
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Diet selection, intake and weight gain of dorper sheep fed on selected grasses in a cafeteria system in Machakos County, Kenya

Abstract: Livestock is a key asset and a primary livelihood resource for rural households in most parts of the world and accounts for nearly 95 per cent of family income in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) in Kenya. Despite high economic importance of livestock, inadequate nutrition results to low livestock productivity in Kenya. Ruminant feeding in the ASALs is mainly based on the exploitation of range feed resources. Grazing ruminants forage on different plant species with varying leve...

Effect of transportation on welfare of indigenous chicken in Machakos County, Kenya

Abstract: The aim of this study was to investigate effect of transportation on welfare of indigenous chicken. A sample of 8 hens were randomly selected from the target population. Each treatment had an equal number of mature indigenous chicken hens weighing between 1.25 and 2.4 kg. The first batch of 4 birds were tied together and loaded on to an open vehicle roof top. The second batch of 4 birds was loaded into traditional transport cages and the cage loaded on top of the transport vehicle....

Effects of spacing and Negarim micro catchment on the growth of two provenances of Moringa (Moringa oleifera) in Kitui county, south eastern Kenya

Abstract: There has been an increased human population in arid and semi-arid areas. However, these areas are characterized by harsh climatic conditions hence low agricultural productivity, environmental degradation and over exploitation of natural resources. There's need to understand the best agronomic crop requirements for high value trees and shrubs like Moringa oleifera (Lamark) through climate smart agriculture. Limited studies on Moringa oleifera provenance trials, use of micro-catchme...

Comparative differences of whitefly-transmitted diseases between local and hybrid bean varieties in Kitui County, Kenya

Abstract: The typical dry bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, is the essential food legume for direct human consumption. They play a significant role in food security and nutrition. Despite their nutritional importance, its production growth rates have declined in Kenya due to diseases, insect pests, plant nutritional deficiencies, and drought. Therefore, this study's main objective was to determine whether there are differences in bean varieties' tolerance to whitefly transmitted viral diseases. The ...

Factors influencing smallholder dairy cattle productivity in Tigania East sub-county, Meru County

Abstract: Dairy farming complements both food and cash crop farming in Kenya. Due to limited land sizes, smallholder dairy farming is popular and dominates the dairy sector in terms of milk production. Low milk production is a major constraint in Tigania East SubCounty despite the fact that the surrounding Sub-Counties produce high amounts of milk. A survey was carried out in Tigania East Sub-County involving 156 smallholder farmers randomly selected across three agro-ecological zones (AEZ1,...

Assessment of rain water harvesting technologies for improved food security in Kauwi sub-location, Kitui County

Abstract: Water is an essential natural resource, vital for any development to take place. However, not more than one percent of the water is freely available for human needs including agricultural production in the entire world. Arid and semi-arid lands globally are facing water scarcity challenges. Rain- fed agricultural system is the major farming method in these areas, but this has been challenged greatly by aridity and climatic uncertainty. Kitui County is an ASAL where farmers are expe...

Women participation in agroforestry technologies enhances climate change adaptation in Nguumo and Makindu locations, Makindu sub county, Makueni county, Kenya

Abstract: Agroforestry presents a promising option to sustainable agricultural productivity by providing a buffer to climate variability through permanent tree cover and varied ecological niches. Thus, agroforestry can be used as a strategy to adapt to climate change and variability challenges for smallholder farmers. Success of this strategy in adapting to climate change calls for active participation of men and women in agroforestry technologies. This study aimed to establish roles women p...

Identification and validation of African indigenous knowledge practices on management of crop pests in Kitui West sub-county

Abstract: Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa is predominantly subsistence and perennial food deficits, cyclic famines characterize it, and poverty is prompted largely by erratic rainfall patterns, declining soil fertility, and pests and diseases. In Kitui County, farmers are largely small-scale and face various challenges: from poor soil fertility to erratic rainfall. The farmers, too, have not been spared by the pest menace. Consequently, they have resorted to unwarranted and unregulated app...

Factors influencing adoption of giant bamboo (dendrocalamus asper {Schult} Backer) for agroforestry in selected subcounties of Nyandarua county, Kenya

Abstract: Giant bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) is a very fast growing plant in the family of Poaceae (Gramineae) with great potential in environmental conservation and poverty alleviation. It has over 1500 documented uses. However, with the reducing sizes and productivity of land in Kenya especially in high potential areas where bamboo is grown, there is a need to identify options of cultivating bamboo as an agroforestry crop. Therefore, the main objective of the study was to establish factors...

Growth, nodulation and yield of selected legumes under drought conditions in Kitui county, Kenya

Abstract: Loss of fertility in soil is the main limiting factor that affects production of crops in Kenya, especially in the Arid and Semi-arid regions. In the lower parts of Eastern Kenya, unreliable and low rainfall has led to the low yields in crop production. Lack of the use of commercial fertilizers is also a contributing factor to low crop yields. Amongst new solutions that can assist farmers facing this challenge of low yields includes the emerged potential role of rhizobia in crop pe...

Assessment of fish farmer’s vulnerability to climate variability and extreme climate events in selected parts of Kitui county, Kenya

Abstract: Fish farmers are a vulnerable group to climate variability and extreme climate events effects as their production heavily relies on precipitation and temperature. However, previous studies on vulnerability of fish farmers to climate variability and extreme events have been done on global, regional and national scales, thus failing to capture the local realities on spatial variability. The current study was carried out to assess the householdlevel vulnerability of fish farmers to cl...

Evaluation of farmers’ vulnerability to climate variability and extreme events in selected agro-ecological zones in Kitui county, Kenya

Abstract: Climate variability and extreme events are some of the most pressing environmental challenges occurring in the contemporary world. Farming communities in Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in Kenya are more vulnerable to climate variability and extreme events due to high dependence on weather patterns in their farming activities. There is little understanding of the vulnerability to climate variability and extreme events among farmers in Kitui County based on the agro-ecological zone...

Adoption of modern dairy technologies and its impact on milk production in Nzaui sub-county, Makueni county

Abstract: Dairy production is a biologically efficient system that converts large quantities of roughage in the tropics to milk. Milk production levels are determined by the levels of technologies applied to the dairy enterprise. However, information on levels of adoption of dairy technologies especially in the arid and semi-arid areas (ASALs) of Kenya is scanty. This study thus sought to evaluate the extent of adoption of modern dairy technologies and its impact on milk production in Nzaui ...

An evaluation of the use of a microcomputer on a livestock farm

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential of a microcomputer as a tool of information handling. Specifically, this involved developing software packages for use on an Apple II Plus microcomputer. The Willow Bend Demonstrational Farm in Union, West Virginia, was chosen. A farm records and budgets model was developed. Receipts and expenses from the Electronic Farm Accounting records were used to test the model for use by the farm operators in West Virginia. Enterpris...

Factors affecting sheep and goat milk consumption in arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya

Abstract: A study was carried out to determine the factors affecting sheep and goat milk consumption in arid and semi-arid lands of Kenya. Specifically the study sought to assess sheep and goat milk production, assess sheep and goat milk consumption, and identify sheep and goat management practices for optimal milk production in Kyawango and Kibauni Locations of Mwala Sub County of Machakos County. Data was collected from a sample of 120 respondents using questionnaires and observations and ...

286 - 300 Of 4613 Results