
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

The Economics Of Warehouse Receipt System: A Case Of Smallholder Cotton Producers In Maswa District, Shinyanga-Region

ABSTRACT Producers in most developing countries lack the means to mitigate price risk, and this affect their income and ability to repay loans. Warehouse Receipt System facilitate development of simple mechanism by which producers, lenders and traders can secure a floor price by looking in a fixed future price. The general objective of this study was to assess the performance of WRS by describing the WRS operating in cotton sector, analyzing profitability of the WRS to cotton production, ide...

Evaluation Of Locally Available Feed Resources For Cattle Fattening Under Traditional Feedlot Production System In Kahama And Misungwi Districts, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Two studies were conducted to assess utilization of locally available feed ingredients for cattle fattening under traditional feedlotting system in North Western Tanzania. The first study involved identification of feed materials used for fattening in Misungwi and Kahama districts. Information on feed materials and diet formulation used by cattle fatteners were collected through focus group discussion. The feeds identified were analysed for chemical composition. In the second study...

Intercommodity Price Transmission: An Analysis Of Tanzanian Maize And Rice Markets

ABSTRACT The overall objective of the present study was to examine price linkages between maize and rice to inform food policy in Tanzania. The specific objectives were: i) to analyze trends in monthly wholesale prices for maize and rice in selected markets; ii) to determine the degree of price transmission between maize and rice; iii) to determine the direction of causality between maize and rice prices. A purposive sampling was used to draw a sample of ten (10) markets /regions. The study ...

Determinants Of Derived Demand For Improved Maize Seeds In Rural Mainland Tanzania

ABSTRACT Despite various efforts by international non-governmental, local public and private institutions towards the research and development of improved crop technologies, the use of improved seeds in Tanzania is still low hence low agricultural productivity among smallholder farmers. The general objective for this study was to identify the most preferred improved maize seed varieties and the determinants for the demand for those improved seeds in rural mainland Tanzania so as to suggest m...

Impact Of Credit On Rural Livelihoods Of Smallholder Farmers: A Case Of Kagera Agricultural And Environmental Management Project

ABSTRACT This study presents the results on the impact assessment of credit under Kagera Agricultural and Environmental Management Project (KAEMP) on rural livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Misenye district, Kagera region. The general objective was to assess the impact of agricultural credit under KAEMP on smallholder farmers’ rural livelihoods. The specific objectives were to identify socio-economic factors within the project environment that influence the use of credit, assess the us...

Soil And Water Conservation Practices In The Uluguru Mountains: The Influence Of High Value Crops Promotion

ABSTRACT In western Uluguru Mountains, professionals have introduced soil and water conservation (SWC) practices which, if properly followed, would conserve the soil and promote agriculture. Various high value crops (HVC) promotion interventions and others which could serve as incentives were executed to aid attainment of this objective. Despite these efforts, today, in most fields we see more of annual ridges, the conventional farming practice which is not effective in SWC and other forms o...

Response Of Maize To Phosphorus In Sole Maize And Maizepigeonpea Cropping System In Semi-Arid Areas Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT Estimating crop response to fertilizer application and identification of effective fertilizer materials is important for plant nutrient management and in sustaining soil fertility. Unlike other agro-ecological zones, no fertilizer recommendations have been established for the semi-arid zones in Tanzania. This could be due to the fact that semi-arid areas are regarded as marginal land for agricultural production. To address this gap, field experiments were carried out to establish ph...

Challenges Facing Sugarcane Supply To Mtibwa Factory: Empirical Evidence From Mtibwa Sugarcane Outgrowers Scheme, Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  This study intended to assess challenges facing supply of outgrowers sugarcane to Mtibwa factory in Morogoro, Tanzania using a sample of 210 respondents. The main objective was to investigate problems leading to low supply of cane from outgrowers. Specifically the study aimed to (i) Investigate factors affecting farm level productivity,(ii) Analyze sugarcane outgrowers technical efficiency, (iii) Determine profitability of sugarcane production among outgrowers and (iv) Examine cons...

Assessment Of Feeding Practices And Performance Of Dairy Cattle In Kibaha District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Two studies were carried out in Kibaha District to investigate feeding practices and performance of dairy cattle kept by smallholder farmers. In experiment 1, a formal survey aimed at assessing the existing feeding practices, performance and constraints, involved 30 dairy farmers from 3 wards. In experiment 2, twenty four (24) lactating cows from two wards, that is 12 cows from each ward, were monitored for one month where intakes and milk yield were measured. In experiment 1; the p...

Gendered Livelihood Outcomes From Woodlots In Mufindi District, Tanzania

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Woodlot farming has potential of improving livelihood of both women and men. However, little is known on the extent to which woodlot benefits the livelihood of women and men in Mufindi District. The study was conducted to examine gendered livelihood outcomes from woodlots. The specific objectives were to describe roles played by women and men in woodlot farming, to assess factors affecting women and men woodlot ownership, to analyze and compare woodlot livelihood outcomes o...

Impact Analysis Of Credit To Borrowers In Tanzania: The Case Of Mbeya Municipality

ABSTRACT Micro-credit funding for income-generating activities is one of the current anti-poverty measures that are adopted by many developing countries to alleviate poverty amongst the poor. The study was conducted in Mbeya Municipality to asses the overall impact of credit to borrowers. Both questionnaire and personal observation methods were used to collect data amongst borrowers in Mbeya Municipality. A total of 100 respondents were interviewed, and collected data were analyzed using Sta...

Epidemiology Of Edwardsiella Infections In Farmed Fish In Morogoro, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A cross sectional study was undertaken from November 2016 to April 2017 to find out whether Edwardsiella infections exist in farmed fish in Morogoro. The prevalence of infection, risk factors and fish haematological parameters were established. A total of 270 fish were sampled from 24 ponds. Each fish was clinically examined and aseptically swabs of kidney, liver and spleen and pond water were collected for bacteriology. Bacteria were cultured onto Tryptic soya agar and Salmonella-S...

Effect Of Mulch Type And Npk (17-17-17) Rates On Soil Nutrient Content, Growth And Yield Of Cabbage (Brassica Oleracea Var. Capitata) In Volcanic Highland Region Of Rwanda

ABSTRACT Soil fertility decline, due to soil loss by erosion, nutrient mining and sub optimal fertilizer use, is the major constraint in cabbage production in the volcanic highland region of Rwanda. The objective of the study was to assess the effect of mulch type and NPK (17-17-17) fertilizer rates on growth, nutrient uptake, yield of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) and soil nutrient content in the volcanic highland region of Rwanda. Field experiments were conducted in two cropping...

Parasite Communities Of Oreochromis Niloticus Baringoensis (Trewavas, 1983) In Relation To Selected Water Quality Parameters In The Hot Springs Of Lorwai Swamp And Lake Baringo, Kenya

ABSTRACT Parasites are universal and are associated with many living organisms making them a vital component of any ecosystem. Fish parasites lead to a decline in market value of infected fish and may lead to mortalities in high intensities. Some parasites are zoonotic. Anthropogenic activities within the riparian and catchment areas of aquatic systems that lead to deterioration of water quality possibly increase the incidences of parasitic infections. Although fish parasites have been studie...

Determination Of The Integration Of Rice Markets In Enugu State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study was designed to determine the integration of rice markets in Enugu state. Factors considered include: socio-economic characteristics, existing market structure and channels, integration of rice markets, structural factors that affect the integration of rice markets and the problems affecting rice traders in the state. Forty wholesalers and forty retailers were selected for the study. Primary data and secondary data were collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics,...

2266 - 2280 Of 4653 Results