English Language Research Papers/Topics

A Stylistic Analysis Of Some Selected Political Speeches By John Evans Atta Mills

ABSTRACT The research investigates some selected political speeches delivered by John Evans Atta Mills. The selected speeches span almost every sphere of his political life, including; a campaign speech (as an opposition leader in the run- up to the 2008 elections), an inaugural speech, an independent day speech, a republic day speech and a new year‟s eve message to the nation (all as president). The objective is to unravel the stylistically significant features prevalent in the selected sp...

A Comparative Study of Mood Choice in Sermons of Two Charismatic Church Preachers

ABSTRACT The study sought to do a comparative analysis of how two Charismatic preachers (Archbishop Duncan Williams and Pr. Mensa Otabil) use the clause as an interactive grammatical unit to establish interpersonal relationship between themselves and their congregations. The Mood system of the clausal units of four selected sermons was analysed. The fundamental categories of the system of Mood that were analysed are the Mood, Subject, Modality, Tense, Polarity and Vocatives. The analysis ind...

Generic Moves In Selected M.Phil Research Proposals From A Public University In Ghana

ABSTRACT In the last few decades, genre scholars have shown considerable interest in using Swales’ modified version of the Create-A-Research-Space (CARS) model in analyzing academic genres such as the Research Article (RA) which is regarded as the lifeblood that sustains the academic community. Mono-disciplines and multi-sections of the RA such as the abstract, introduction, method, literature review have been duly studied. Despite the contribution of the Research Proposal (RP) to knowledge...

Ethical Dilemma Revisited: PBO Newspapers And The Professional Elbowroom Of The Nigerian Journalist

ABSTRACT Focusing on politician-businessperson-owned (PBO) newspapers, the study examined how loyalty to the owners’ multiple interests has reduced the professional elbowroom of the Nigerian journalist. Through in-depth interviews and textual analysis, the study found that journalists in PBO newspapers are extremely constrained on the kind of stories they write and how. Caught in the conflict between professionalism and pandering to the owners’ layers of political and economic interests, ...

The Pragmatics Of Politeness In Post Office Service In Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Although politeness has been well researched in political, medical, media and commercial transactions, it has not been well considered in the area of service delivery in the post offices in Nigeria where it is perceived that the staff exhibit unfriendly attitude to customers. This study, therefore, explores politeness in service encounters in the post offices in Ibadan metropolis with the view to establishing the existence of politeness in the transactions in the establishment, ide...

Literary Expression In Post-Apartheid South Africa

ABSTRACT Literary productivity in South Africa increased dramatically with the political change from apartheid to multi-racial democracy in 1994. This surge has attracted much interest, with critics trying to map the changes observable on the post-apartheid literary landscape using race and gender. However, adequate attention has not been given to the emergent literature from the political perspective. This study, therefore, examined new themes and forms in selected post-apartheid literature...

Cohesion In The Essays Of Final Year Senior High School Students In Accra Academy

ABSTRACT This study investigated cohesion in the texts of final-year senior high school students. The purpose was to determine the types of cohesive devices that the students use, with emphasis on inter-sentential cohesion, as well as the ones they have problems with. In addition, the study aimed at ascertaining the extent to which students' problems with the use of cohesive devices can be attributed to the strategies teachers employ in teaching cohesion. Forty-five essays written by final-ye...

Language Meets Technology: Word Formation Processes In Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) In Ghana

Abstract Chapter one gives a detailed introduction to communication in Computer Mediated Communication (CMC). It outlines the types of CMC and highlights their uniqueness. It gives the statement of problem, research questions, scope of study, significance of study and outlines how the entire work has been organized.

Rhetorical Analysis Of Anniversary Speeches Of Heads Of Wesley Girls’ High School And St. Augustine’s College In Cape Coast

ABSTRACT The study presents a case study on the use of rhetoric in anniversary speeches of heads of Wesley Girls’ Senior High School and St. Augustine’s College in Cape Coast, using Halliday and Matthiessen (2004) model of transitivity and Bhatia’s (1993) genre theory. The results show that anniversary speeches of heads of public Senior High Schools have a six- move structure, with moves two and three used by the schools to persuade audience and promote the schools. It was also found th...

The Subjects Of Motherhood And Marriage In The Autobiographies Of Maya Angelou.

ABSTRACT The autobiography is the medium Angelou chooses to recount the defining phases of her experience as an African-American. In fact, she uses it to define her identity – who she is, her culture, and her past, present and future. Maya Angelou has a collection of autobiographical texts, which chronicle her life from infancy to adulthood. In these collections, she recounts the hard and good times of her life. This essay discusses how Angelou uses the subjects of motherhood and marriage...


ABSTRACT  This study examines the interplay between Romanticism and African Poetry within the framework of William Wordsworth’s ‘Preface’ to the Lyrical Ballads. For the past few decades, there has been an evolution of contemporary African literature (especially poetry). One such evolution is the shift from the oral tradition to the modernist in literature due to the emergence of formal education. This has engendered a phenomenon whereby contemporary African poets who wish to project t...

Ecological Consciousness In African Prose Narratives For Children

ABSTRACT Ecological consciousness, the awareness created in stories through representation of human interaction with the environment, is paramount in African prose for children. Existing studies have focused mostly on style, didacticism and other contemporary issues, to the neglect of ecological consciousness. This study examined the depiction of ecological consciousness in selected African prose narratives for children with a view to revealing the predominant environmental tropes, ethics and...

Sexual Rights Advocacy In Selected African Fiction

ABSTRACT Victimhood, in sexuality discourses in African literature, has, over time, become attached only to women while men have been presented as perpetrators. This perception has dominated feminist and masculinist studies, with little attention paid to men‘s victimisation and sexual rights advocacy. This study, therefore, investigates the representation of sexual rights in African fiction to ascertain African writers‘ responses to these rights. This is in an attempt to show that all ind...

Phonological Correlates Of Socio-Economic Background Of English Speech Of Secondary School Students In Oyo And Ogun States, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Phonological correlates of the socio-economic background of the English speech of secondary school students describe the extent to which pronunciation skills have linear relationship with the economic status of their families. Existing literature on the Nigerian English (NE) pronunciation has concentrated on the varieties of adult speakers of NE, using educational attainment as a parameter. There is a dearth of studies on the speeches of Nigerian youths to validate the existence of c...

Social Consciousness, Metaphysical Contents And Aesthetics In Select Anglophone African Factions

ABSTRACT Anglophone African factions, which are narratives containing a blend of African real-life socio-political events and fictive accounts, and which sometimes connect writers‘ metaphysical reference with their social consciousness and aesthetics, is central to literary expression in Africa. Yet, studies in African literature have focused on these philo-literary features only in fiction, neglecting their engagement in factions, thus barring a balance in African literary scholarship. Thi...

181 - 195 Of 376 Results