ABSTRACT The provision of modern health services was a legacy of colonial administration in Africa. Yet, little attention has been paid to the history of medical and health development in Africa, especially Ibadan, which benefited greatly from the colonial health policy. This study, therefore, examined the changing trends in the growth and development of colonial medical and health services in Ibadan between 1900 and 1960 with a view to highlighting the impact of colonial medicine in the cit...
ABSTRACT One of the objective of the Mau Mau fighters was to reclaim land that had been lost to white settlers through land alienation. After independence, however, the government of Kenya was reluctant to give the ex-Mau Mau fighters and other landless people free land. Landless Kikuyu therefore formed land-buying companies such as Ngwataniro, Nyakinyua and the Nakuru District Ex-freedom Fighters Organisation (NDEFFO). NDEFFO, a land-buying company exclusively for former Mau Mau fighters ow...
ABSTRACT Self-adornment plays a significant role in ensuring the continuity of the political and cultural life of pastoralists. This study outlines changes in Samburu body adornment from the pre-colonial period to the present. In the study it is argued that Samburu body adornment in the pre-colonial period was influenced by interaction with neighbouring communities like the Rendille. Colonial policies and mingling of cultures in the post-independent period also shaped Samburu body adornment ...
Sir George Greys Federation Policy 1854 - 1859
Abstract Xeno p us Lae vis bas pro vided, during the last ten ye ars, the ba s is of a growing body of physiological e nquiri e s initiat e d by .Jelly's r e s e arches on r e fl e x action. Its viability in the laboratory and amenability to o perative pro cedure in particular, make it a pe culiarly suitable obj e ct for inve stig a tion. It is r e gre ttable, the r e for e , tbat existing lit e rature on the anatomy of Xe no p us has be en dire ct e d to e lucida ting those charact e ristics...
ABSTRACT Health problems as a result of changes in health practices of the people and changes in the environment have been and are an issue of concern. While numerous efforts have been undertaken to curb these health problems, little attention has been given to the role which Indigenous education can play in fostering health practices. This has led to gradual abandonment and even extinction of some of the traditional health practices which have been shown to have promoted health. This study ...
Abstract Two sites in Table Bay, South Africa, were examined for stranded debris between October and December 1994. One beach (Milnerton) is a popular recreation area in the metropolitan area whereas the other (Koeberg) is closed to public access. Daily and weekly accumulation rates were measured for both sites. A total of 40 041 items were collected, of which 81.7 % was plastic. Half of this was styrofoam. The maj ority of the debris was related to floating recreational litter, packaging mat...
ABSTRACT The history of urbanization has become an important part of Kenya‘s historiography. While a sizeable number of works on urbanization in Kenya exist, towns like Nanyuki have not received adequate historical attention. This study therefore sought to provide a historical perspective on patterns and processes of change in Nanyuki in the colonial period The research was intended to contribute to knowledge by outlining the history of Nanyuki town so that the dynamics behind the developme...
Abstract It is necessary to make some explanatory remarks as to the treatment that follows hereafter of'the South African Indian·question. Firstly I have not considered it incumbent on me to deliver any moral judgments. and have accordingly aimedt-·at a. -bare presentation of the position of the South African Indian in law from 1900 to 1914. and. as far as possible, his position in the eyes of the European. without expressing any opinion on the ethical aspect of the case. Secondly,with rega...
ABSTRACT This study is a historical analysis of Naivasha town. The study does so by focusing on three main periods. First, it traces the origin of the town from the pre-colonial period when the Maasai inhabited the Naivasha area. Secondly, it is an analysis of the colonial period, when the foundations were laid for the most prosperous sector of Naivasha economy. Lastly, the study extends to post-colonial period which attempts to answer the socio-economic questions that have had significance o...
Abstract Fishing Is One Of The Oldest Occupations Of Mankind. Studies Done On Gender Roles In The Fishing Industry In Lake Victoria In Kenya Indicate That Traditionally, Both Men And Women Were Involved In Fisheries But Each Performed Different Roles Which Were Culturally Defined. This Study Focused On The Fishing Industry In Lake Victoria Specifically Kendu Bay And Homa Lime Fishing Bays Located In Homa Bay County Of Kenya. The Development Of Fisheries In Homa Bay County Is Faced With Sever...
ABSTRACT This study examines the Struggle for Regional Integration in Africa: the East African Community from 1886 to 2013. The East African community is the regional cooperation that comprises of the republic of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda and South Sudan. The process leading to the establishment of the initial EAC in 1967 started as early as 1886 with the construction of Kenya-Uganda railway. The initial community, however, collapsed in 1977, ten years after its formation. It w...
ABSTRACT The study examined the transformation of white settler agriculture in the Molo area during the colonial period. Settler farming was an important aspect of the colonial economy in Kenya. Settler farming in Molo area was introduced due to a combination of economic and geographical factors. The study first discussed the origin of European settlement in Molo in the early colonial period up to 1918. The study further examined agricultural changes in the inter-war period (1919-1938) in Mol...
ABSTRACT Youth unemployment is a world-wide concern that is experienced in both developed and developing countries. In Kenya for example, 24% of youth aged between 18-35 years are unemployed. This is one of the reasons why today’s youth engage in certain vices or crimes and other unethical activities that were not experienced in the African traditional societies. In these societies, the issue of unemployment was rare and consequently, the rate of crimes was minimal. Several factors contrib...