
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Environmental Conservation And Recreational Park Development In Uganda, A Case Of Centenary Park

The objective the study was to examine the impact of the environmental conservation guidelines :>n the development of recreational parks in Uganda, the Centenary Park being a case in point, to find out how the environmental conservation policies have been designed to regulate the ievelopment of recreational parks in Uganda., to establish the level of impact of the mvironmental policy direction in the development of recreational parks, to find out the remedies tdopted to ensure that parkland m...

Problems Associated With Agricultural Systems In Lugoba Village, Bagamoyo District Tanzania.

ABSTRACT This research study identifies the agricultural systems and their problems in Lugoba village. In the village the land is subjected to a number of activities among which agriculture is the most predominant. During the study a representative sample of 70 people was selected randomly since almost all the people in the village are farmers, selection was not hard. Data was collected using a series of methods which included observation, interviews, recording, questionnaire and use of secon...

The Forms And Effects Of Soil Degradation On Agricultural Land: Case Study Bor Town, Jonglei State, South Sudan

ABSTRACT The research on “The Forms and Effects of Soil Degradation on Agricultural Land” was calTied out in Bor town Jonglei State, south Sudan. The major areas of the investigation were discussed to known the causes of soil degradation and adverse impacts on farming land and what solutions to be put in place to minimize the occurrence of soil degradation. Methods like photography, interviews, questionnaires, and observation were used for effective and efficient data collection. At the p...

The Social Economic Effects Of Tourism Development To The People Since The End Of The 1994 Genocide In Rwanda, Case Study Of Musanze District.

ABSTRACT The study examined the social economic effects of tourism development to the people since be end of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. Objectives that guided the study included; to examine the benefits of tourism to the people in Musanze district since 1994, to examine the challenges to tourism development in people in Musanze district since the end of the 1994 genocide and to establish strategies through which the social economic life of the people in Musanze district may be improved thro...

Information Technology And Sustainable Tourism Development Of Selected Museums In Kampala-Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was about information technology and sustainable tourism development in selected museums of Kampala-Uganda. The study was based on the following four objectives; to determine the respondents profile in terms of age, gender, level of education, marital status and experience: to establish the level of effectiveness of information technology in the selected museums of Kampala-Uganda; to determine the level of sustainable tourism development in the selected museums of Kampala-...

The Effectiveness Of Water Collection And Storage Methods In Kaptererwo Subcounty, Bukwo District

ABSTRACT Water collection and storage is one of the challenges faced in most developing countries. This research was carried out in Kaptererwo sub county, Bukwo district Eastern Uganda. This areas lies on the slopes of Mount Elgon bordering Kenya. The study aimed at examining the effectiveness of water conservation methods considering three objectives; identifying the techniques used for water harvesting, determining the effectiveness of water collection facilities and finding out the challen...

Analysis Of Community Based Tourism Initiatives Growth Among Ruralcommunities In Western Uganda. A Case Study Of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

ABSTRACT The study on the "Analysis of Tourism Community Based Tourism Initiatives among Rural Communities" was canied out in Western Uganda with specific aims of; estimating the contribution of COBATI in the growth of the community through exploring the important economic drivers within the local livelihoods; establishing the challenges experienced in the promotion of COBATI to suggest possible solutions for promoting COBATI. A review of related literature was carried out on already existin...

Remuneration And Employee Performance In Hotel Establishments: Case Study Munyonyo Common Wealth Resort Hotel

ABSTRACT  This report on the of remuneration and employee performance covered five chapters which included; One chapter involving the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of study, specific objectives, research questions, scope of the study, significance of the study and the conceptual framework. Chapter two involving opinions from renown authors about the topic under study of which among other aspects involves the concept of remuneration, forms of remuneration, factors...

Culture And Heritage Management Policies In Uganda A Case Sudy Of Kasubi Tombs

ABSTRACT The study was about culture and heritage management policies and development of local communities in Kasubi tombs. The study was based on the following three objectives; to establish the culture and heritage management policies in Uganda, to establish the determinant elements to plan and develop culture and heritage tourism and to establish the relationship between culture and heritage management policies on development of local communities in Uganda. A sample of 80 respondents incl...

The Assessment Of Challenges And Opportunities Of Tourist Board In Promoting Tourism Development Of Kenya Tourist Board (Ktb

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Kenya with specific reference to Kenya Tourist Board (K.T.B), Nairobi. The overall aim of the study was to make an assessment of the challenges and Opportunities of Tourist Boards in the Development of Tourism: Case study of Kenya Tourist Board (KTB) The overall objective of this study was to determine the challenges and opportunities of Kenya Tourist Board (KTB) in development of tourism sector in the country. The study focused on the specific objective...

The Impact Of Conference Facilities As A Strategy For Promoting The Hosptauty Industry In Kenya (Case Study Of Intercontinental Hotels, Nairobi)

ABSTRACT The study looked at the Role of convention and conference facilities as strategies for promoting the hospitality Industry in Kenya with a case study of Intercontinental Hotels, Nairobi. The objectives of the study were to examine different types of conference facilities and hospitality services rendered to delegates and their quality; establish the location of conference facilities in this case- The Intercontinental Hotels, Nairobi conference facility at Intercontinental Hotels, Nai...

Effects Of The Post Election Violence On The Hospitality Industry In Kenya Case Study : The Nairobi Serena Hotel

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ....................................................................................... i APPROVAL ............................................................................................. ii DEDICATION ........................................................................................ iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................

Total Quality Management And Employee Performance. A Case Study Of Hotel Intercontinental, Nairobi.

ABSTRACT The need for total quality management (TQM) of services has become increasingly relevant in the Kenya's' hospitality industry. But only a few people in the industry are aware of the concept TQM in the daily running of their business. This is the main reason that has prompted to this study. The entire study has focused its attention to evaluating, and assessing the efforts put by the management team of the Hotel Intercontinental Nairobi towards promoting TQM whilst adjusting to fast ...

The Role Of Agriculture The Economic Development Of Ainamoi Division Kericho District Kenya

This study was carried out to examine the role of agriculture in the economic development of Kericho district. The findings showed that due to farming among the people of Ainamoi, agricultural practices in Ainamoi is still very low. The results also showed a positive significant improvement of people's standard of living. The researcher focused on the proper importance, problems and solutions of agriculture in the economic development of Kericho district. A longitudinal design was developed...

The Influence Of Managers' Role On Effective Perfomance Of Hotels Case Study.Capricon Hotel, Kabale

Abstract This study will aim at investigating the influence of managers' role on effective performance of hotels, a case study of Capri con Hotel Kabale, Managers are individuals in an organization who direct the activities of others. Managers work with and through employees who are in most cases termed as operatives. There are different categories of managers that include first line, middle and top managers. They aim at fulfilling the goals of the organization. Capri con Hotel is one of the ...

1636 - 1650 Of 4613 Results