
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Micronutrient Availability in Alternative Foods During Agricultural Catastrophes

Several catastrophes could block the sun, including asteroid/comet impact, super volcanic eruption, and nuclear war with the burning of cities (nuclear winter). Previous work has analyzed alternate food supplies (e.g., mushrooms growing on dead trees, bacteria growing on natural gas). This was shown to be technically capable of feeding everyone with macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and lipids) and minerals, although economics and politics remain uncertain. The present work analyzes vit...

Strengthening Farmer Adaptive Capacity through Farms of the Future Approach in Wester Kenya

hrough the farms of the future (FotF) approach, the CCAFS climate analogue tool can be used to connect farmers to their possible future climates through farmer-to-farmer learning exchanges. In East Africa, this has already been piloted in Lushoto, Tanzania (Nelson et al. 2012), and recently implemented in Nyando, Kenya. The Farms of the Future approach focusses on two main objectives: First, to build on farmer-to-farmer exchanges to analogue sites as a valuable option to improve adaptive cap...

Adoption and Dissemination Pathways for Climate-Smart Agriculture Technologies and Practices for Climate-Resilient Livelihoods in Lushoto, Northeast Tanzania

Smallholder farmers in East Africa need information and knowledge on appropriate climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices, technologies, and institutional innovations in order to effectively adapt to changing climatic conditions and cope with climate variability. This paper assesses farmer adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices and innovation after being exposed to Farms of the Future Approach (FotF). First; we explore and assess the various CSA technologies and practices; includin...

Influence of Composted Organic Waste and Urea Fertilization on Rice Yield, N-Use Efficiency and Soil Chemical Characteristics

Nutrient mining in rice-rice cropping system due to inadequate amount of chemical fertilizer applied is one of the reasons for low rice yield in Ghana. To address this challenge, a field trial was initiated to determine the best nutrient management option to improve yield of rice and soil fertility. The field experiment was conducted at the University of Ghana’s Soil and Irrigation Research Centre - Kpong during 2014 and 2015 cropping seasons to evaluate the influence of composted organ...

Effect of Irrigation Management Methods on Growth, Grain Yield and Water Productivity of Three Lowland Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Varieties

It has been predicted that Ghana will face water shortage by the year 2025 due to increased demand of water resources from all sectors of the economy. Rice production will be negatively affected since rice consumes the highest amount of water in the agricultural sector. To develop a strategy to reduce water use for rice production while maintaining or increasing rice yield, a pot experiment was carried out in the screen house at Soil and Irrigation Research Centre - Kpong during 2016 and ...


Rice production in Ghana is relatively low partly due to poor nitrogen and soil management. To increase rice productivity in the country, a field experiment was carried out to assess the effect of nitrogen sources and soil management systems on grain yield, plant nitrogen uptake, nitrogen use efficiency, and chemical properties of the soil. The experiment was conducted at the Soil and Irrigation Research Centre, University of Ghana, Kpong during the 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons and laid...

Response of Onion (Allium cepa L.) to Bulb Size at Planting and NPK 15:15:15 Fertilizer Application Rate in the Guinea Savannah Agroecology of Ghana

Studies were conducted during the 2013 and 2014 cropping seasons at the research field of the University for Development Studies, Nyankpala in the Northern Region of Ghana to determine the effects of bulb size at planting and NPK 15:15:15 application rate on growth and yield of onion. The NPK 15:15:15 was applied at the rate of 0 (control), 80, 165 and 250 kg/ha. Three different bulb sizes: small (2.5-3.5 cm), medium (4.5-5.5 cm) and large (6.5-8.5 cm) were used. The treatment combinati...

Evaluation of Emergency Cash Transfer in Zambia

There are times when the government, non-governmental organisations and individuals have to quickly intervene and get emergency aid to people adversely affected by natural and man-made calamities. Zambia has disaster management and social protection plans and programmes to quickly address such events. However, they face administration and financial challenges that sometime overwhelm its constrained resources. Therefore, the support of cooperating partners in disaster management to the governm...


This is a project proposal for people who want to involve in piggery.


The study was designed to assess the strengths and weaknesses of e-wallet innovation system of agricultural input distribution among farmers in Osun State, Nigeria. A multistage stage sampling procedure was used to select therespondents. Data were gathered through structured interview schedule from 324 farmers randomly selected from four Local Government Areas of the state. Data collected were analyzed using appropriate descriptive and inferentialstatistical tools. The results showed that the...

The impact of Ceiling design in Restuarant interior design

CHAPTER ONE 1.0              INTRODUCTION 1.1       Background of the Study              For decades businesses have been relying solely on price as a competitive advantage. Even though it might have been a successful approach earlier, it no longer maintains growth and profitability in a competition between businesses. As the approach in the restaurant industry has become more customers-centric and awareness of the shift from service economy has increased, th...

Community influence

The paper assessed communal influence on land accessibility among rural farmers in Osun State. It specificallydescribed socio-economic characteristics of land users; determined the level of land accessibility; and examinedinfluence of community (roles of traditional authorities, community beliefs and cultural taboos) on landaccessibility. A multistage stage sampling procedure was used to select the respondents. Data were collected from260 respondents using structured interview schedule and ke...

Community conflict paper 4

Conflict is a major impediment of any community development. However, its occurrence isinevitable and requires serious attention from relevant stakeholders. This study focused on theeffects of community conflicts on rural economic activities in Osun State, Nigeria. It specificallyunveiled the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents; identified the causes of conflictin the study area; determined the effects of conflicts on the economic activities and identifiedthe strategies adopted ...

Comparative Study of the Emergence and Growth of Young Seedlings of Five Varieties of Pistachio (Pistacia Vera L.) of Syrian Origins

The present work is to study the emergence and growth of seedlings of five pistachio varieties that are: Batouri, Achouri, Neb-Djemel, Adjmi and Bayadhi. The study was conducted in a greenhouse temperature and photoperiod were controlled. The seeds are germinated in pots filled with peat without going through the damp cold stratification at a temperature of 4ºC. The results obtained showed that growth parameters (length and diameter of the plants) revealed significant tests while other p...

4306 - 4320 Of 4613 Results