
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Growth Response Of Three Indigenous Tree Species To Hormone And Salt Stress In Sokoto Nigeria

ABSTRACT Seeds of three forest tree species namely Acacia senegal (L.) Willd, Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile and Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) were used to investigate the effect of different salinity (NaCl) and auxin (IAA) concentrations on germination percentage, stem height growth, collar diameter study and Relative Growth Rate (RGR). A factorial experiment in a completely randomised design was employed. 90 seedlings of the tree species were randomly divided into six treatment groups of 3 se...

Genetic Analysis of Postharvest Physiological Deterioration in Cassava (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Storage Roots

ABSTRACT Postharvest physiological deterioration (PPD) is a serious abiotic stress in cassava that renders the roots unmarketable, thereby reducing the economic value of the crop. This study was undertaken to determine farmers‟ perception of PPD and identify cassava genotypes with delayed PPD that can be used for better shelf life improvement of cassava. A Participatory Rural Appraisal was conducted among 490 respondents that comprised farmers, processors, marketers and consumers in 12 com...

Youth Participation And Production in Cocoa Farming in The West North Cocoa Region of Ghana

ABSTRACT This study examined youth participation and productivity in cocoa farming in the Western North Cocoa Region of Ghana using primary data from 958 respondents through the field assistance of Solidaridad West Africa. Systematic and purposive sampling techniques were used to sample 588 youth (35years) from Sefwi Bekwai, Boako, Akontombra, Bodi and Asempaneye. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the distribution in the roles played by the youth in cocoa farming in the study area...

The Relationship Between Nutrients Content of Leaf Segments, Rates of Potassium, Yield And Quality of Pineapple (ANANAS COMOSUS) MERR L. VAR. Smooth Cayenne in The Coastal Savannah Zone OF G

ABSTRACT Plant nutrition holds the key to increased and sustained yields and the production of good quality pineapple fruit. Potassium plays a vital role in obtaining higher yields and good quality fruit. A good knowledge about the nutrient status of the plant is important for the correction of nutrient deficiencies and/or imbalances which tend to influence yield and quality of the fruit. This study was initiated to determine the appropriate leaf segment; viz. the nonchlorophyllous, chloroph...

The Efficacy of Heat, Sprouting And Acid Treatment on The Removal of Protease Inhibitors in Soya Bean

ABSTRACT Soya bean is an important legume used in fortifying cereal-based complementary foods for children. Despite its high protein content, it also contains anti-nutrients which makes the proteins unavailable. The objective of the study was to assess knowledge of consumers on anti-nutritional factors and their perception of how it could be processed out of soya bean as well as the efficacy of heat, sprouting and acid treatment in the removal of protease inhibitors in soya bean. The study w...

General Analysis of Tolerance to Low Soil Nitrogen in Immediate Maturing Maize Inbred Lines

ABSTRACT Low soil nitrogen (N) is one of the most important constraints to maize production in subSaharan Africa (SSA) in general and in particular the Bimodal Humid Forest Zone (BHFZ) of Cameroon. The development and adoption of maize varieties tolerant to low N soils could reduce the need for nitrogen inputs and significantly contribute to sustainable maize production. The objectives of this research were to: i) identify maize production constraints and farmers preferred maize characterist...

Allocative Efficiency Of Irrigated Tomato Production In The Upper East Region, Ghana

ABSTRACT Efficiency has been considered as a means of enhancing the productivity of farmers, with most studies on production been geared towards that direction. The inability of farmers to efficiently use available resources has hindered the production of food in Ghana, hence resulting in a deficit in food supply. This study assessed the allocative efficiency of resource use in irrigated tomato production in the Upper East Region. The study was carried out in the key tomato growing districts ...

Analysis Of Risk Management Strategies Among Rural Cassava-Based Farmers In Imo State.

ABSTRACT The study analyzed the risk management strategies of cassava-based farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study described the socioeconomic characteristics of the cassavabased farmers, identified their sources of risk, and their risk management strategies, determined the effect of their socioeconomic characteristics on the choice of risk strategies adopted, ascertained and compared their profits in relation to their risk management strategies, and identified the constraint...

Analysis Of Farmers’ Perception Of Innovation System In Oil Palm Production In South-East, Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study analyzed farmers’ perception of the innovation system in oil palm production in the South-east, Nigeria. The study specifically examined key actors in the innovation system, assessed the farmers’ perceived roles of each actor, the level of linkages between and among the key actors; investigated the adoption of various oil palm innovations, among other, Data were collected using structured questionnaire from 300 oil palm farmers. Descriptive and inferential statistical...

Preliminary Observations Oh Milk Production Amohg The Fulanis Oil Th1 Accra Plains

a a m a 1* Sanga cow with a chronic skin disease. The two off side quarters of her udder arc useless because of mastitis, but has not been culled from the herd because of her fertility, 2* Small boys herding calves. 5. Weaning - Oanga calf with toot dangling: in front of the muzzle. k» A Sanga heifer that is infested with ticks. 5. Sanga cows switching their tails to drive off flies. 6. Calf preliminarily suckling dam before she is hand-milked. The milJeer is seen in the background ®ith the...

A study of bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus) in Mole National Park, Ghana.

ABSTRACT A study of bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriplus Pallas) in Mole National Park, Ghana. M.Sc.F thesis. Faculty o f Forestry and the Forest Environment, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON. 73pp. Major advisor Dr. Dave Euler. Keywords: Bushbuck Tragelaphus scriptus, Ghana, behavior, focal-animal, feeding sites, resting site, bedding sites, activity pattern, movement pattern. The bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus), one o f the ungulates occurring in Ghana, has not been the subject of extensive ...

Physico Chemical Properties And Agrocomic Performance OF Nerica L19 Rice in Three Salt‒ Affected Soils Amended With Gypsum

ABSTRACT In Ghana approximately 318,000 ha of arable land in the Volta region is affected by salt and excess sodium. This aspect of chemical land degradation has adversely affected agricultural productivity in this part of the country. The application of gypsum (CaS04 (2H2O)) to soils affected by salt is widely used because it is easy to apply, easy to acquire and economical. It is against this background that the physico-chemical properties and agronomic performance of NERICA L19 rice was i...

Using Nitrogen And Phosphorus To Stimulate Microbial Degradation Of Diesel Oil In Four Ghanaian Soils

ABSTRACT The amendment of oil-contaminated soils with nutrient elements, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, is a crucial factor for the enhancement of the growth of the indigenous microbes involved in the biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons. The present study investigated the(i) effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on diesel oil degradation in four Ghanaian soils, Beach sand (Haplic Arenosol), Toje series (Rhodic Kandiustalfs), Nyankpala series (Plinthic Lixisol), and Oda series (Eutric G...


In Nigeria, high cost of Domestic Energy (DE) has put untold hardship on households. Coping strategy is therefore imperative to meet household domestic cooking and heating needs. Investigating evolving strategies would better inform DE experts and policy makers. This study was therefore designed to investigate strategies devised by households in Northeastern Nigeria for coping with the escalating prices of DE. The domestic energy types considered in the study include Liquefied Natural Ga...

Comparative Cost - Benefit Analysis Of Fresh And Seed Okro Production At Kpando In The Volta Region

ABSTRA CT Okro is an important crop in the diet o f many Ghanaians and the economy o f Ghana. Fresh okro contains some amount o f protein, carbohydrates, vitamins A and C w ith traces o f B vitamins, as well as calcium phosphorus and iron. The problems o f removal o f subsidies on agricultural inputs, poor market price o f fresh okro, and nematode problem had resulted in low net income from fresh okro enterprise. Although Ghana has a high potential o f producing both fresh and seed okro, m os...

3451 - 3465 Of 4613 Results