constraints and farmers preferred maize characterist...

Genetic Studies Of Pearl Millet [Pennisetum Glaucum (L.) R. Br.] For Resistance To Striga Hermonthica

ABSTRACT Pearl millet is a major food crop in the northern part of Nigeria. However, its production has been constrained due to several factors, among them is Striga hermonthica. To understand pearl millet farmers’ varietal preference traits, production constraints and knowledge of Striga infestation, a participatory rural appraisal was conducted across six districts in three local government areas of Jigawa State in Nigeria. Data were sourced using a semi-structured questionnaire among 143...

Genetic Improvement of Alkalinity Tolerance in Rice In Office Du Niger in Mali

ABSTRACT Alkalinity stress is one of the most important abiotic stresses limiting rice production in irrigated systems. Alkalinity stress during seedling stage widely affects irrigated rice production of Office du Niger in Mali. The development of rice cultivars that tolerate alkalinity stress condition has been hindered by the lack of an elaborate breeding program. The objectives of this study were: (i) to evaluate and validate production constraints and varietal preferences of rice farmers...


ABSTRACT Studies were undertaken to obtain information on the genetics of traits related to biological nitrogen fixation in cowpea, in soils deficient in phosphorus prevailing in the humid forest zone (HFZ) of Cameroon. In this zone, farmers are not usually consulted in the development of new varieties in cowpea breeding programmes. Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) technique through focus group discussions and questionnaire administration was used to assess farmers‟ knowledge on the role...

Genetic Studies And QTL Mapping OF Drought Related Traits in A Sweetpotato (Ipomea batatas(L.) BI-parental Mapping Population

ABSTRACT  The study was carried out to understand the genetic basis for yield under drought environments, and to map quantitative trait loci associated with yield and yield related components under drought stress in sweetpotato. The sweetpotato BxT mapping population, generated from a cross between sweetpotato varieties Beauregard and Tanzania was used for this study. Genotypes were evaluated in irrigated and drought environments to evaluate the effect of drought on yield and yield related p...

61 - 75 Of 77 Results