
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Allelopathic Effects Mesquite (Prosopis juliflora Swartz) Aqueous Extracts on Seeds Germination and Seedlings Growth of Alfalfa, Sesame and Sorghum

Mesquite plant [Prosopis juliflora (Swartz) DC] is an invasive, evergreen and multi-purpose leguminous tree or shrub, native to South America. Unfortunately, due to deliberate distribution within Sudan, the plant became a threat to agriculture and biodiversity. The observed absence of ground vegetation under its canopy suggests that it has some allopathic potential that may be caused by fallen fruits, leaves, roots exudates or plant leachates. The release of these allelochemicals in t0 ...

The Effect Of Bee Glue Powder And Ethanolic Extracts Of Neem And Basil Mortality Of The Asian Fruit Fly (Bactrocera Invadens, Drew, Tsuruta And White) (Diptera:Tephritidae)

Abstract Laboratory experiments were conducted at the Department of Plant protection, College of Agricultural Studies, Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST) to evaluate the lethal effect Bee glue powder and ethanolic extracts of leaves Neem Azadirachta indica L. ,Basil Ocimum basilicum. From each test four different concentrations were applied against adult stage of Asian fruit fly Bactrocera invadens Drew Tsuruta and White (Diptera:Tephritidae),as topical and as food bait and th...

Detection and Identification of seed-borne- fungi of Some sorghum varieties under different storage Condition in Sudan

Sorghum is considered one of the major cereal crop and staple food as well for millions of the poorest and most food insecure people in many part of the world and in Sudan as well. The production and consumption of sorghum is constrained by several factors, the most important among which are seed-borne fungal species. In addition to causing quantitative losses, these spoilage fungi produce highly toxic and carcinogenic mycotoxins. In view of the negative public health and economic impac...

A Survey Study on the Imported Cheese Type in Khartoum State

Abstract The study was carried out during December_ January 2016 to study the types of imported cheese in Khartoum state that include three areas (Khartoum ,Bahry, Omdurman) well-structured questionnaire was formulated about the type of imported cheeses and Thirty questionnaires were distributed to supermarkets in these three areas (Khartoum ,Bahry, Omdurman) the data statistically analyzed by SPSS using descriptive statistics the results of the study showed that the main imported cheeses ar...

The Role of Moringa Oleifera as a Natural Antioxidants on Egg Laying Chicken Performance and Egg Quality

An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of Moringa oleifera leaf powder ( MOLP ), as a natural antioxidant , added to feed egg production and egg quality parameters of Hy line layers .A total of 60 single Hy line , 17 weeks were used in the experiment . They were randomly allocated to four treatment group, according to the level of MOLP introduced in the diet . Group A served as the control (0% MOLP) group B (0% MOLP+OIL) group D (1% MOLP) and group C (1% MOLP+ OIL) res...

Antifungal Effect of Mesquite (Prosopis juliflora) Extracts and Fungicide ( Revus top®) against Fungus Neofusicoccum mangiferae) of ( Mango Branch Wilt Disease

ABSTRACT The present study was conducted in the Laboratory of Plant Pathology at the College of Agricultural Studies.Sudan University of Science and Technology- Shambat. To study the effect of water solvent extracts of Root, Brak and Leave of Mesquite tree ( Prosopis juliflora) and Fungicide REVUS top® on Wilt Branch disease , which is considerate one of most important disease that infectous Mango trees (Mangifera indica), and caausing significant reduction in yield. In present study the pa...

Effect of Table Egg Production Factors, Quality Parameters and Marketing channel on marketing indicators in Khartoum State

A study was conducted during the period November – December 2015 and January 2016 to assess some main factors in the marketing chain that have impact on table egg marketing in Khartoum State and on the consumer attitude in the direction of table egg demand. This was through assessing the knowledge and appreciation of grocers and the consumer opinion on table egg marketing, egg quality and standard through the marketing channel flow. Sixty random samples were selected from the central...

Replacement of Some Plant Protein Sources by Sunflower Cake with or Without Enzyme in Broiler Rations

Abstract Total of two hundred and ten unsexed commercial chicks arboracers were used in this experiment to evaluate the effect of feeding different levels of sunflower meal (SFM) with and without dietary enzyme on performance of broiler chicks. Five experimental diets were formulated, each diet was divided into two, to have ten experiment diets, chicks were divided according to diets and each treatment was further subdivided into three replicates with 7chicks per each replicate . in complete...

Effect of Some Fertilizer Types on Growth, Yield and Quality of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Unde r Cooled Plastic Tunnels Conditions

The study was carried out thru 7 July - 1 October of 2015 in a cooled plastic tunnel (29ºc Temperature and 85%, Relative humidity) at Al Bagair area, in the northern part of Al Gazera State, Sudan, to study the effect of organic (Elkhierat), bio-fertilizer (Elixir) and chemical (NPK) and some micronutrients ( Fe, Zn and B at 200, and 100 ppm, respectively) fertilizers and their combinations on growth, yield and quality of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) variety (Faten). The treatments we...

Economic Efficiency Of Resource Use Among Urban Waterleaf Farmers In Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study estimated the efficiency of resource use among urban waterleaf farmers in Akwa Ibom State using a sample of 60 respondents that were randomly selected (20) from three urban centers in the state. Interview schedules and structured questionnaires were administered to elicit information from the respondents. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, multiple regression and gross margin. The results showed that, most (85%) farmers were within the economically activ...

Assessment Of Arginase In The Mesocarp Of Ripe And Unripe Tomatoes (Solanum Lycopersicum L.)

Assessment Of Arginase In The Mesocarp Of Ripe And Unripe Tomatoes (Solanum Lycopersicum L.)

Effect Of Re-Breeding Interval On The Reproductive Efficiency Of Doe Rabbit

ABSTRACT An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of re-mating interval on the reproductive efficiency of rabbits (doe). The experiment was designed to test two re-mating intervals - 14 and 21 days interval to determine the most suitable for the following traits body weight changes during pregnancy, litter weight, litter size, still birth, body weight before weaning, weaning weight and body weight after weaning. Twenty-five (25) matured does and five (5) matured bucks of different...

Partial Nutrient Balance In Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) And Soybean (Glycine Max (L) Merril) Intercrop For Sustainable Agriculture In A Derived Savannah Location

ABSTRACT Three field experiments to investigate the partial nutrient balance (N and K) in cassava/soybean intercrop system were conducted at University of Nigeria, Nsukka in a derived Savannah location of South Eastern Nigeria. Effect of fertilizer rate, residual fertilizer and soybean residue management on growth and yield of soybean and cassava and soil nutrient reserve were studied. Soybean growth and yield were significantly affected by their varieties, fertilizer rate and cropping syste...

Technical Efficiency In The Production Of Nsukka Yellow Pepper Among Rural Farmers In Enugu North Agricultural Zone, Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study determines the technical efficiency level and socioeconomic characteristics that influence the technical efficiency of yellow pepper farmers. Stochastic Frontier function that incorporated inefficiency factors was estimated using a Maximum Likelihood technique to provide estimates of technical efficiency and its determinants using data obtained from 60 Nsukka Yellow pepper farmers in Nsukka, Enugu State, Nigeria. The result shows that the mean technical efficiency was 70 ...

1906 - 1920 Of 4653 Results