Soil Science Research Papers/Topics

Effects of Different Crops and Crop Farming Practices on Soil Degradation in Nyakach Sub-County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview ABSTRACT: Soil has influenced progression of civilization in many regions because it supports food production. Growth in world population has been met by intensification of soil utilization which in turn has caused diverse changes in physical, biological and chemical properties of soil resource. In Nyakach Sub-county in western Kenya intensified agricultural production and soil degradation have proceeded hand-in-hand. This area portrays a mismatch between agricultural pr...

Aluminium tolerance mechanisms in phaseolus vulgaris l.: citrate synthase activity and TTC reduction are well correlated with citrate secretion

Abstract/Overview We characterised the physiological mechanisms of tolerance in two beanvarieties (Phaseolus vulgaris L. viz. French Bean cv. Amy and Rosecoco(GLP2» differing in Al tolerance of the varietal level. Root elongation atvarying levels of Al over time clearly showed the Al tolerance superiority of Rosecoco over French bean. Aluminium uptake was much higher in French bean, in both root apex and 2 mm region of the root apex. The root cationexchange capacity of the AI-sensitive F...

Pedological aspects of earthenware potterymaking soils from Kweneng district, Botswana

Abstract: Ethnopedological and pedological investigations have been largely centred on agricultural land uses and associated practices. However, indigenous peasants have also relied on soil resources to eke their livelihood in other activities including non-commercial pottery making. Clayey soils, weathered sandstone and other materials are traditionally used in the Kweneng District of Botswana for earthenware pottery. This study bridges the gap in the dearth of information on the pedologica...

Advances in nanoscale study of organomineral complexes of termite mounds and associated soils: A systematic review

Abstract: Termite mounds are replete with natural nanoparticles, and they vary in physicochemical, geochemical, mineralogical, and biological properties from the adjoining soils. Although termite mounds have wide ecological and environmental roles including soil formation, faunal and vegetation growth and diversity, organic matter decomposition, geochemical exploration, water survey, treatment of underground contamination, thermoregulation, gas exchange, and global climate change, their nano...

Influence of soil physico - chemical properties on indigenous soil bacteria in selected ecosystems at Palapye,Eastern Botswana

Abstract: Advancement of knowledge on soil microbial richness is a key to environmental policy and sustainable land management. In Botswana, there is a dearth of scientific reports on soil bacterial dynamics. The aim of this study is to improve our understanding of how soil physico-chemical properties influence bacterial abundance and distribution under different land-use types (ecosystems). Six ecosystems studied include saline soil, sewage sludge dump, garden, fallow land rainfed and irrig...

Suitability of Morupule fly ash as amendment for two agricultural soils in Botswana

Abstract: Electricity generation in thermal power stations results in high fly ash production that, if not managed properly, will be a potential source of pollutants. In Botswana, the fly ash from Morupule Power Plant is being as an amendment for agricultural soils through a series of experiment that characterized and assessed fly ash deposits as liming material and nutrient source; assessed the effects of fly ash amendments applied at different rates in combination with the nutrient so...

Characterization of soils in the Gamodubu landfill area in the Kweneng District, Botswana

Abstract: Understanding soil attributes guides arable farming initiatives in many countries, especially developing countries. In this study, soils of the Gamodubu area, in the Kweneng District, Botswana, were analysed to determine their suitability for arable farming. Soil organic matter (SOM) was estimated by determining soil organic carbon (SOC) times a factor. Five samples of soil were collected in the Gamodubu area for evaluation in the laboratory. There was positive correlation between ...

Lead pollution of shooting range soils

Abstract: A total of eight military shooting ranges were used for this study. Soil samples were collected at each of the eight shooting ranges at the berm, target line, 50 and 100 m from berm. In all of the shooting ranges investigated the highest total lead (Pb) concentrations were found in the bermsoils. Elevated Pb concentrations of 38 406.87 mg kg–1 were found in the bermsoils of TAB shooting range. Most of the shooting range soils contained high levels of Pb in the range above 2000mgk...

Gaussian process simulation of soil Zn micronutrient spatial heterogeneity and uncertainty – A performance appraisal of three semivariogram models

Abstract: Geostatistical modelling has proven to be a good tool for decision making in soil nutrient management because it has the ability to map spatial heterogeneity and uncertainty. This study outlines a comparative approach to quantify the uncertainties and correlations in spatial process models as illustrated for the distribution of Zn in top soils of a semi-arid environment. The spatial correlation of Zn uncertainties is investigated by calculating the semi-variance of normalized Zn co...

Experimental study on strength improvement of weak subgrade clay soil using copper slag and hydrated lime as an activator

Abstract: Roads constructed on weak sub-grade clay soils with high plasticity may be affected by the behaviour of the clay soils. Weak sub-grade clay soils undergo volume change due to the changes in the moisture content which triggers cracking, settlement, heaving and damage of the road pavement by breaking up the pavement. Stabilizing these types of weak sub-grade clay soil is required to overcome the swelling of the clay soil and increase the soil strength and improve the performance. The...

Genotypic EFFECT of Groundnut on Nodulation, N Fixation and N Balance in two Savannahs of Nigeria

Abstract Identification of high N-fixing groundnut genotypes and integrating theminto the prevailing cereal-based cropping systems can reduce the need for nitrogen (N) fertilizers, thus minimizing their high cost and associated environmental consequences. This study was conducted to estimate the amount of symbiotically fixed N by groundnut genotypes and its contribution to soil N and yield of groundnut. Trials were carried out during the 2015 rainy season at Bayero University Kano (BUK) Agr...

Soil Porosity and Water Infiltration as Influenced by Tillage Practices on Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria Soil

 Abstract The relations between soil pore structure induced by tillage and infiltration play an important role in flow characteristics of water and solutes in soil. The effects of agricultural management practices on soil physical parameters aid the effective sustainability of soils. In this study, three tillage methods common to the study area on porosity and water infiltration were assessed. Tillage treatments include zero tillage (Plot covered with vegetation (conservation tillage)...

Introduction and Participatoryevaluation of Exotic Cultivars of Pepper (Capsicum Spp.) among Small Holder Farmers in South- Western Nigeria

Abstract. Pepper (Capsicum spp.) production by farmers in southwestern Nigeria is limited by low yield due to poor genetic potentials of most cultivars available, use of poor quality seeds, disease infestation, and poor managment practices among others. To overcome the constraints, some varieties of pepper developed at Embrapa Brazil and NIHORT Nigeria, were introducedfollowed bytraining of 100 small scale farmers . Participatory field demonstrations of the improved varieties of pepper were c...

Effect of phosphate fertilizer application on manganese adsorption by some soils in Borno state

Abstract-The  study  was  carried  out  to  investigate  the effect  of  phosphate  fertilizer  application  on  manganese (Mn)  adsorption.  Composite  sandy  loam  and  loam  soil samples  (0-20  cm)  were  collected  from  Dalori  and Gongulong  and  analysed  for  their  texture  and  chemical properties.  Mn  adsorption  experiment  was  carried  out. Loamy soil  collected  at  Gongulong was  moderately acidic in  reaction,  moderate  in  e...

Distribution of Some Macro Nutrients and Chemical Properties in Some Semi-arid Soils of Borno State

The  research  was  carried  out  to  study  the  distribution  of  some  macro  nutrients  and  chemical Properties  in  some  semi–arid  soils  of  Borno  state.  Three  composite  soil  samples  were  collected  at different  locations  at  depth  of  0-20  cm  which  were  analysed  for  some  macro  nutrients  and  chemical properties.  University  of  Maiduguri  (Unimaid)  soil  is  slightly  acidic  to  neutral  in  reaction,  �...

1 - 15 Of 18 Results