Arts in Linguistics Research Papers/Topics

Towards The Assessment Of The Status Of Ekiehe Language

ABSTRACT This study investigated the status of Ekiehe in the direction to know whether the language is surviving or disintegrating to a lower status. In particular, the study examined the use of Ekiehe in the informal domains, the Hehe attitude towards their ethnic language and the status of the transmission of Ekiehe to the next generations. The UNESCO‟s Language Vitality and Language Framework by Ad Hoc Expert Group on Language of 2003 guided this investigation. The three factors of lang...

A Critical Discourse Analysis Of The Arusha Declaration

ABSTRACT This study dealt with A Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) of the Arusha Declaration. The study examined the role of language as an instrument of ideology and power in political discourse. The Arusha Declaration Document was selected as a case study.The case study seeks to describe a unit in detail, in context and holistically. It is essential as it allows studying many things from few.The Document was analysed critically in order to show that language canbe manipulated strategically...