
Agriculture Research Papers/Topics

Marker assisted Selection for resistance to bean common Mosaic Necrosis virus In French Bean cultivars in Kenya -

Abstract Worldwide, commercial production of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is constrained by diseases, key among them being the bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) and bean common mosaic necrosis virus (BCMNV). These potyviruses are the most devastating to common bean farmers and can cause total yield loss under heavy infestation. The objective of this study was to characterize the BCMNV resistance in commercial French bean cultivars and initiate a breeding program against the disease. A s...

Performance of Sorghum Hybrid Lines with Tannin Gene from Crosses between Gadam and Tannin Hard Coat Sorghum Varieties

Abstract Sorghum is a major staple food source in many African countries. In Kenya, it is cultivated by small-scale farmers. Gadam sorghum is the common variety mainly grown for brewing, manufacture of animal feeds and sorghum cakes. However, its yield is about 0.8 t ha- which is low compared to international standards. This is exacerbated by birds' that tend to have a preference for it. The use of birds' resistant sorghum varieties containing higher amounts of tannin than Gadam is a strateg...

Contributions of Anthropogenic Activities to Leaf Litter Decomposition in River Kapingazi, Embu County, Kenya

Abstract Human activities have potential adverse effects on freshwater ecosystems, which sustain a wide range of ecosystem services such as the provision of potable water, nutrient cycling, and a habitat for organisms such as decomposer macro-invertebrates. The effect of these activities with regard to water quality and invertebrates has been established and well documented. However, information on the effect of human activities on leaf litter breakdown as an indicator of river ecosystem int...

Adoption of Selected Climate Smart Agriculture Technologies among Smallholder Farmers in Lower Eastern Kenya

Abstract Climate change has greatly affected food production and food security. Erratic temperature rises and inconsistent precipitation have greatly influenced productivity of crops and livestock. The impacts have gotten much more pronounced among small scale farmers in Kenya whose farming activities are climate reliant. As a component of climate change adaptation, selecting suitable climate smart agriculture (CSA) technologies that can alleviate these adverse consequences is critical. The ...

Application of water quality index to assess water quality in river chania, kiambu county, kenya

Abstract Human-related activities are known to have deleterious effects on the water quality of aquatic ecosystems globally. However, there is limited information on the impact of similar perturbations in tropical regions, especially the River Chania in Kiambu County, Kenya, which is an important source of water for humans and animals and also provides habitat for a variety of flora and fauna along its length. The aim of this study was to determine the spatial and temporal variations of sele...

Agro-morphological and nutritional Characterization of horned melon Accessions from selected agro-ecological Zones in kenya

Abstract African horned melon (Cucumis metuliferus) is an indigenous crop belonging to the family Cucurbitaceae. The crop has been neglected despite its high potential. Therefore, to conserve the biodiversity of this crop, there is need to promote its domestication and production. However, this can only be realized if its morphology, agronomic and nutritional value is understood. The objective of this study was to determine the agromorphological performance and nutritional composition of hor...

Adsorptive Ability of Banana Stalks Biochar in Greywater Remediation for Reuse: A Case of University of Embu, Kenya

Abstract The global demand for fresh water resources has been increasing over the years due to population growth, urbanization, industrialization, climate change and the global warming effect. The available water resources have reduced over time leaving a water demand deficit. Recycling and reuse of greywater has been touted as one of the strategies to augment the existing water resources. This study characterized the greywater from students’ hostels and prepared biochar from banana stalks...

Enhancing Soybean Production, Economics and adoption among Smallholder Farmers in the Central Highlands of Kenya

Abstract Current demand for soybean in Kenya is higher than production. The deficit which is over 95% is filled through importation from neighboring countries. Despite the high demand, adoption and production is low (0.56 to 1.1 t ha-1) against potential yield of 3.0 – 3.6 t ha-1. The low production is associated with low use of fertilizers. Farmers are using mineral fertilizers below recommended rates and they are not using organic fertilizers despite them being readily available. The obj...

Rainfall Characteristics and Effect of Selected Soil Management Practices on Soil Water Productivity in the Central Highlands of Kenya

Abstract Water insufficiency due to scarcity, poor distribution and high variability of rainfall in the Central Highlands of Kenya (CHK) and a decline in soil fertility have contributed to a continuous decrease in water productivity. To increase food production to match the growing population, soil management practices that ensure improved water productivity should be embraced. The study, therefore, sought to characterize rainfall and to establish the effects of selected soil management prac...

Integrated Soil Nutrient Management Technologies for Improved Maize (Zea Mays L.) Productivity in Murang’a and Tharaka-Nithi Counties, Kenya

Abstract Continuous land cultivation without adequate soil nutrients replenishment causes soil fertility decline leading to reduced crop productivity. Significant research on external fertility inputs application rates and type have been carried out under researcher designed and managed conditions in Kenya. But little research on the same has been carried out to evaluate their performances under on-farm smallholder farmers’ conditions. Hence, the study evaluated the decomposition rates (go...

Effects of Tillage and Mulching on Maize Yield, Soil Water Content and Organic Carbon in Kirige, Tharaka-Nithi County. Kenya

Abstract Sustainable agricultural production in Kenya requires improvement of yields per unit of land while still conserving soil resources. Besides poor soil nutrient status, water is a limiting factor to crop production in the rain-fed farming systems of central highlands of Kenya. Hence, there is need to address soil water scarcity challenges in order to increase crop production. The objective of the study was to determine the effects of tillage and mulching on maize (Zea Mays. L) yield, ...

Effect of Integrated Soil Fertility Management Interventions on the Abundance and Diversity of Soil Collembola in Embu and Taita Districts, Kenya

Abstract The study aimed at identifying soil fertility management practices that promote the Collembola population, diversity and survival in the soil. Soil samples were randomly collected from on farm plots amended with: 1-Mavuno ((Ma)-is a compound fertilizer containing 26% Potassium, 10% Nitrogen, 10% Calcium, 4% Sulphur, 4% Magnesium and trace elements like Zinc, Copper, Boron, Molybdenum and Manganese)), 2-Manure (Mn), 3-Trichoderna (Tr) inoculant (is a soil and compost-borne antagonist...

Applicability of conservation agriculture for climate change adaptation in Rwanda’s situation

Abstract Improving food security and environmental conservation should be the main targets of innovative farming systems. Conservation agriculture (CA), based on minimum tillage, crop residue retention and crop rotations has been proposed against poor agricultural productivity and soil degradation. This paper discusses the applicability and potential benefits of CA in Rwanda under the unfolding climate change scenario. The potential and benefits from CA may vary with rainfall regime. In high...

Long-term effects of tillage, sub-soiling, and profile strata on properties of a Vitric Andosol in the Kenyan highlands

Abstract Tillage alters the structure and composition of soil aggregates affecting infiltration rate (IR) and hydraulic conductivity (K). This study investigated the long-term effects of conventional, minimum, and no-tillage with or without subsoiling on aggregate stability, soil organic carbon (SOC), bulk density, IR, and K of a stratified Vitric Andosol in Kenyan highlands. The experiment was laid out in a spilt-split plot design with three replicates. Stepwise profiles were dug in order t...

Using Apsim-Model as A Decision-Support-Tool for Long-Term Integrated-Nitrogen-Management and Maize productivity under Semi-Arid Conditions in Kenya

Abstract There is continued decline in per capita agricultural productivity in the drier parts of Kenya’s central highlands. The declines have been linked to low and declining soil fertility, soil water, high atmospheric heat, prolonged dry-spells and erratic rainfall. Integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) technologies have been developed and tested in the region. Despite their significant impacts, high variability in local soils and climate contributes to large variations and incons...

46 - 60 Of 4613 Results