
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Effect Of Crop Rotation Pattern On Soil Bacterial Wilt (Ralstonia Solanacearum) Population And Potato (Solanum Tuberusum L.) Yield In Njoro, Kenya

ABSTRACT Poor soil fertility and high disease incidences particularly BW are the main constraints to potato production in Njoro, Kenya. Reduction of potato yield of between 30 – 70% has been attributed to bacterial wilt alone. Against this back drop, a trial was conducted in 2012 as part of a shortterm crop rotation experiment (2 years) to investigate the effect of crop-rotation on soil bacterial wilt population and potato yield. The experiment was set up in a randomized complete block des...

Effects Of Irrigation And Nitrogen Fertilizer Levels On Water And Nitrogen Use Efficiency And Yield Of Drought Tolerant Hybrid Maize (Zea Mays L.) In Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Food grain shortage in Kenya is attributed to low rainfall and poor distribution in maize growing areas particularly as well as low soil fertility associated mainly with nitrogen deficiency. Use of irrigation water and nitrogen fertilizer is likely to solve this food security challenge. This study was conducted over two seasons covering 2012 and 2013 with the aim of establishing optimal irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer rates for drought tolerant hybrid maize (Zea mays L.), DK8031,...

Analysis Of Production Efficiency In Irish Potato Production In Kenya: The Case Of Nyandarua North District

ABSTRACT During the past two decades, agricultural scientists in Kenya in collaboration with International Potato Centre have released numerous new varieties, developed improved Irish potato management practices, and actively worked with government agencies, NGOs and farmer groups to ensure that these improved technologies are widely available to farmers. However data on national Irish potato production in Kenya fail to demonstrate that these efforts have had an impact on national mean yield...

Factors Influencing Adoption Of Drought Tolerant Wheat Varieties In The Arid And Semi-Arid Lands Of Narok And Kajiado Districts-Rift Valley Province Of Kenya

ABSTRACT Adoption of agricultural technologies by farmers is influenced by a number of factors, which include the farmer and farm attributes, technology characteristics and institutional factors. It is on this premise that drought tolerant varieties (DTV) of wheat were developed for production in Arid and Semi Arid Lands (ASAL). This study was designed to assess low adoption by describing and comparing factors that have influenced adoption of DTV in the (ASALs) of Narok and Kajiado districts...

Analysis Of The Marketing Behaviour Of African Indigenous Leafy Vegetables Among Smallholder Farmers In Nyamira County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The African Indigenous Leafy Vegetables (AILV) agricultural sub-sector in Kenya has in recent times gained considerable prominence and attention. A diverse number of studies have underpinned the role it can play in improving the economic standing of smallholders, while playing an imperative nutritional role in the diets of many consumers. Stemming from increased awareness on the rise of various lifestyle illnesses and crusaders championing for healthy eating habits, the demand of A...

Evaluation Of Selected Industrial Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor L. Moench) Lines For Suitability To Different Agro-Ecological Environments In Western Kenya

ABSTRACT Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is a drought tolerant crop with a potential for industrial uses. Despite increase in demand for sorghum for industrial use, the local supply is low mainly due to to lack of high yielding sorghum genotypes. A number of genotypes with desirable properties for use in baking, malting and brewing have been identified however there is no information on the performance of these varieties in the agro-ecological zones traditionally used for sorghum product...

Intrahousehold Decision Making And Implications On Food Security Among Smallholder Farmers In Chepalungu Constituency, Bomet County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Food insecurity is still prevalent in many parts of the world. Despite several research attempts to alleviate food insecurity in Kenya, estimates indicate that approximately 50% of Kenyans are food insecure with 10% in constant need of food relief. One of the causes of food insecurity as it has been reported by other scholars is gender inequality. Women, especially in developing countries have been reported to significantly contribute to food production compared to men while in deci...

Comparative Analysis Of Greenhouse Versus Open-Field Smallscale Tomato Production In Nakuru-North District, Kenya

ABSTRACT Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is one of the major vegetables grown in Kenya as a commercial crop. It is mainly grown in the open-field under both rain-fed and irrigation production systems. The crop has gained popularity as a cash crop due to declining land sizes as it can be grown on small-scale unlike traditional cash crops like coffee and tea. Since the crop is susceptible to diseases and weather conditions, the country does not have an all year round supply of the produce. Co...

Bioefficacy Of Lion’s Ear (Leonotis Nepetifolia) And African Basil (Ocimum Gratissimum) Extracts Against Two-Spotted Spider Mite (Tetranychus Urticae) On French Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris L)

ABSTRACT French bean is a major export vegetable crop in Kenya that is currently facing a steady decline in production. Two-spotted spider mite, (Tetranychus urticae Koch) is one of the major pests that has contributed to the fluctuations in French beans production. The conventional management of this pest using miticides has caused serious environmental and safety concerns particulary in the export market. Plant-based products provide safe alternatives that can be included in integrated pes...

Effect Of Agricultural Land Rental Market Participation On Agricultural Income Of Small Scale Farmers In Kwale County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kwale County has a vibrant agricultural land rental market due to its relative good climate and fertile soil. However, it is faced with several challenges including inefficiency use of resources such as land. There is evidence in Ethiopia and other parts of the world that participation in agricultural land rental markets can be a solution to solving food insecurity and land inequalities in Sub -Saharan Africa and the world at large. However, there are few studies which have been con...

Analysis Of Technical Efficiency And Welfare Effects Of Snow Peas Production By Small Scale Farmers In Nyandarua County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Horticultural sector is an important sector in production of food and generation of income. According to Kenya‘s vision 2030, crop cultivation is one of the main pillars of unlocking the potential of Kenya through increased productivity. The importance of snow peas is increasing greatly due to its high demand especially in Europe. In spite of the benefits associated with the production of snow peas, farmers in Nyandarua county have been withdrawing from its production probably due...

The Influence Of Dryland Farming Technologies On Household Food Security Among Small-Scale Farmers In Kyuso Sub-County, Kitui County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Food insecurity remains a major challenge among the small-scale farmers in Kyuso SubCounty. Though the Ministry of Agriculture has been training small-scale farmers on various dryland farming technologies, Kyuso Sub-County has remained food insecure. This is evidenced by the fact that small-scale farmers in the Sub-County depend on food aid for their survival. The role played by the dryland farming technologies in ensuring household food security among the small-scale farmers has no...

Evaluation Of Factors Influencing Smallholder Dairy Farmers’ Decision To Deliver Milk To Cooling Plants In Sotik Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Kenyan dairy sub-sector has been undergoing many changes since the collapse of Kenya Cooperative Creameries (KCC) in 1992. There have been developments in establishment of milk cooling plants which are thought to reduce milk losses and benefit the smallholder dairy farmers besides bulking milk at one point for the processing firms. However, there is evidence of underutilization of the cooling plants and the reasons that inform farmers’ decision to use the cooling plants as milk ma...

Effects Of Dairy Cooperatives On Incomes Of Smallholder Dairy Farmers: A Case Study Of Mkulima Bora Dairy Cooperative In Embu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Smallholder farmers produce the bulk of total milk marketed in the country. Despite this, they face high transaction costs in marketing their milk. Theory and empirical evidence indicate that cooperatives can minimize transaction costs. This study assessed how effective cooperatives were in increasing smallholder dairy farmers’ incomes through the minimization of transaction costs. The objectives of this study were to determine socioeconomic factors influencing smallholder farmers...

Impact Of Soil And Crop Management Technologies Promoted Through Farmer Field Schools On Farming Systems And Productivity Among Smallholder Farmers In North Rift Valley, Kenya

ABSTRACT Conventional Extension Approaches used over decades achieved minimal successes in creating impact in terms of agricultural production and improved livelihood of smallholder farmers in Kenya. The Participatory Extension Approaches, in particularly the Farmer Field School (FFS) approach have been tried widely and created positive impact in Asian countries. Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) introduced FFS approach in 2001 as an alternative to conventional approach to promote...

1981 - 1995 Of 4653 Results