Communication and Language Art Research Papers/Topics

The Kisa verb phrase

Abstract/Overview The phrase is an important unit of analysis in the grammar of languages. Other than the syntactic level, the phrase is also studied at the phonological, morphological, semantic and pragmatic level. The literature on the phrase in English identifies different types of syntactic phrases thus, noun phrase, verb phrase, adjectival phrase, adverb phrase, prepositional phrase (Aitchison, 1992; Aronoff & Reese-Miller, 2006; Crystal, 2010; Fromkin & Hyams, 2010; Lyons, 1992; O'G...

Factors affecting teenage bilinguals to code - switch and its effects to writing finale

ABSTRACT This study aimed to examine the factors affecting teenage bilinguals to code–switch and its effects on writing among the Grade 12 students of Libertad National High School. Twenty (20) Grade 12 students were selected as the respondents of the study in the School Year 2021-2022. Mixed method of quantitative-qualitative research design was used to determine the factors affecting teenage bilinguals (Grade 12 students) to code-switch and its effects in their writing. The finding showed...

Portrayal of Female Political Aspirants in Selected Nigerian Newspapers: Revisiting Underrepresentation and Misrepresentation

Abstract Most studies of print media portrayal of women show that there is a general bias against women: not only are women under-represented, they are also negatively portrayed. But there is an emerging body of studies that challenge this dominant position, and suggest that the portrayal of women is gradually changing. This study queries the print media portrayal of women in politics in Nigeria focusing on the 2007 and 2011 general elections. Through a content analysis of 4,386 political st...

Mobile Phone Deception in Nigeria: Deceivers’ Skills, Truth Bias or Respondents’ Greed?

Abstract The use of mobile phones to deceive and defraud in Nigeria has received widespread comments and complaints but not empirical investigations. Guided by Buller and Burgoon’s interpersonal deception theory, this article examined the strategies employed by deceivers, the dimension of lies told and why mobile phone deception works among Nigerians. This it did through interviews with victims and near-victims of deception, focus group discussions with users, and participant observation. M...

Foreign Media Preference for Negative Frames in Coverage of Terrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa

ABSTRACT Foreign media have been criticised for promoting Afro-pessimism and preference for negative frames in their representation of Africa. This is more pronounced especially in reporting of terrorism in the Sub-Saharan Africa. But are the African media less guilty of this preference for negativity? This paper aimed to answer this question by assessing how news media reported terrorism in the Sahel. To achieve this objective, some existing empirical studies that investigated media coverage...

Decongesting the Dodgy Hub: The Role of Mass Media in Curtailing Illicit Drug Trafficking and Use in Nigeria

ABSTRACT Trafficking and use of illicit drugs have become a deadly plague unleashing social and health hazards on the human race. The problem is more prevalent in the developing nations, while Nigeria is one of the most affected African countries. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has acknowledged this fact. Despite efforts by the Nigerian anti-drug abuse agencies, the rate of drug-related crimes in the country seems to persist. This paper, after presenting some statistics...

Low Patronage of Development Radio Programmes in Rural Nigeria: How to Get Beyond the Rhetoric of Participation

ABSTRACT Although the concept of participatory development communication is decades old, many years of autocratic military rule has robbed African scholars and media practitioners of the context needed to explore the full participatory potentials of the media. With eight years of democracy and heavy development burdens, Nigeria is ripe for assessment with regard to the role of its media in engendering participatory development. From a small-scale study, this paper discovers that while radio s...