Community Development Research Papers/Topics


Internally generated fund plays an important role in the overall development of District Assemblies in Ghana. DAs in Ghana are entitled to mobilise resources locally for their expenditure needs. Internally Generated Fund (IGF) of the sub-national Governments is basically their own-sourced revenues of District Assemblies'. The study examined the contribution of internally generated fund to the overall development of the Karaga District. It is identified that the IGF mobilisation in the distric...


Water resources management (WRM) is key to socio-economic development. This study examined WRM practices and how it effects socio-economic development, using the Kassena-Nankana East Municipality and the Bongo District in the Upper East Region as the study areas. In pursuance of this, both qualitative and quantitative methods were adopted. Structured questionnaires administration, key informant interviews, observations and focus group discussions were the data collection techniques employed. ...


Decentralisation has been proposed as a way of improving social services provision globally. However, its viability is yet to be fully evidenced in Sub-Saharan Africa. The study seeks to investigate the contribution of decentralisation to social services provision in the Central Gonja District of the Savannah Region. To achieve this, the study adopted the qualitative and quantitative approaches to research. Data was collected using in-depth interviews, observations and Questionnaire administr...

Determinants of Childhood Immunization in Idoha Community

ABSTRACT This study is a cross sectional study aimed at evaluating practice and determinants of child hood immunization in Idoha. This study is focused on identifying why children don’t receive immunization, and factor that encourage or deter immunization practice in the community. A total of 400 respondents were systematically selected from five villages in the community. Analysis showed that372 (98.2%) of babies had BCG. 354 (93.2%) had OPV and 348 (91.6%) had HBVO. Majority of mothers kn...

Decentralization and Community Participation in Decision Making in Hargeisa District Somali Land

ABSTRACT  Since the early 1980s, decentralization has reemerged as a valued political and economic goal in most developing countries. Decentralization is new to Somaliland Region in particular. Although, the constitution of Somaliland clearly states that the Regional States have autonomous role in the sphere of political and social aspects. The study investigated decentralization and community participation in decision making in selected district in Somaliland. The study was guided by the fo...

Effectiveness of using 360 Degree Performance Appraisal System in Engineering Sector

360 degree performance appraisal, in today’s date is of utmost importance to the organizations as it is a world of competition. 360 degree performance appraisal or multisource feedback is an appraisal or performance assessment tool that incorporates feedback from all who observe and are affected by the performance of a candidate. This research paper studies on the effectiveness of using 360 degree performance appraisal in Beximco Engineering Limited The primary objective of the research stu...

Utilization Of Soil Fertility Management Knowledge Among Smallholder Farmers In Chakol Division, Kenya

This study investigated soil fertility knowledge and how it influenced the selection and effective use of various soil fertility technologies among smallholder farmers in Chakol Division of Teso District in western Kenya. Chakol Division has a high population density of approximately 427 persons per km2 while absolute poverty levels for the district stand at 56%. Poverty levels have been worsened by poor agricultural production while continuous cropping of land with little restoration of soi...

The Role Of Community Forest Associations In Participatory Management Of Ontulili And Ngare Ndare Forests In North Central Kenya

ABSTRACT Forests enhance conservation of the environment, biodiversity, water, and soil resources while significantly contributing to the livelihoods of forest adjacent communities. Under the Kenya's new Forest Act (2005), community participation is provided for through formation of Community Forest Associations (CFAs). Past studies have shown how major CFAs in Kenya operate and the challenges they face. However, factors determining household decision to join CFA and the CFAs' capacities to ...

Integrating Sustainable Environmental Practices in Community Based Microfinance Organizations in Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study focuses on integration of sustainable environmental practices into the activities supported by the Community-Based Microfinance Organizations (CBMFOs) which are vibrant in Kiambu County. The objectives of the study were the examination of the socio-economic and environmental activities carried out by CBMFOs and their related problems. Assessment of the main environmental intervention programs being implemented. Consequently, appropriate means and a model of integrating su...

The potential role of jatropha curcas l. For environmental management and sustainable livelihoods in kibwezi, kenya

ABSTRACT It is widely acknowledged that environmental degradation and poverty are positively correlated. Environmental degradation remains a persistent problem in the arid and semi-arid lands in Kenya. Addressing this problem calls for a wide range of interventions. Although several measures have been used to control and prevent degradation, the use of Jatropha curcas has not received much attention in Kenya. This may be attributed to lack of awareness among farmers on the potential role of ...

Challenges And Prospects Of Civil Society Organizations In Enhancement Of Sustainable Livelihoods And Environmental Conservation In Homa Bay County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Attainment of sustainable development among communities affected by persistent environmental degradation, poverty and food insecurity remain a global, regional and national challenge. Suba sub-County is endowed with diverse natural resources. The resources are under progressive degradation. Poor socio-economic situation manifested in high poverty level of 52% and 78% food deficiency persists despite the presence of several CSOs working with GoK and IDAs. In the light of this, the st...

Selected Socio-Cultural Factors Influencing Access To Reproductive Health Service Information Among The Youth In Korogocho Slum Of Nairobi, Kenya.

ABSTRACT Access to reproductive health services information by the youth has received the minimal attention given that reproductive health service information for many years has been tailored to meet the needs of the adult population. The youths have therefore been neglected partly due to cultural sensitivity that dictates what, when and how reproductive health information is transmitted to the youth. This study investigated selected socio-cultural factors influencing access to reproductive h...

Socio-economic impacts of sugarcane farming on livelihoods and the biophysical environment in transmara subcounty, kenya.

ABSTRACT Sugarcane farming has been practiced the world over since the Persian farmers discovered the “reeds that produced honey without bees” between the 6th and 4th Centuries in India. Since then, sugarcane farming has been practiced in various tropical regions of the world with the major driver of the industry being the world’s increasing demand for sugar. This has led to the expansion of arable land under sugarcane cultivation, with a myriad of problems presenting themselves ecolog...

Effects Of Trends Of Climate Variability And Small-Scale Farmers’ Perception And Adaptation Strategies In Kijabe Location, Kiambu County, Kenya

ABSTRACT This study was undertaken in Kijabe location where small-scale farmers depend on rain fed agriculture and over the years, frequent crop failure due to rain shortages has become common. Climate scientists predict increasingly dry conditions in much of Africa due to climate variability. Small-scale farmers’ efforts to adapt have shown both unfavourable and positive effects and hence the need to be explored. This study therefore examined the small-scale farmers’ adaptation strategi...

The Role Of Land Use And Land Cover Changes And Gis In Flood Risk Mapping In Kilifi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT  An increase in the size of population leads to changes in land use and land cover as the growing community seeks more land for agriculture, settlements and infrastructural development. Land use and land cover change (LULCC) alter natural drainage systems, impact on surface runoff and affects infiltration capacities of an area; factors which contribute to flooding. Management of floods begins by mapping flood prone areas and understanding the vulnerability factors. The main objectiv...

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